Preserved Sheet Sinyaril Tel'athael

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Elven Citizen
Aug 15, 2018
Reaction score

Sinyaril Tel'Athael

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Sinyaril Neldor Tel'Athael
    • Nicknames: Sinyar, Neldor
  • Age: 89
    • Born: September 6th, 217AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Central Altalar
  • Preferred Weapon: Rosewood Staff

Skill Information
  • Proficiencies:
    • Total Points: 70
    • Knowledge:
      • +10 Historical Knowledge. (+10 from Altalar Racial.)
      • +24 Linguistic Knowledge (+24 from Points.)
      • +13 Magical Knowledge. (+13 from Points.)
        • Eventism
        • Artifactism
    • Weapon:
      • +10 Stave Combat (+10 from Racial Boost.)
    • Arts:
      • +20 Literary Arts (+20 from Points.)
    • Magic:
      • +15 Magical Investment. (+15 from Points.)
    • Body Shape: Slim
    • Body Fat: Low
    • Body Stat: 5 = Toned Body Shape
  • Languages:
    • Modern Altalar. (Native tongue.)
    • Common. (Free language.)
    • Mage Scripture. (Can only be written and read.)
    • Seraph. (Can only be written and read.)
    • Middle Altalar (Learnt in childhood.)
  • Special Traits:
    • Parlour Magic:
      • Lustre Spell
      • Whistling Pencil Spell
      • Guiding Light Spell
      • Element Branding Spell
      • Kindling Spell
    • Talea Ring:
      • Ring of Sca'Elle, Master of Magnificence

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Light Cyan blue.
  • Hair Color: Golden blonde.
  • Hair Style: Long and tied up.
  • Skin Color: Fair.
  • Clothing: A fabric green robe with a brown waste belt buckle, also including written hieroglyphics on the cloth line of the coat, then closely followed by a grand golden brass High Elven circlet atop his head.
  • Height: 6'4, roughly 193 cm.

Personality and Abilities

Core List:
  • Moral Alignment:
    • Lawful and Neutral.
  • Personality Type:
    • INFJ-A, The Advocate:
      • Sinyaril shares a unique combination of personality traits, though soft-spoken, he has very strong opinions and will fight unrelentingly for an idea he believes in. He is decisive and strong willed but will rarely use that for personal gain. Sinyaril acts with a spot of creativity, curisosity and imagination which he uses in his literature, language and magic.
  • Religious Affiliation:
    • Religion: Faith of Estel; Follower of Sca'Elle
    • Devotion: 8/10

Life Story

217AC - 231AC; Birth and Childhood: (0-14)
⦁ Sinyaril Neldor Tel'Athael was born on September, 6th 217AC to Jorael and Ilvanya Tel'Athael and was the third of five siblings.
⦁ He was a natural literate and demonstrated a great enthusiasm for Magic and language at a young age which he took too after his father.
⦁ At age thirteen Sinyaril would write for his own fuelled pleasure and used his magic to help speed up the process, granting him the ability to write multiple things at a time and enjoyed the fun of it all, further increasing his natural affinity with magic and spells while also developing a keen interest in magical artefacts which he would come to study at a later point in life.
⦁ On Sinyarils fourteenth name day he would become an almost, very well accomplished literate student as he turned his attention to interpreting the Seraph and was to go on to great things in the eyes of his parents. He practiced magic more than he ever had learning to cast powerful kindling spells which he would use to light fires, luckily, with few accidents. By this time he would also have four brothers, Ormiir, Eruntara, Celenar and finally Tanellor Tel'Athael and would develop a moderate relationship with all of them but would show more interest in his studies.

232AC - 243AC; Adolesence: (15-24)
⦁ Sinyaril would now attend The School of Ïstorei to further his historical, literate and magical knowledge while also learning of the Altalar in their innate superiority in the world and also their follies.
⦁ During this time Sinyaril would spend the course of his adolescence studying historical events. he would also focus on developing his crafts ever more advancing his natural interest in them which would eventually lead him to his tenth year exams which are taken at this time as an early prestigious graduation, though leaving much else to learn.

244AC - 273AC; Early Adulthood: (25-54)
⦁ Sinyaril would begin his study of magical artefacts to grasp a more strong knowledge on the origins of magic and its power.
⦁ Once turning thirty-one Sinyaril would be gifted his Ring of Talea, specifically, the Ring of Sca'Elle and would stay on at the college to keep pressing on with his work and obtaining his knowledge.
⦁ On Sinyaril's fifty-fourth name day. studying would cease and he would leave the college on his own endeavours unlike the ninety percent who remain but their was a curiosity about Sinyaril that would lead him on a different path to his peers.

274AC - Present Day: (55-89)
The day would come when Sinyaril would now arrive at the city of Regalia where he would carry on with his Literary and Linguistic studies unfortunately excluding magic due to its illegal nature in Regalia while also furthering his knowledge on the political standing of the Altalar in Regalia and the Empire which he had learnt much of during his time at the college.
⦁ Sinyaril would now try to find his place, learning the nooks and crannies' of this new place he would now immerse himself in.
⦁ The time had come for this established linguist and Mage to finally show his true side and establish relationships that could prove crucial in his future endeavours.
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Hello HolyWhelp, here is my review for your character:

Skill Information:
Please note the magical investment as Parlor Magic as to not confuse it with mage magic.

Your parlour magic investment counts up to 15 points, not 13.

Body Stat:
Please add your body stat in your profile.

After you have amended this, please tag me and I'll take another look.
Amendments made, I also noticed historical knowledge should have been 10 not 20 so ive fixed that as well @Arendan