Preserved Sheet Siris Lókë

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Nov 7, 2018
Reaction score
(Rough Sketch for Reference)
Basic Information
Full Name: Siris Lókë
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Race: Avanthar
Sexuality: Avanthar. Despite having experienced what resembles love, Siris struggles to break from the cultural stigma around sexuality as a tool to refine his people's genepool. He is otherwise Bisexual with a Straight Preference

Skill Information
Total Points: Siris has 42 skill points due to his age and no magical knowledge.
  • +20 Light Bow Combat Skill (From Points)
  • +10 Axes Combat Skill (From Race Boost)
  • +10 Cavalry Combat Skill (From Race Boost)
  • +7 Hunting Knowledge (From Points)
  • + 5 Musical Arts (From Points)
  • +5 Athletic Training (From Points)
  • +5 Perception Training (From Points)
Body Shape: Muscular
  • Total Combat Points (20) + Total Athletic Points x2 (10) = 30
  • Low Body Fat
  • Common (Learned Whilst Growing Up)
  • Modern Elven (Daendroquin Dialect, Taught by Parents)
  • Siris is a bounty hunter/musician who earns his coin by either tracking down criminals or entertaining members of whatever tavern or household that will give him coin
  • He was raised in an Avanthar tribe but has since been cast out and is a pariah to his former people. He has two living siblings
  • Siris has found music to be one of the more fulfilling skills in his life and shows interest in pursuing a study in the musical arts
Visual Information
Eye color: Paled Turquoise
Hair Color: Dark Auburn
Hair Style: Pronounced Mohawk in a traditional style akin to his people though the rest of his hair has grown out longer than usual
Skin Color: Moderately Tan

Clothing: Tight fitting, minimalist garb with protective plating
Height: 6'3"

Siris has a strong, chiseled jawline. Said jawline and cheekbones are further accented by a trimmed beard that runs along his cheeks where the hair is longer along his mustache and goatee. His eyes are bright though masked slightly by his hooded eyelids and stern brow. He has a small scar that runs along the edge of his right eyebrow.
With a usually neutral expression that can come off as mildly confused or puzzled, Siris can be either off putting usually or simply easily dismissed. His hair is a dark auburn and cut into a Mohawk with shorter hair along the sides that has started to grow longer though the traditional shave patterns are still evident. His hair and beard are primarily untouched with not braids or beads to speak of though in his right ear, he has a single piercing with a dull, jade-green stone.

Siris stands tall among most Alorians and has a strong muscular frame to even out the height. He has broad shoulders and a toned upper torso as well as powerful and stocky legs. His body takes on somewhat of a V-shape as his abdomen narrows into his waist.
His legs are bristling with red, curly hairs though the mass of hair stops a little past his hips on his back and narrows into a happy trail on his front. Due to the size of his traps, his neck can appear shorter as it seems to transition smoothly into the shoulders.
The most defining feature of his torso is a long, black outlined serpent that snakes its way along the entirety of his upper back. The snake that somewhat resembles a dragon coils over itself and networks its body in a way that was meant to inflict pain on the one bearing the mark. To most, it is a foreign symbol though may be recognized by some Avanthar as the mark of an outcast and criminal.

Though he has managed to effectively adapt to the Regalian lifestyle, Siris still chooses a practical and simplistic approach to clothing. He wears a simple tunic and breeches that are dark colored alongside a blue stretch of cloth that can act as a cloak, travel blanket, or tourniquet if need be. He also wears an assortment of leather and plate armor usually.
Siris tends to carry his bow and arrows close at hand alongside a set of single hand, combat axes with curved handles. Other than that, the only vanity item he tends to wear or carry are the dull, jade-green ear piercing in his right ear and a simple wood flute

Having spent most of his early years speaking the Elven tongue, Siris is slow and thoughtful in common tongue, taking his time to ensure he says exactly what he wants to communicate as opposed to speaking quickly and making mistakes. His voice is deep and silky with the exception of a few words here and there which come out as scratchy.
When speaking in his native tongue, Siris flies through dialogue. His voice raises in pitch when speaking this way and he often uses fewer hand gestures than when he speaks in common.
Personality and Abilities

[Perceived By Others] The most common phrase used to describe Siris at first glance is simply "odd". He comes across as intelligent, courteous, and even friendly to a degree however he occasionally displays bursts of naivete towards certain subjects. His actions appear often sporadic and random at times as he jumps between disinterest to strong attraction to merriment to a more reclusive temperament at seemingly random intervals. His powerful near intimidating appearance is mediated out by his usually appealing attitude and the sweet melodies he can weave with his wood flute.

[Inward Thoughts and Personality] Internally, Siris is a storm of turmoil and struggle of identity. Despite being able to adapt and learn the customs of the world he lives in now, he lacks a sense of purpose which spurs him to seek fulfillment in whatever he may find. The presence of others can often contain the loneliness and doubt that plagues his mind, but it is a canvas spread over the issue and not a solution. The guilt of his past resurfaces every so often, clouding his mind in a depressive haze that forces him into seclusion. He plays music both out of respect for the one who taught him and for the reaction the tune spurs in others. Siris is confident in his abilities but is unsure about his place in the grand scheme of the world and constantly worries that he doesn't belong among those he finds himself with.

[Attitude towards Family/Friends/Lovers] Siris has not had any form of contact with his family in years and has alienated them in his own mind. Despite his rather sociable approach to life, it is rather difficult to be considered a friend to Siris. This is due in part to the nature of the society he was raised in and as such, he is often very attached to and sometimes protective of those he considers friends. He will often seek them out in a crowd or drop whatever occupies his time at the moment to give them assistance or attention if they seek it, despite the inconvenience it may prove to him. In terms of lovers, Siris is relatively promiscuous in attitude. His charm is nothing out of the ordinary but he is not against having numerous lovers. His mindset is a mix of the traditions of his people and the assumption that sex is more recreational in Regalia. However, he holds no strong bond with those he simply sees as lovers.

