Preserved Sheet Siobhan Adélaïde Blathé

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the thottiest of them all
Aug 3, 2018
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Siobhan Adélaïde Blathé
| The Wandering Desprincess |

{Basic Information}
Full Name: Siobhan Adélaïde Blathé.
La Gouvernante de Fleurété (by employment.)
Desprincess (by age.)
Alias(es): Crystal Eyes
Age: 300 years old, appears 83 years old.
[13 January 06 AC]
Age Turned: 71 years old.
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn.
Gender: Female.
Race: Old Ceardian Ailor.

Other: Sanguine.
Sexuality: Homosexual.
Primary Objective: To keep the her wards safe no matter the cost.
Secondary Objective: Become a capable nurse.
House Fleurété
House Ombre


{Skill Information}
Total Proficiency Points: 60 ( +60 from age.)
School: of Governess.
House Etiquette: of Castiglione

Proficiency Pool | To scold.
+30 Rouge Training (+30 from vampirism.)
+12 Linguistic Knowledge (+06 from points.)
+10 Food & Drink Sciences (+10 from points.)
+05 Underworld Knowledge (+05 from points.)
⥈ +02 Stave Combat (+02 from points.)
+01 Fast Blade Combat (+01 from points.)
Body Shape | To comfort.
Slim (+01 from Fast Blade Combat, +02 from Stave Combat.)
Low Body Fat (Elderly.)
Mutations | To punish.
Survival (Initial mutation.)
Vampiric Healing (Passive fast healing from minor wounds.)
Usability (Does not die when dying, instead turning to a Skeletal Vampire.)
Command Undead (Can command and force Undead to follow her orders.)
Mind Wall (Becomes immune to mind magic or mind control of any kind.)
Mind Feeding (Enslaves and infects those fed upon as a thrall that does her bidding.)
Spirit Shift (Can turn into a Ceardian Silver Wolf at will.)
Arcana Vampirica (Can consume Magical energy to sustain herself without infecting.)
Dragonica Vampirica (Can consume and infect Hallowblood and disable their powers for a week; gains fed status for three weeks.)
Vitila Vampirica (Can consume Dragonblood of a Dragon Knight or Aspect of a Dragon from a distance and remove it from them instantly.)
Languages | To praise.
Common (Fluent.)
Old Ceardian (Mother-tongue.)
Etosian (Fluent, learned during travels.)

d'Ithanie (Fluent, learned during travels.)


{Visual Information}
Eye Color: Foggy blue.
Other: Cataracts have glazed over her eyes, slightly impairing her vision.
Hair Color: Silver gray streaked with auburn.
Hair Style: More often than not tied up in braids that circle around her head, sometimes hiding behind a hat, tiara, or headdress; maybe even out to dazzle others with.

Accessory Color(s): Silver, at one time gold, decorated with amethyst, garnets, and other purple gems.
Skin Color: Parchment pale white.
Clothing: For the past few centuries her dress has been that of Ithanian upper class which consist of conservative dresses that covering nearly every inch of her body in addition to the opera gloves and hats she wears. Siobhan always carries a parasol or umbrella with her.

Color Specifics: Lavender or blue and silver.
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 131 lbs
Body Build: Old.
Weapon of Choice: Wit, Knitting Needles, Parasol/Umbrella.


{Personality and Abilities}
Outer Perception | The Crone
At one point in time Siobhan could have been described as conniving, or deceitful, but that was nearly three centuries ago. Since, she has aged and appears as innocent and wizened as any elderly woman would, and is more often than not she is ignored because of her appearance. Alongside this, her seemingly submissive persona allows her to blend in with the crowd and be nothing more than a prune amongst the other grapes in the vineyard. This carefully crafted image is done so to bring down the walls of her prey, and Siobhan even goes so far as to mimic an accent she would think them most comfortable with.
Interior Feelings | The Warden
Siobhan no longer just caring for those under her ward, she obsesses over them. She needs them to be in pristine condition for her over inflated ego, allowing her odd pride to swell in keeping her "possessions" so perfect. Not only that, she enjoys the freakish game she has developed over the centuries of keeping in the loop. She is a horrid gossip and master manipulator, and her scolding or teachings can be heard through generations of many different families - many owing her allegiances or favors from decades past.
Relations and Family | The Governesses
Siobhan had always put the needs of others before her change, for nearly a century she did this; however, once immortality overcame her she no longer saw her loved ones in the same way. They were her pets: insignificant beings she groomed and tailored to suit her needs. Yes, she offered them protection and kept her eyes and ears on those she deemed worthy, but they were nothing more than points in her plan. There were - and are - a few select mortals she seems to pay. particular attention to and is willing to go the extra mile to keep them on the path that she set, but beyond that she has no real love for
Moral Compass | The Puppeteer
The world is a web, with many strings attached. There are those that pull and pluck at these strings, creating marvelous shows and harmonious melodies, while there are others that are strung along by those very strings. Siobhan knows where she stands, watching from above as the denizens of Aloria play out their show for her like millions of marionettes. She is creatively chaotic in her whims to achieve what she wants with no worry or concern for the wants of others - a classic chaotic evil if you would.


