Preserved Sheet Siselle Viduggla

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haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds




Theme | Silvitni - Eivør | X
Pinterest | X



  • Full Name | Siselle Viduggla née Haagenvig Irenearsdóttir av Kopvagr
    • Nickname | Ellie
  • Age | Twenty-four
  • Gender | Female
  • Race | Drahl Velheimer Ailor
  • Sexuality | Heterosexual



  • Proficiency Points |
    • +15 Axes Combat Skill
    • +7 Athletic Training
    • +5 Fast Blade Combat
    • +2 Pagan Ritualism Skill
    • +10 Musical Arts | Hobby
    • +5 Perception | Drahl
  • Body Shape |
    • 15 Axes + 5 Fast Blades + ( 7 Athletics / 2 ) = 23.5 = 24 Physical Stat
    • Ripped Body Shape
    • Extremely Low Body Fat
  • Language |
    • Skodje | Fluent | Childhood Language
    • Old Makdth | Fluent | Religious Language
    • Common | Fluent | Taught Language
  • Special Traits |
    • Pagan Ritualism Skill | Siselle is able to understand Old Makdth and carve ritualistic engravings into bone.



  • Eye Color | Icy Blue
  • Hair Color | Blonde
  • Hair Style | Long Braids
  • Skin Color | Northern Fair
  • Clothing | Northern robes or tunics and trousers
  • Height | 6 Foot - 6 inches
    • Face Claim | Leah McNamara
    • Voice Claim | Emily Cox


  • [ Character Alignment | Neutral Good ]
    • Siselle would fall under the terms of Neutral Good due to the fact that she has nothing wrong with following rules and laws, such as those enforced within Regalia, but she would be willing to go around them for the lives of her family. Siselle also doesn't religiously follow the same as Regalian citizens, strict to her Oldt Fayth beliefs and judgemental to those of Unionist- or even Old Gods, such as her husband, though she often keeps her mouth shut about the latter religion.
  • [ Character Personality | Campaigner ]
    • Due to her free nature and spirit, the Viduggla falls under the personality of a campaigner. She enjoys assisting those around her and is often known for being a socialite or striking up a conversation with those she doesn't find off the bat annoying. Siselle will often speak about her family as they're her highlight of her life.
  • [ Character Religion | Oldt Fayth ]
    • Raised in Drixagh all her life, Siselle has always grown up around the beliefs of the Oldt Fayth gods, rather than the Old Gods religion. She thanks the vast pool of gods and goddesses every night and every morning when she sleeps and wakes, pressing this tradition onto her children as well, if only lightly. On a scale from 1 - 10, Siselle would likely fall under a solid 9 for her religious following. She also has a recent 1/10 following/respect for the Old Gods faith, although this is more so the fact that she understands the worship after marrying into the Viduggla family (which is largely Old Gods).


  • Valbrand Haagenvig | Tough-Loving Father | Jouster
  • Frejnir Viduggla | Beloved Husband | OliverOnly
  • Løvid Viduggla | Sweet Stepson | NPC
  • Solveig Viduggla | Young Daughter | NPC
  • Garth Viduggla | Well-Meaning Patriarch | BeashSlap
  • Tove Viduggla | Kin and Friend | falcvns
  • Valkari Lothgard | Good Friend | Valorist



Siselle Irenearsdóttir Haagenvig was born on the 18th of January 284 A.C. besides her twin brother, Aksel Haagenvig, to Valbrand Haagenvig and Irene Johansen within the Velheimer tribe of Kopvagr in Drixagh. Under the constant watch of her mother, Irene, she and her brother were kept in good condition while their father was away due to still attending schooling within The Crag. For the majority of her infancy, Irene and Valbrand's parents watched over Siselle and Aksel while their parents continued their lives, Valbrand checking in as much as he could.

At the age of seven in 293 A.C., her tribe was suddenly attacked by a rival group named Skaloekr. Siselle and Aksel were protected by their grandmother, who hid them in their home while the rest of their kin battled with the raiders. To the children's terror, they discovered their mother was nowhere to be seen until several hours after the siege was ended, and the body of Irene Johansen was discovered by their grandfather. Following several months after her mother's death, Valbrand stayed home to help comfort his scarred children and rebuild their village.