[Morality] Siris is a survivor to the core. His morality matches this attitude as he will conform to laws and most customs for the sake of fitting into Regalian society. He hunted down criminals simply because it allowed him to make coin. Immorality bothers him to a certain degree as he is not immune to atrocious acts committed by others and is particularly sensitive to Fratricide. On the other side of that coin, he is less bothered by immoral actions that are less harmful such as adultery and theft as he perceives those who commit such acts as people either following their hearts or simply being dedicated to surviving. Personally, he sees himself as above certain underhanded crimes such as theft as he believes he too strong to rely on that and holds a moderate sense of pride as he holds himself to a standard above the common criminal as he tries to rise above his past but he does not necessarily hold others to this standard as he sees many others as inferior and as such, the actions they commit are more appropriate.

Life Story
[Childhood] Siris was born as the second of four siblings within a northern Avanthar tribe. His older brother, Evantus, was a half year older than him. As a warrior, Siris showed great promise, displaying an aptitude for archer on and off of horseback. However, he constantly lived under the shadow of his older brother who was a prodigy amongst the tribe's people, shocking the elders and trainers alike with his prowess in battle and his beautiful appearance.

[Adolescence] When he was fifteen, the Cielothar settlement that his tribe had protected was decimated in an orc raid in the night. After his people exacted revenge for the deaths of their lesser cousins, they were forced to seek out a new partnership in order to maintain the supply of resources they could not supply. It was with this new group that Siris met a wind elf girl by the name of Felonda. She was slightly older than him and insatiably curious. With all eyes on Evantus, Siris as able to shirk certain duties and spend time with the young elf as she offered to teach him how to play the flute, a practice he was unfamiliar with and fascinated by. Through these lessons, Felonda developed strong feelings for the Avanthar elf which blossomed into love for him. Siris almost out of response began to develop similar feelings and desires for her as well and began to spend more and more time with her.

[Young Adulthood] Eventually, this activity became more noticeable for the tribe and rumors began to spread about the young elf. With Siris' twenty-fifth birthday approaching, his older brother grew concerned for him, fearing the tribe might seek out severe disciplinary actions in order to 'correct' his behavior. In an attempt to prevent this, Evantus petitioned to be betrothed to Felonda. Due to the obvious genetic wonder within the young man, the elders saw no reason to deny Evantus his request and began preparations for the union. When Siris heard of this, he was struck with a strong passion and hatred for his brother. One fateful night, he lured Evantus out into the fields where the grass grew tall and murdered him.

[Banishment/Defining Moment]It was not long before the other Avanthar caught on to his crime and Siris was promptly brought before the elders. Whilst many called for the immediate execution of the boy as revenge for the murder of his brother, the elders decided to instead banish Siris from the tribe, knowing that the guilt of his actions would be a far greater punishment than something as quick and merciful as death. He was branded with the mark of a serpent and stripped of his family name, given the second name of Lókë in its place.

[Later Adulthood]Siris spent the next few years making his way towards the Ailor empire. He worked as a bounty hunter, making a living off of tracking down and occasionally killing convicts and others in an ironically similar situation to his own. As he neared the city where he currently resides in, he was gifted a wooden elf flute as payment for a job. Instead of selling the heirloom, he began to practice playing it again, using it as a way of distracting him from the immense turmoil he struggled with on his journeys.

[Recent Past/Meeting Halfdan]In order to make the last stretch of his journey, Siris needed to acquire a considerable amount of coin. In order to do so, he took on a bounty for several leaders of a local bandit gang. This notorious group of marauders had been wreaking havoc on the local area and had even wiped out other mercenary groups due to the strategic intelligence of the chief and his associates. As he began to dig up more information on the gang, he came across another mercenary, Halfdan Edon, with similar intent. Halfdan had lost his entire crew to the bandits and upon hearing of Sirs' mission, was eager for revenge. Together, the two were able to infiltrate the encampment, assassinate the leader and a few higher ups, and escape unnoticed with their heads secured
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  • Total combat points are only 20. From light bow. Racial boosts do not count. Change body build accordingly as total physical stat would only be 30 as a result.
  • Elven is not a language. Modern Elven is what you're looking for here.
  • Spoiler expansions, please.
  • I'd like for you to split up your personality paragraphs so they aren't a big jumble of text, and bold keywords.
  • Same with personality paragraphs, it's difficult to read when all of the text is bunched together. Separate it into text blocs; I would also suggest splitting it into childhood, adolescence, adulthood.

Tag me when you've made the appropriate changes.
  • Total combat points are only 20. From light bow. Racial boosts do not count. Change body build accordingly as total physical stat would only be 30 as a result.
  • Elven is not a language. Modern Elven is what you're looking for here.
  • Spoiler expansions, please.
  • I'd like for you to split up your personality paragraphs so they aren't a big jumble of text, and bold keywords.
  • Same with personality paragraphs, it's difficult to read when all of the text is bunched together. Separate it into text blocs; I would also suggest splitting it into childhood, adolescence, adulthood.
Tag me when you've made the appropriate changes.

Sorry if that tag is incorrect. I think I sorted everything out with the proficiency point, language, and expansions. I also split up the personality and backstory into segments. Please let me know if I overdid it with keywords. Would you like me to highlight key words for the backstory as well?