Archived Skills

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faiyde sp04

Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
Recently I read the Mcmmo combat training thread and which basically ended up being about which skills to grind now that monster spawning is decreased.
I know that the plugin is meant to be a reward of sorts for long term players, but it strikes me more as rewarding those willing to grind for long periods of time.

I know Mcmmo isn't massive's plugin, and as such influence over it is limited, but I think it would be good if something could be done to change things.
I can't think of anything to improve the situation myself, hence posting this as a complaint, but I really feel that there is a great deal of room for improvement.
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I consider grinding as doing something with the most efficiency possible. "Grinding" will always exist, and it's already hard to train skill levels, so..
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