Several years passed and after her father had returned to his schooling and graduated, he returned home to find that neither Siselle nor Aksel had progressed much at all since the loss of their mother, allowing it to hinder their entire life. As such, Valbrand decided it would be best for his children that they become more independent and to get away from their home, and he sent the then fourteen year old siblings away to the Ulf-Bein Lodge to begin their training as Vargklor Skaggers.

Once arriving at the lodge, the siblings more or less broke off from each other's sides unlike what one might imagine. Siselle and Aksel both went their separate ways when allowed and the two excelled in their training, although most specifically Siselle, although that might have been from her superior height compared to her twin brother. As if using her pent up issues as guidance, Siselle was quickly deemed a problem child within the lodge- mostly due to the fact that she was rather disobedient, despite her quick learning. Soon enough she learned otherwise though, following several beatings, and learned to hold her tongue... although these lessons soon began to make full sense to her as she grew older and mellowed out into a more temper-controlled individual.

Once she reached her late teens, Siselle was graduated from the school alongside her brother and returned home to Kopvagr. The twins' homecoming was a bit of a shock for their kin that hadn't had much communication in the years that they were gone, both appearing like totally different people. Gone were the gloomy children withering away, and arrived was two new warriors- eyes set eagerly upon the horizon in any chance to prove themselves. Siselle especially took quick to her father's side, having somehow become a much more lighthearted person despite all the rough training she had been through, as if it had been more enlightening to her potential than anything else. By the time that she had arrived home, Valbrand had also began to have some influence within the Regalian peerage, with his own titles bestowed upon him by the Emperor. As such, he lived the majority of his life within Regalia at the time, and Siselle soon decided to join him in finding residence in the city. Expectedly, there was a bit of a culture shock for Siselle when she arrived in the Crown City, lacking much knowledge on how Regalian life worked and mostly observing through her first months there.

Then within her twenty-first year, during Siselle's living with her brother and father within Regalia, she began to notice the rising conflict between the Regalians and her own people. Then the news dropped in mid-May: The Burning of the North had begun and her homeland was being ravaged by hateful, sinful Regalian men- some of which that Siselle might have even known due to her years living within the city by that point. As word flooded into the Crown City, Siselle and her family were forced to sit back and listen to the events... listen and pray that their own kin made it out alive. Through two and half grueling months, they waited for the end of the warfare- and the collected, though generally outwardly cheerful, Siselle was quickly filled with hatred for the Non-Velheim people around her, especially Unionists. A hatred that would last to current day, despite how she hide it in public and in front of most people, only her closest friends and kin knowing her true opinion.

Once the Burning ended, Siselle returned home to Drixagh to assist in rebuilding her home and villages nearby it- much like she remembered her father doing when she was a child following her mother's death. She also focused attention on her old lodge once she had finished assisting her own home, devastated by the sight of her school for the majority of her teenaged years. After just over a year, Siselle returned to Regalia, though without Aksel this time.

Soon after her arrival, she met a man named Frejnir Viduggla. At the prompting of Frejnir's cousin, the Duke Garth Viduggla, the two soon wedded, starting a new chapter for Siselle to help her get passed the morbid scar that the Burning had left - and would forever leave - on her. Once becoming Siselle Viduggla, she was already a mother due to the son that Frejnir had with his previous wife. She grew incredibly close to the child rather quickly, thinking of him as her own blood- although within the year Siselle had her own child with her husband: a daughter named Solveig.

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Basic Information


↛ Full Name: Siselle Haagenvig
↛ Age: Seventeen
↛ Gender: Female
↛ Race: Velheim Ailor
↛ Main Ambition: To show Regalia the Northerner culture in a proper light and excel in her studies
↛ Religion: Old Gods
↛ Languages:

→ Alt-Tunge: 10/10
→ Skodje: 8/10
→ Common: 5/10

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Skill Information

↛ School: School of Statesmanship - Discipline of Subterfuge
↛ Level: Three Years (Three Years till graduation)
↛ Source: Attending the School of Statesmanship's Grenwald Academy in Regalia

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Visual Information

↛ Eye Color: Icy blue.
↛ Hair Color: Blonde.
↛ Hair Style: Braid(s) running down the back of her head and wrapping around.
↛ Skin Color: Northern pink.
↛ Clothing: Cloth tunic and trousers covered in furs with leather boots that are very fur oriented.
↛ Height: 5 feet and 7 inches.
↛ Body Build: Toned.
↛ Weapon of Choice: Fists or (if by some unlikely chance she had one on her) spear

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Personality and Abilities


↛ First Paragraph: From the view of others, Siselle appears to be a rather fun-loving and polite woman, yet not much of a wild-child. She enjoys socializing with others and learning about others cultures as she's always been raised around the Velheimer culture. That being said, she isn't not very welcoming to people that insult the Velheimer culture, but she refuses to ever get physically violent over it as her goal is to show that Northerners are more than just brutes.

