Preserved Sheet Sithembisa Syldove

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
Basic Information (Required)
The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list.Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.
  • Full Name: Sithembisa Syldove (formerly Sithembisa Abdoulaye)
  • Age: 58
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Url (Takes the form of a giraffe. Formerly a Qadir)

Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 58
  • 38 Hunting Knowledge (20 from race, 18 from points)
  • 10 Unarmed Combat Skill (10 from race)
  • 20 Throwing Combat Skill (20 from points)
  • 20 Heavy Bow Combat Skill (20 from points)

Body Shape
  • 60 Physical Stat
  • Musclegod Build
  • Built Body Fat

  • Sofaal (Learned from homeland [10/10])
  • Common (Learned from time overseas. Only knows more formal speech, not slang [8/10])

Basic Information (Expansion)

Sithembisa came to Regalia after converting to Unionism on a hunting trip to Jorrhildr. He had spent some time back home after the trip, but once he was known to be a Unionist, he left his homeland of Essalonia. In Regalia, he runs a currently unsanctioned guild called the Guild of the Regal Huntsmen. He lives in the guild's headquarters.

Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Orangish red with grey sclera.
  • Hair Color: Brownish orange and pale yellowish orange (standard colors of a giraffe)
  • Hair Style: Sithembisa has a giraffe-like mane down the middle of his head. It is orangish brown in color.
  • Skin Color: Very dark brown (darker than the average Songaskian) with white tattoos and body paint.
  • Clothing: Sithembisa wears furs.
  • Height: 6'9''

Visual Information (Expansion)

Sithembisa has white tattoos covering his body, and will add even more body paint to himself during the hunt. He does this in defiance to his old faith of Shambala, and to further embrace his new form as an Url.

Sithembisa wears an animal bone and tooth necklace made from animals he has hunted over the years.

He has a middle range voice, well, for an Url anyways. He is known to make deep grunts when frustrated, similar to an actual giraffe.

Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • First Paragraph: Sithembisa is often seen by others as proud. He can seem fairly quiet and reserved at times. He often keeps to himself, making other think of him as cold, but he tries to be friendly to those he speaks to, offering them a place by his side during the hunt, or a place by the fire in his guild hall. He can seem awkward at times, as he can come into a conversation uninvited, as he does not know when to come in. Others can pick up on his difficulty with social ques. However, when he does speak, he speaks very eloquently, and seems very intelligent and poetic.

  • Second Paragraph: Sithembisa is often doubting himself, making second guesses on every move he makes. He will often run through situations in his head before they happen, trying to figure out what he'd do if they said this, or what he'd do if they did that. If a situation doesn't go as planned, he is often at a loss for what to say. When seeing someone upset, he often finds it hard to understand how they are feeling. He does not understand tears of joy, and feel very confused when someone is crying when they are happy.

  • Third Paragraph: He is very friendly to those he calls friend. Though he doesn't find romance for him, he does love people as friends. With those people, he treats them kindly, actively inviting them to his hunts and offering them a place in his guild. However, even with those he is close to, he can still have difficulty knowing how they are feeling, often asking them "what's wrong" for no apparent reason. He apologizes unnecessarily, often feeling things are his fault, when they're really not.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Sithembisa tries to be a voice of reason, and tries to always act morally good. He is known to repent each night for what he feels he has done wrong, even if it is something as simple as accidentally stepping on someone's toes. He feels guilty rather easily. He tries to plant subtle seeds into people's heads to lead them on the path to Unionism. From something as simple of saying "Spirit's blessings be upon you" to saying that there's always paths to redemption. Even just forgiving those who have wronged him. He sees these as ways to lead people to the Spirit's light. However, when people show disinterest in his religious teachings, he knows to back off, despite his difficulty with social ques.

Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)
  • Sithembisa often finds it difficult to know what to say, or how to start a conversation. He is usually busy with trying to think of how people will respond to what he says, as well as how he will respond to what others say.

  • Sithembisa is known to count things, such as the numbers of corners in a room, or the number of steps he walks up or down. This eats up a significant portion of his time. He is known to be lost in his own thoughts so much that he'll completely block out what people are saying, often responding with "Pardon?"

