Preserved Sheet Sixt Von Magde

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Feb 25, 2019
Reaction score
Basic Information
➽Preferred Name | Sixt von Magde
➽Aliases | Six
➽Birthname | Florian Eliasson
➽Age | 43
➽Gender | Male
➽Race | Woaden Alt-Regalian Ailor
➽Preferred Weapon | Puretek
➽Proficiency Limits | Magical Knowledge, Alchemy Sciences, Athletics Training
Skill Information
➽Total Points | 48 Points + 10 Hobby

➽Combat Proficiency Category
➽+10 Puretek Combat Skill
➽+5 Blades Combat Skill
➽Criminal Proficiency Category
➽+2 Stealth Rogue Skill
➽Knowledge Proficiency Category
➽+8 Magical Knowledge
➽+3 Society Knowledge
➽Unionist Culture
➽Arts Proficiency Category
➽+10 Literary Arts (Hobby Points)
➽Body Proficiency Category
➽+10 Athletics Training
➽+10 Perception Training
➽Physical Stat | 20
➽Calculation | 10 (from Puretek Combat Skill) +5 (from Fast Blades Combat Skill) +5 (from Athletics Training halved) =20
➽Body Shape | Athletics
➽Body Fat | Extremely Low

➽Alt-Regalian (10/10)
➽Common (10/10)
➽Special Abilities
➽Predator's Vision
➽Free Spirit
➽Child of the Woods

Visual Information
➽Eye Colour | Blue, almost grey
➽Hair Colour | Greying Black
➽Hair Style | Hair pulled back and put into a ponytail
➽Skin Colour | Pale Pink
➽Clothing | Darkwald Uniform
➽Height | 5'8"

Personality Information
➽Alignment | LE
➽Personality Type | ISTJ
➽Religion | Unionism 8/10