↛ Second Paragraph: Siselle is generally an open-minded and collected girl, rarely losing her temper unless someone were persistently bothering her despite her asking them to leave her be. She is rather proud of her culture, but does not think herself above others unless it be on a religious term. The Haagenvig is extremely religious and follows the Old Gods; though she does not hold prejudices against those of other religious, she refuses to truly believe them even if she occasionally shares that she is a Unionist.

↛ Third Paragraph: Towards those that are close to Siselle, she is much more affectionate- something she never is towards strangers though she's willing to offer a hand. While Siselle is friendly, it's hard to actually get into her inner circle, though once you are, you generally won't leave. She is extremely forgiving towards her friends and family even if they've hurt her terribly. Despite being so loyal and friendly towards her friends and family though, she still keeps up a slight wall since she's heard many tales of betrayal since arriving in Regalia. Regardless, her closest relative is her father, Valbrand Haagenvig, who she tends to be very protective towards as well as, on rare occasions, rather goofy with: sharing jokes and consistently teasing him as long as no one of importance is about.

↛ Fourth Paragraph: Morally, Siselle is definitely Lawful Good as she refuses to be involved with criminal activities and is generally looking out for the wellbeing of her family and others around her. While her religion and culture is scorned by others in Regalia, she insists on staying on good terms with others around her. Despite the fact, if someone goes out of their way to consistently bully or abuse Siselle, she isn't below decking them unless it will bring major harm to her, her family, or her house's reputation.

↛ Since she was a child, Siselle has always found herself fond of hunting and has spent many hours as an adolescent to current day in the wilderness. She is fairly talented with still-hunting and using a bow or spear as she has spent the last decade of her life practicing. Of course, she is not the best and is still being taught on how to better her skills.

→ Archery: Hunting - 5/10
→ Archery: Combat - 4/10
→ Spear: Hunting - 4/10
→ Spear: Combat - 3/10

↛ As she has been attending the School of Statesmanship and she is halfway to graduation in her discipline, Siselle is rather well educated and sneaky as her discipline is subterfuge. She is fairly average so far in her education, but, being the rather studious person she is, she'll likely excel in the end.

↛ Though no one truly knows what it is, Siselle is lactose intolerant, meaning that whenever she eats anything dairy the Velheimer becomes rather ill. While she can eat things with milk and such, and she does occasionally as to not insult someone's cooking, she is miserable afterwards due to her allergy. While it's not life threatening, it is an annoyance and causes terrible discomfort for the young woman.

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Life Story

Siselle Haagenvig was born on the 1st of March 287 A.C in the Velheimer tribe, Kopvagr, to Valbrand Haagenvig and Irene Johansen. Under the constant watch of her mother, Irene, she was kept in good condition while her father was away due to training in the School of Skagger. For the majority of her time as an infant, Irene and Valbrand's parents watched over her until Siselle's father would visit time to time. As the girl grew up, she took an unmistakable interest towards hunting and often would beg her grandfather to take her along, but due to her being only the age of five when the interest spiked, he simply told her one day.

At the age of seven in 295 AC, her tribe was suddenly attacked by a rival group named Skaloekr. Siselle was protected by her father's mother, who hid her in their home while her other grandparents and father fought the raiders off. To her terror, Siselle discovered her mother was nowhere to be seen and after several hours of siege, those of Skaloekr were fought off or killed. Once the battle had ended, Siselle's grandfather- her mother's father- returned to her in tears, stating that something tragic had occurred.

In the hour that followed, the young Ellie discovered her mother had been murdered in the middle of the siege. Her father stayed for two months helping rebuild the tribe and comfort Siselle to try to make up for the loss of her mother. It was at this time that her grandfather finally decided to teach his granddaughter on how to hunt. The young Velheimer took to the bow and spear quickly, training physically with her grandfather on how to wield them better though she never took formal schooling.