{Quirks and Trivia}
Dominant Hand: Right.
Favorite Food: Ham.
Favorite Drink: Ale.
Favorite Animal: Wolf.
Odd Behaviors



{Life Story}
06 AC | Milknurse.
Siobhan was born to a petty family of indentured serfs in Old Ceardia who stroke a deal with a sibling of their family's master: her father had himself and his wife shipped off to an isle of an archipelago to the North East before the Cataclysm happened. Siobhan was but a babe while her parents were still mortified of the unnatural disasters that ravaged the seas around them; yet, for the first time since their arrival to the Archipelago, thankful for the mountain ranges that protected them as their new bundle of joy was finally safe too.
30 AC | Mother.
Her first child had been born, eyes sparkling silver like the streaks she had seen so many years ago; a curse. The midwife of the village was mortified and presented the Silven to Siobhan for a choice; as the two of them both knew it would not last a night within their walls. A first for the usual stable reliable woman, she fainted. What happened to the child remains unknown.
42 AC| Teacher.
From then on Siobhan continued her work as a teacher, a wise woman, taking care of the young and bestowing unto them the knowledge and culture of their ancestors and gods; alongside other useful skills such as reading, writing, basic arithmetic, and other life or social skills.
58 AC| Sage.
Amongst her fellow villagers she was seen as a leader, an advisor, one that could offer the wisdom of age and the comfort only those of their clan could do. Siobhan thrived in such a position and did best she could to pass her knowledge.
77 AC| Victim.
The years were beginning to catch up to the elderly Siobhan and rest was what caught her attention most of the time, but she still did her best to teach the younglings what she could. It was on such a night, the elderly woman having just finished escorting young girls to their homes, that a stumpy hairy little thing rolled out from the bushes... Followed by two tall slender men. She was ambushed quite easily, and her child forced her to be cursed, just as she had thought him to be.
96 AC| Cursed.
Her age was frozen and her desire for the uncouth awakened, and with this newfound thirst Siobhan took advantage of her first - though far from her last - ward. She would use this strategy for nearly three decades before faking her own death in order to allow her to continue life without raising suspicions. She fled south, hoping to reach her native lands of Old Ceardia.
113 AC| Wanderer.
Instead, Siobhan found herself on the island of Etosil. She enjoyed the lands and their mixture of culture and beliefs, even going so far as to master the native language of the isle. Yet, as time passed and her wards grew, she began to notice the unavoidable; war. Fearing exposure from a raid gone bad or a skirmish, she fled west to the mainlands.
137 AC| Monster.
Siobhan travelled the diverse land of Daendroc for years: meeting the people, learning the languages, teaching their wards, and feeding from their loved ones. Her reputation as a teacher proceeded her and after long, her usual faking of death was not enough to fool the new villages she would arrive to. She had to continue traveling, so north she went.
142 AC| Lover.
Crossing the mountain range that separated Ithania from the rest of Daendroc felt oddly nostalgic for the centenarian. The lands and their delicate ways intrigued Siobhan, but more than that, so did the women. Or one woman in particular. Their love was like that of star crossed lovers with only age standing between them - that, and immortality.
159 AC| Betrayal.
To kill two birds with one stone is a saying Siobhan took to heart. In the dead of night, when her lover lay most vulnerable; the trust and love they had developed over the years kept her docile in the night, she struck. Siobhan's bite was swift, her lover's body swaddled in sheets by her own very hands. Siobhan kept her soon to be immortal love locked away in a tower in their massive estate.
184 AC| Mistress.
Their love was destroyed by Siobhan's actions. Not only did she accidentally turn her love to a thrall, enslaved to obey her every order, but her lover detested being a Sanguine. She thought herself an unholy tribute to the blasphemous creatures that the Spirit had fought against since the beginning of time. A sentiment Siobhan desperately tried to affirm that this was simply untrue. Even the fear of being unable to birth a child was proven capable after a few decades.
232 AC| Student.