➽Unionism was Sixt's salvation after abandonment, and in part, his justification for the many (illegal) acts they engage in against aberrational heresy. Without the aid of this faith, his mind was sure to have been broken many years ago. The Darkwald allows his faith to influence his daily routine, attending prayers and the like without fail.
Life Story
➽Childhood (0-14)
➽Sixt was born as a bastard child to a house servant, Brigida, and wealthy business owner, Elias, in Magde under the name of Florian. His cullinary-gifted mother raised him mostly within the walls of the businessman's home, where he shared some interaction with his father. Only ever behind closed doors, however. He was the dirty secret of the house. Regular payments were sent to his mother to ensure secrecy, and secrecy she did ensure, for she needed the money to provide for herself and son.
➽Growing up in the kitchen, Sixt grew to be quite the pudgy boy, often mocked by his unknowing half-siblings. As his mother worked away, he would usually be permitted by the Butler to join the other children for a few hours each day. As his father's right-handman, it was almost certain he shared in the master of the house's dark secret, and felt some pity of the child.
➽The teasing would slowly work away at his mind, forcing Sixt to regularly flee from his siblings and find some solitary escape in the gardens. Here, he would occasionally be approached by the priest of the home, Kraft: A New Regalian through and through. In the absence of a paternal figure, Sixt would turn to Kraft, resulting in much time being spent in the pews of the chapel. The seeds of his faith were planted here, as he took great comfort in the teachings of Unionism. The young boy did not quite grasp the concepts all too well, but, nothing could compete with his sense of belonging.
➽The majority of his days were peaceful, outside of the occasional tease and batterings from the other children. Which made the shock of his mother's illness all too hard of a blow for the young New Regalian. Worry overcame the boy, as meetings with his father grew less and less frequent. Eventually, his mother disappeared behind the doors of an infirmary, only to never come out. Sixt was allowed his time to grieve in the sanctuary of his father's home.
➽Whispers filled the staff of the house. Gossip over what the fate of this now motherless boy shall be. Initially, it seemed as though he was destined to be tossed to the streets, left to hopefully die of starvation or disease; Elias's secret burried with his death. Yet, through Kraft's reason and pleading, he had a change of heart. He would give the boy one chance to prove himself, not that the chance of success was high. Sixt was to be shipped off to Castle Virgadulvas to undergo the entrance trial. Should he succeed, his father would pay for this new life as a knight, under the promise he never spoke of his heritage again. Should he, more than likely, fail, his problem would be eradicated once and for all.
➽Saying his goodbyes, Sixt was sent off to his entrance exam: The long and arduous walk to Castle Virgadulvas. He journeyed for many dark miles, traversing the forest and miraculously finding himself at the doorstep of the Darkwald homefort. The porkly boy was initially met with laughter, and the claim that he was the sixth recruit to emerge from the dark woods this night. When asked for his name, he panicked. Giving his true name was means to expose the father. The one he had promised to never share his relation of. Panicking, the chose himself quite the simple, almost obvious name; Sixt von Magde; The Sixth of Magde. The Darkwalds shrugged off this conveniance, and brought the child inside for induction.
➽Adolescence (15-24)
➽Sixt's torment for his appearance only heightened within the walls of Virgadulvas, not only from his peers, but his teachers too, snapping something in his mind. For many moons, he turned to fasting, entirely turning his nose up towards the food he once relished. This allowed for even more time within the libraries of the castle. He threw himself into his study, which took some time. He was illiterate, never holding a book before arriving to this place. Through many sleepless nights, he eventually found himself a grasp of what he was doing, but, not without falling behind the others.
➽Failure was a constant for the increasingly sickly looking boy. His body grew weak from its lack of sustainance, his mind dulling from the lack of sleep. Despite this, he kept pushing forth, becoming almost notorious for his persistance to succeed. Almost every test or exam required a second attempt for a time, with expulsion on the table. It took time for him to find his footing, but, once it was consolidated, a streak of success fell on him.
➽The time for specialisation came in his second year, where he came under the tutilidge of Darkwald Friedrich. The more elderly warrior's guidance was harsh at first, testing the mettle of Sixt through constant labour and lamenting. Special focus was placed in combating the magical curses of Aloria, and the magics of the Void. Under his guidance, Sixt performed his first curings, and grew more and more acustomed with how to adapt to fighting new threats and heresies.
➽Sixt continued to frequent the chapel within the castle walls, engaging in his ritual prayers and the like. He maintained a constant level of contact with Kraft, the priest he has to thank for his newfound purpose. He continued to act as a father from afar, offering words of advice and wisdom when Sixt reached the darkness thoughts lingering in his mind.
➽After many years of training, the time for Sixt's graduation to Knight Operative had come. There was little formal celebration, for it got it was nothing more than an obstacle for the sculpted and almost brainwashed mind of the man.
➽Adulthood (25-40)
➽Sixt was finally permitted to venture out into the world on his first assignment. This entailed him working with a group of fellow opperatives to eradicate a growing Void Cult within Calemburg. This experience was his first true taste of his profession, and hardened him for the challenges ahead. However, one of his brothers defected from the order during the opperation: Something that cannot go unpunished.
➽As soon as he returned, Sixt was back out into the world, hunting down the one who abandoned his order as another test of his training. Many months were spent tracking down the heretic, before they were eventually found by the bedside of a woman on death's door. The pair shared a brief exchange of blows, before his quarry escaped into the dark of the night.
➽For the next few years, he continued to search for this betrayer, believing it to be his burden for his failure to stop his abandonment of the order. His trials were faced with failure and success equally, but, a task was never left uncompleted. Visions of what life might had been like should be have never joined the order, but, these were mere passing thoughts. He was content with his purpose. And this new life was everything to him.
➽Many years had past and Sixt encounters a lead directing him towards the traitor ex-Darkwald he had failed to catch years ago. He had hunted them down to a small home in the outskirts of Osteiermark. Breaking in through the window, Sixt was confronted with the sight of a man, quivering in fear as he stood before a young child; his family. Sixt was faced with a moral dilema in this moment. To slay this heathen and orphan a child, or to spare them and not let another word be spoken on it. Sixt requested their badges of status; the raven pin and tricorn hat of the Darkwald. He hoped to take these back to the Order, and offer them as poof of the deed done. Yet, as he turned to leave, something snapped. Why should he afford this man mercy and lie to the only thing that has provided him purpose in life? In cold blood, he completed the deed, leaving a small smouldering ounce of regret to burn in the back of his mind forever more.
➽Recent Years (40-Present)
➽Sixt continued his duties as per normal, until the production of the Puretek came to his knowledge. Thirsting for more tools to fight against heresy, he pursued the weapon, earning ownership of a quartertek pistol. Practising with the device became a daily routine, until it eventually phased out his need for his usual crossbow, the knowledge being lost to time.
➽The Darkwald eventually travels to the Crown Isle, on an assignment to investigate the growing amounts of aberrational heresy that is building within their walls. He dreams of the eradication of its pressence, but such feels like an impossible goal.
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I'm just gonna, claim this
@Mollymock here we go:
  • Physical stat Calculation has 25 at the end. Fix this.
  • With the Darkwald Update coming soon (tm), there may be a few tweaks to the life story, but for the most part nothing but a few word changes. Just as an fyi.
After you make that one change, tag me when complete.