For her eighth birthday, around eleven months after her mother's death, Valbrand came to visit once more- visits that had become a bit less frequent with schooling overtaking his life- and he brought with him a snowy owl for Siselle. The Owl was the sigil of her mother's family and the young Siselle quickly grew to love the bird, whom she named affectionately 'Nysnö'. The girl often took her pet with her on her hunting trips with her grandfather as well as took up training the bird in her free time.

Several years passed by that Siselle lived with her grandparents and saw her father while he worked outside of Kopvagr and nearing the age of thirteen she began to grow interested in less combat-esque careers and rather more intelligence based skills- more so being a spy began to interest her. After much begging from Siselle, her father and grandparents gave in and allowed her to begin attending the School of Statesmanship at the age of fourteen. At the beginning of her learning, the girl often traveled back home to her grandparents until the age of sixteen where her father decided to just allow her to fully move to Regalia with him where she has stayed since, continuing to frequently go back and forth between school and her father's home since he lives within Regalia as a nobleman.

Alright, where's the knife? There's got to be a Knife in here somewhere.
Hey! Great start so far. Let's dive into the review.

↛ Languages:
→ Alt-Tunge: 10/10
→ Skodje: 8/10
→ Common: 5/10
Alt-Tunge is not a language. Did you mean Als-Tunge? Regular Tunge? Please clarify/correct.

↛ Fourth Paragraph: Morally, Siselle is definitely Lawful Good as she refuses to be involved with criminal activities and is generally looking out for the wellbeing of her family and others around her. While her religion and culture is scorned by others in Regalia, she insists on staying on good terms with others around her. Despite the fact, if someone goes out of their way to consistently bully or abuse Siselle, she isn't below decking them unless it will bring major harm to her, her family, or her house's reputation.
I have a problem with her being Lawful Good, and refusing to be involved with criminal activities. Spy work is shady stuff, and in my opinion, it will require a fair amount of unscrupulous tactics once she is graduated from the School of Subterfuge. Perhaps being Lawful Good for now will work fine, but I think it's important to understand this seems naive for a character who intends to spy on foreign nations for the Empire.

↛ Since she was a child, Siselle has always found herself fond of hunting and has spent many hours as an adolescent to current day in the wilderness. She is fairly talented with still-hunting and using a bow or spear as she has spent the last decade of her life practicing. Of course, she is not the best and is still being taught on how to better her skills.
→ Archery: Hunting - 5/10
→ Archery: Combat - 4/10
→ Spear: Hunting - 4/10
→ Spear: Combat - 3/10

↛ As she has been attending the School of Statesmanship and she is halfway to graduation in her discipline, Siselle is rather well educated and sneaky as her discipline is subterfuge. She is fairly average so far in her education, but, being the rather studious person she is, she'll likely excel in the end.
I have issues with both of these.
  • I would remove any mention of Siselle having combat talent with a bow or spear. Hunting is incredibly different from killing foes, and not to mention it isn't entirely fair to slip in a combat skill on an intellect character without having had ever attending a relevant school for it. Not to mention, she's 17, and there is only so much one person can take on and learn before even being an adult. Hunting as a skill is fine, but not so much its utilization for combat.
  • You cannot utilize skills from the School of Statesmanship or Subterfuge Discipline before completing training. She's only three years into learning, with three years left to go. You can see here how it is unlikely she would be considered talented. A doctor isn't a talented doctor while still in medical school, for example. Perhaps a good alternative would be she is naturally sneaky? Able to get around quiet, lightfooted, good at eavesdropping? Maybe she's just intelligent, or witty even? Things to consider here.
↛ Though no one truly knows what it is, Siselle is lactose intolerant, meaning that whenever she eats anything dairy the Velheimer becomes rather ill. While she can eat things with milk and such, and she does occasionally as to not insult someone's cooking, she is miserable afterwards due to her allergy. While it's not life threatening, it is an annoyance and causes terrible discomfort for the young woman.
Lactose intolerant is not a valid weakness, I'd recommend removing it. There isn't a total need to replace it, as you only have 1-2 talents, not three, so it's up to you if you wish to assign her a weakness "just because". While this is an optional section, and technically you don't have to do anything to it since you don't have three talents, I still think you'd benefit from finding a weakness that will actually be emulated in roleplay.

