Skins + Art + Process Blogs - Ween Edition


avery, local they/themmie
Mar 23, 2015
Reaction score
No idea how often I'll update this, but just want a place other than Discord 'cause things get lost easier there to post my stuff to the community. I don't feel like making a separate tutorial thread so walk-throughs and explanations will go here as well whenever I get asked to/ feel like it.

If you wanna see more of my stuff, check out my PlanetMinecraft account, and my art's on Instagram @weenwyrm

I won't take commissions from the forums, and please don't inquire unless you see me advertising an opening on discord, thanks!

I'll start off with an explanation of how I skin/shade heads. it doesn't even delve into color theory and was made for someone specifically who asked, so if you have anything else you want me to address, shoot me a DM (please avoid sending a friend request unless you have DM privacy on though, thanks!)




super wordy! I'm not good at controlling myself from rambling, and this isn't meant to be a tutorial for everyone, because I have a bit more of a complicated process after doin this for years.

enjoy for now, and I'll be posting finished work and whatnot here too!
oh yeah i already have a skin to post
here it is on PMC if you want to view it in 3d!

it's a reskin of my first version of this skin, here on PMC, but I don't really like this one either, even if I think it's an improvement. I'll figure it out eventually lol