Archived Singing In Chat

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Your Friendly Neighborhood Orc
Jun 11, 2014
Reaction score
Puerto Rico
This is just a idea I thought up so it's fine if people think it's a bad idea :P

A chat where you can sing and has a same radius a local chat

-When sing (typing) a line of a song it has a little music note before and after the words

-Different kind of songs have different color text (optional setting). War song could be red when a love song could be pink

-For people that have taverns, if they have a normal or hired singer that would sing for as long as there open the singer could get payed X amount of Regals

Just a idea! It's probably not that good because I just thought of it. Thx anyways!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Either a trait or a chat. But I would like to see some form of this added.
Naa not really. MassiveChat removed colours from he chat. I want the chat to be readable, colours won't do it.
It was worth a shot! XD The idea only now popped into my head and I thought " You know what..yolo. I have idea, I post it"
If my character is singing, I usually go into emote and append a tilde at the end of each line they say.

I'm not sure about adding colors, though.. It would be good if the words were lightly tinted to a color, but that's not possible.
Currently, there is a /sing command which plays a random note. Perhaps this could coincide with additional functionality being added to the command?
Singing? /sing plays a note.

Singing chat with colors? I dont see a reason for it, Describe it in emote chat.
Xalvador Pileran gives a low baritone hum before starting to sing a slow, steady, and sweet hymn that seems to reverberate from his chest into the surrounding area.
Or even go as far as to describe how he would be singing, and sing the lyrics.
Xalvador Pileran gives a low baritone hum before starting to sing slowly in a rumbly voice. "Oh come all Ye faithful, Joyful and Triumphant!"
Singing? /sing plays a note.

Singing chat with colors? I dont see a reason for it, Describe it in emote chat.
Xalvador Pileran gives a low baritone hum before starting to sing a slow, steady, and sweet hymn that seems to reverberate from his chest into the surrounding area.
Or even go as far as to describe how he would be singing, and sing the lyrics.
Xalvador Pileran gives a low baritone hum before starting to sing slowly in a rumbly voice. "Oh come all Ye faithful, Joyful and Triumphant!"

O I wonder how will you describe @Metamorp singing...-puts on earplugs-
O I wonder how will you describe @Metamorp singing...-puts on earplugs-
Sylvia Pileran gave a little cough in the room filled with nobles, steadily getting louder before speaking with her shrill voice. "Can I have your attENTION PLEASE!" Sylvia adjusted her shawl, giving a smile to the crowd that was now paying attention to her. "I have a SONG to sing for you all! Please! Hold your applauds until the end!" The nobles all around gave a groan, pulling out their wax and cotton to stuff their ears as she gave a cough starting to sing with a voice reminiscent of a wheat grinder grinding screaming glass with a side of whimpering dog and a dessert of shrill child screams.
Sylvia Pileran gave a little cough in the room filled with nobles, steadily getting louder before speaking with her shrill voice. "Can I have your attENTION PLEASE!" Sylvia adjusted her shawl, giving a smile to the crowd that was now paying attention to her. "I have a SONG to sing for you all! Please! Hold your applauds until the end!" The nobles all around gave a groan, pulling out their wax and cotton to stuff their ears as she gave a cough starting to sing with a voice reminiscent of a wheat grinder grinding screaming glass with a side of whimpering dog and a dessert of shrill child screams.