In the hour that followed, the young Ellie discovered her mother had been murdered in the middle of the siege. Her father stayed for two months helping rebuild the tribe and comfort Siselle to try to make up for the loss of her mother. It was at this time that her grandfather finally decided to teach his granddaughter on how to hunt. The young Velheimer took to the bow and spear quickly, training physically with her grandfather on how to wield them better though she never took formal schooling.
At the age of seven in 295 AC
According to your timeline, Siselle is 7 years old when she is taught how to hunt and physically trained. Heavy hunting spears and bows would be incredibly hard for a 7 year old girl to handle, and I can't even imagine her pulling a bowstring back at this age. If you want to say her grandfather brought her along on hunting trips, showed her the ropes, and then in her teens she picked up the sport, that would be perfect. I just don't see a 7 year old girl being able to physically handle such an arduous sport.

Please complete these changes in purple and tag me once you're finished!
Alt-Tunge is not a language. Did you mean Als-Tunge? Regular Tunge? Please clarify/correct.
Ah, I meant Als. Sorry!
I have a problem with her being Lawful Good, and refusing to be involved with criminal activities. Spy work is shady stuff, and in my opinion, it will require a fair amount of unscrupulous tactics once she is graduated from the School of Subterfuge. Perhaps being Lawful Good for now will work fine, but I think it's important to understand this seems naive for a character who intends to spy on foreign nations for the Empire.
Edited to Neutral Good- I added the Subterfuge after the fact and forgot to edit.
Lactose intolerant is not a valid weakness, I'd recommend removing it. There isn't a total need to replace it, as you only have 1-2 talents, not three, so it's up to you if you wish to assign her a weakness "just because". While this is an optional section, and technically you don't have to do anything to it since you don't have three talents, I still think you'd benefit from finding a weakness that will actually be emulated in roleplay.
Added Insensitive; keeping Lactose intolerant, though.
According to your timeline, Siselle is 7 years old when she is taught how to hunt and physically trained. Heavy hunting spears and bows would be incredibly hard for a 7 year old girl to handle, and I can't even imagine her pulling a bowstring back at this age. If you want to say her grandfather brought her along on hunting trips, showed her the ropes, and then in her teens she picked up the sport, that would be perfect. I just don't see a 7 year old girl being able to physically handle such an arduous sport.
Edited that she started to be shown how at seven and continued on- clarifying (I believe) that she didn't learn how to use a bow + spear all at the age of seven.

I have issues with both of these.
  • I would remove any mention of Siselle having combat talent with a bow or spear. Hunting is incredibly different from killing foes, and not to mention it isn't entirely fair to slip in a combat skill on an intellect character without having had ever attending a relevant school for it. Not to mention, she's 17, and there is only so much one person can take on and learn before even being an adult. Hunting as a skill is fine, but not so much its utilization for combat.
  • You cannot utilize skills from the School of Statesmanship or Subterfuge Discipline before completing training. She's only three years into learning, with three years left to go. You can see here how it is unlikely she would be considered talented. A doctor isn't a talented doctor while still in medical school, for example. Perhaps a good alternative would be she is naturally sneaky? Able to get around quiet, lightfooted, good at eavesdropping? Maybe she's just intelligent, or witty even? Things to consider here.
Oh, missed this one. Changed it to naturally sneaky, like you suggested.
Made edits to change to the new template, also added her up to 21 to fit with Valbrand's age up to 36. I wrote the additions to her life story as if her birthday as already occurred as it is on the 1st of March and there's no point is going back to edit the application in 3 days! @Mooffins
Points update in accordance to point update from MonMarty! (+10) @Mooffins
Rewrote a bit of Siselle to change her to how I've been RPing her and add the fact that she now has a twin brother rather than being an only child!
  • Culture Points edited
  • First Paragraph edited to mention Aksel Haagenvig, her twin
  • Third Paragraph edited to mention her twin
  • Fourth Paragraph edited to change school from Subterfuge to Vilestate
  • Life Story edited to include twin brother
  • Aesthetics updated!
Needs a full re-review. I decided to change her from Vilestate to Skagger (I was warned that I might not achieve much as Vilestate when I made her one and turns out they were right!) Either way:
  • Body Build edited to muscular (Though would you say I should do ripped or muscular?)
  • Height uped to 6'3
  • Proficiency points entirely redone (Not culture points)
  • Added Tunge as a learned language
  • Tweaked First and Second paragraph (Not much though, Siselle was already a rather level-headed character)
  • Fourth paragraph entirely redone
  • Life story edited
@Mooffins <3
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This person smells
↛ Second Paragraph | Siselle is generally an open-minded and collected woman, rarely losing her temper and choosing to usually 'turn the other cheek' rather than argue with someone else or get in a fight. She is rather proud of her culture but does not think herself above others unless it is on a religious term. The Haagenvig is extremely religious and follows the Oldt Fayth Gods; though she does not hold prejudices against those of other religions, she refuses to truly believe them.
Talk about her confidences and anxieties.