Still, it was not enough. After a terrible fight in which Siobhan nearly died, she fled to the Island of Etosil once more. She enjoyed the island now that war was finally a thought of the past, or at least it was for aa time. Eventually the Undead rose to power and sought rights - a ridiculous notion, but worthy enough to start talks of war. Here, she found the Undead known as the Bone King and his methods of creating or "conscripting" new Undead into his army was fascinating, and something Siobhan took note of.
262 AC| Nanny.
Her time in Etosil spent and a growing coven of wards and undead under her wing, Siobhan once again fled to the North. This time, however, she attempted to skip Ithania only to find a descendent of her once lover, the Madame de Fleurété, living and breathing. An heiress, with eyes as deep as the sea and skin as soft as the petals of her namesake. Overcome with pride and envy, she appointed herself the nanny and Gouvernante of the child Olivia... and soon the second born as well.
268 AC| Governess.
With the young heiress moving to the Eastern Isles with her father, Siobhan took it upon herself to help her dearest descendant of the Fleurété alongside her son. She enabled the middle aged woman to schmooze and socialize to her heart's content while Siobhan took care of young Côme. She did her best to make the boy a learned man but his focus had always been on knightly deeds or the sea, like his father.
286 AC| Benefactor.
The time finally came for the youngest of the Ombre to leave the nest, and so did Siobhan. She travelled north to the frozen lands of the Nordskag, embracing their culture and using their children as not only meals, but ears on the streets. She used this method of espionage to keep track of her darling Ombre children. She mastered their languages as their peoples lauded their efforts in the Chrysant War; a war Siobhan benifitted from greatly, caring (feeding) for the children as the women worked and men warred.
290 AC| Widow.
Siobhan returned to Ithania in a fury, desperate to try and save the last blood of the Fleurété that remained, only to find a single Undead man; the Ombre fellow. Enraged she and her coven of undead thralls and vampires alike ravaged the South. She took part in most of the conflicts that followed in the coming decade, such as the Ranger Crisis and the very brief Elven War of 302. In both, she sided with the gentry; offering her assistance in rearing their children and perfecting and conscripting members into her coven.
306 AC| Messenger.
The ever watchful nanny had heard talk of a certain Ombre taking some minor role within the bourgeoisie of Regalia. Wishing to benefit from such a position, Siobhan began her journey through the Daen landmass towards the Regalian Archpelago when the Second Elven War broke out. These battles were far more frequent and deadly, leading to many more undead soldiers for her to either force under her command or cut through; with the latter being more frequent than not. When she finally did make it in Regalia, Siobhan was alerted to three things:
1) Côme had gone missing or was dead after some punishment inflected upon him by the Emperor.

2) Olivia had abandoned her post as matriarch of the Ombre abroad one of the family's many ships.
3) There was now, more than ever, a need for a Governess.


Name | Relationship.
Name | Relationship.
Name | Relationship.
Name | Relationship.
Name | Relationship.
Name | Relationship.
Name | Relationship.
Name | Relationship.
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A human Vampire cannot be older than 300 years, please correct this fact.

The Highland Ceardian culture would not have existed during the time of the character's upbringing, therefore I don't feel it is appropriate to claim that culture boost.

The amount of languages possessed is honestly ridiculous, especially without investing into linguistic knowledge and maintaining fluency in so many, even when taking into account age, without dipping points into that proficiency is not permissible in my book. Limit it to six at most if you are not going to invest in linguistic knowledge. Additionally, you cannot be a native speaker in multiple languages.

Due to the aforementioned fact that Highland Ceardian culture as it is known in the modern day didn't exist until around the era of Skagger invasions and so on, being apart of the Abhainn Tolach Dearth and Dearth culture doesn't make much sense.

Additionally, because of the age being post-300, there are discrepancies in the backstory you will need to fix.


languages have been updated with +12 linguistic to allow 2 more languages uwu