Archived Skeletons!

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i love low resolution joeswansen pheonix
Jul 23, 2012
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United Kingdom
Ravenstad Estates
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House Ravenstad
If there are more than 3 skeletons present, they'll hit in a constant 'rhythm' that makes it nearly impossible to reach them to begin with, they hit from extremely far ranges, the arrows hit you before they actually should (they hit about 2-4 blocks early) and they're too accurate. They should spawn less, be nerfed, because I have seen other servers with skeletons that are terrible at aiming and have to get really close.

Skeletons wreck your health even in god armour, they even spawn with flame bows making darkrooming a pain when mobs are around since you're burning.

I know people will think they're here to stop making it so easy, but I am tired of skeletons they're too accurate and aimbot. ._.

EDIT: If you disagree at least put a reason for it and quit being so naive.
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If you could explain why you disagree maybe I could expand my view; jus'sayin'

Also @Terence29 I do agree with you, and I try to do what you say it's I will get shot from 15 blocks away into a crowd of mobs and constantly shot in, which irritates me
If you could explain why you disagree maybe I could expand my view; jus'sayin'

Also @Terence29 I do agree with you, and I try to do what you say it's I will get shot from 15 blocks away into a crowd of mobs and constantly shot in, which irritates me
I don't use a darkroom anymore since Massivemobs, for multiple reasons
  • The reason you stated above.
  • Sometimes way too many mobs spawn in a darkroom.
  • There are enough mobs during the night, I sometimes get til 50 exp levels during one single IG night.
  • Ancient Slimes can't spawn in darkrooms, I believe? (the 3 blocks tall ones)
  • You can't hide or take cover in a usual darkroom
  • A darkroom is too dark. Obviously.
  • Archery is way easier when there is only the sky above you.
  • Something I just wanted to write and then forgot.
Soo, basically a plains or a desert biome are perfect places for hunting mobs. With not too many trees, and small hills as covers and stuff. Also, to get back to the topic, dealing with skeleton archers is much easier there, because you have more spaces and probably also more cover. I remember raging about the same problem like you, when I continued using a darkroom when Massivemobs came out.
A great response, I will definitely take those points into consideration, thanks :D
Noh kyle they can shoot in a rhythm or at the same time. Try avoiding the arrows when they come to you. That works for me...mostly
Right, if you post disagree at least put a reason. It doesn't really help me if you put it down with nothing to further my understand from your point of view about why you don't agree with the points I have made.

As for what @HellMaxREmade said I try to avoid the arrows and you're right sometimes they do shoot at the same time, which is I guess, easier to get to them.

I guess I can conclude that what you and @Terence29 have said are good points you've given me and they'll help me when I am darkrooming :)

Thanks guys :D
I say just cope with it. I can manage and I think so can others. Get Fire Resistant pots, stuff like that. You should be right ;u;
Hrm... Has there been an update since massivemobs was implemented? I didn't find it too hard to take care of those pesky skellies and I'm downright horrible at combat (no mouse) xD jeebus... If they've gotten stronger, I'm bout to leave all the fighting up to my brothers ;D

There has been a lot of helpful advice offered on this thread, so I'm quite sure you'll be just fine :) no real reason to offer my two cents-- best of luck to you!~
You stated your views on things, then asked for other people's opinion on your views, (Or you wouldn't have started a thread about this) and then you call people naive and immature. Just for stating their opinions on the subject. Which, (Again) you asked for. Also, when people give you helpful advice you shouldn't swear at them. Them going out of their way to post the advice takes time, believe it or not, and, (No offense intended) you are being disrespectful of that factor.
Time to chill and drink some raspberry tea.
sometimes while mining a horde of skellies spawn in and I am not wearing my god armor, some arrows will be deflected once you get unarmed high enough, and if you go straight at them you usually get shot, so I go in a zigzag way to get to them, there quite easy infact, just not the wither skellies, I use a bow for them.
@Marayla if you read what I was initally complaining about, it's the face people rate "disagree" just to be irritating then do not post anything helpful onto the thread, if they weren't too naive they'll post a reason behind their opinion too.
You peeps be like "Whine whine skellys b killin me"
Us vamps be like "

[Just kiddin. Will say though, even when mobs are agro'd, they can't hit jump masters.]
Eh. I never have a problem. I'll go into a Massivemobs darkroom, str 2 speed 2 pots, sharp 4 axe, vanilla Darmor, and be perfectly fine. Maybe a bow or fire res pot for blazes and such. Just need not-crappy gear. Skeletons? Shoot them or circle around them getting ever-closer.
Skeletons are easy. You just have to strafe the arrows, which isnt hard. If you have a problem doing it, you're doing something wrong and its probably a good idea for you to sit out of PVE or PVP in general.
Well no, you're missing the point of my posts entirely. They're more accurate than normal ect. Read through it again.

-Requesting Lock again-
If you dont want to get pegged with arrows dont lurk in a darkroom without projectile prot and appropriate gear.
Mobs are there to be a threat, I personally dont agree with covering them in bubble wrap because they do what they are coded to do..

Murder your whole face off.

but as requested. thread locked.
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