~ +7 Common Shortbow (+7 from Points)
~ +6 Diplomacy (+6 from Points)
She has 11 points to spend after going to a school, and you spent 13. Adjust this.

Make changes in purple and tag me when done. @AtticCat
Shift Cultural and Skill Points around to better numbers.
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Nothing changed, I just need my tagged fixed.
Oops just noticed I don't have a staff reviewer anymore since Mooffins isn't staff, so I'll just hop this under Reviewer needed.
Might make a few changes tomorrow, mostly to the skill points, just a heads up. @BillyTheScroofy
Edits completed, I just went ahead and did them. Only change was cultural skill. @BillyTheScroofy
I'll be reviewing your application


  • An overall good format, however I will require you, given the length of this application, to put all of your expansion sections into spoilers. Its a quality of life change that makes the application easier for the reviewer and those reading it.
Skill Information
  • I would like you to reconsider School of Skagger for Siselle. The Skagger code requires complete mental conditioning to where emotion is rarely expressed, and having a temper is unheard of. Given my own interactions with the character, and what I've heard from others, this doesn't fit Siselle very well given her tendency to become emotional in certain scenarios. You may choose to keep School of Skagger and disagree with my assessment, but the code is strict, and if Siselle cannot control her emotion, you will lose the +10 Skagger Axes bonus for code loyalty.
Other than the first point I made and the optional second point, that's all I could find issue with in this application. Get those optional sections in spoilers, have a think about the second point, then tag me @AtticCat
I'll be reviewing your application

  • An overall good format, however I will require you, given the length of this application, to put all of your expansion sections into spoilers. Its a quality of life change that makes the application easier for the reviewer and those reading it.
Skill Information
  • I would like you to reconsider School of Skagger for Siselle. The Skagger code requires complete mental conditioning to where emotion is rarely expressed, and having a temper is unheard of. Given my own interactions with the character, and what I've heard from others, this doesn't fit Siselle very well given her tendency to become emotional in certain scenarios. You may choose to keep School of Skagger and disagree with my assessment, but the code is strict, and if Siselle cannot control her emotion, you will lose the +10 Skagger Axes bonus for code loyalty.
Other than the first point I made and the optional second point, that's all I could find issue with in this application. Get those optional sections in spoilers, have a think about the second point, then tag me @AtticCat
I do disagree with your assessment on her being a Skagger and she can control her emotions very well. She rarely becomes emotional except for during one of the few interactions you've had with her because your character was insulting her, her family, her homeland, etc. I'm not insulting, just saying I do disagree.

I've move the expansions into spoilers.
I do disagree with your assessment on her being a Skagger and she can control her emotions very well. She rarely becomes emotional except for during one of the few interactions you've had with her because your character was insulting her, her family, her homeland, etc. I'm not insulting, just saying I do disagree.

I've move the expansions into spoilers.
See that's the thing, Skaggers are expected to not fall for petty insults or the like. If Siselle has changed from that mindset and can more accurately stick to the Skagger code, then that's fine. However, if it is reported that she hasn't been sticking to the Skagger code, you will lose that +10
See that's the thing, Skaggers are expected to not fall for petty insults or the like. If Siselle has changed from that mindset and can more accurately stick to the Skagger code, then that's fine. However, if it is reported that she hasn't been sticking to the Skagger code, you will lose that +10
It's been a while since that encounter, so yes. She's fine now.