  • Sithembisa loves the hunt, as most Urls do. He especially revels in the smell of animal blood. Sithembisa loves the taste of game meat, finding it so much better that farm-raised animals. He also feels that animals in the wild live a better life than those in captivity, and feels less guilty eating wild game.
  • Sithembisa hates partaking in violence other than the hunt, unless it is simply sparring for fun. He will do anything in his power to avoid conflict. He especially hates loud noises, as they often give him a headache. Sithembisa will often try to avoid crowds, though does not mind going to a festival or two once an a while. He dislikes extreme heat, such as hot water. He is very sensitive to the extreme change in temperature, despite his leathery Url skin.

Life Story (Required)

Sithembisa was born in a small village in southern Essalonia, on the savanna. He was raised by Songaskia parents, despite being a Qadir. This is because his parents were slaves, and had died from food poisoning. As a baby, he picked up on this much faster, such as how to walk, how to eat by himself, and more. However, one thing he had difficulty learning to do was talk. His parents thought he might be a muter. However, at the age of 6, he finally spoke, and in full sentences. It was on the savannas of Essalonia where he grew up using spears and bows to hunt game such as giraffes and gazelles. He was raised into the faith of Shambala, worshipping the sun and its warmth. He lived to hunt, and became very skilled. Upon reaching the age of 18, he was sent on his first solo hunt to prove himself. He decided to take a hunting trip to the far north to Jorrhildr. It was there that his life changed forever.

In Jorhilldr, Sithembisa came in contact with a strange purple worm. He got too close, and the worm pounced on him. It jumped into his mouth and burrowed to his heart. There, the worm fused with his body, and began the transformation process. He want around looking for help, but after several days, he couldn't walk anymore due to the pain in his bones. His femur shattered and he collapsed. He passed out from the cold. However, soon after, he was found by a man, who look him back to his cabin.

He set Sithembisa down in his home, where Sithembisa eventually awoke. He was confused, and noticed the fur growing on his legs. He was confused, and the man began to explain to him what had happened. He said that the creature was a Oorl worm, known to transform men into man-beast hybrids called Urls. He explained to Sithembisa that the only cure was to take Saaktus flower. The man brought one from his garden, and gave it to Sithembisa. However, it was too late. Sithembisa was too far along the transformation process to be cured. His transformation continued until he saw in the mirror what he had become:A giraffe-man. The man told Sithembisa that there is a way to become a human again, at least in spirit. Unionism. He eventually converted Sithembisa to his faith. Sithembisa returned home, afraid of what his people would think of him.

Sithembisa was, much to his surprise, seen as a symbol of good fortune, as his hunting ability kept the village well fed. However, his family saw him one day, saying a Unionist prayer, and they alerted the village priests. The priests cast out Sithembisa from his homeland. He searched for a new home, moving from place to place, until eventually coming to Regalia at the age of 24. He saw Regalia of a place of holiness. However, he soon found that those within the city weren't always so holy. Many of them were very racist to Sithembisa, with him having been Qadir in the past, and him being an Url now. However, he learned to turn the other cheek, as he was instructed to by a reverend, as he felt it was what the Spirit wanted him to do.

Sithembisa left his old life behind to come to Regalia, home of his new faith. To fully embrace his new form, Sithembisa founded the Guild of the Regal Huntsmen, on the outskirts of Regalia. There, he leads his guild members through the hunt. One of Sithembisa's guild mates offered him a place in his family, to which Sithembisa accepted whole-heartedly. From that point forward, he called himself Sithembisa Syldove. He joined the Sentinel guard in an attempt to bring criminals to the light of Unionism, either through the justice of repentance, or the justice of punishment.
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Sorry for the delay!
  • Pop the Weaknesses, Likes, & Dislikes under a Spoiler if you would, please and thank you!
  • I'd like you to expand a bit more on his personality paragraphs. What you have is good, but you could do better.
  • Your Life Story is too focused on a singular event in his life at the age of 18. The character is 58. I'd like you to expand more on his life story, throw in memorable experiences before and after he became an Url, situations in which his personality shines through, etc.
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done, please!
Your body score is incorrect! Heavy bow offers double the invested points towards the body score. Just fix this up real quick!