Preserved Sheet Sinfyi Petali

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Sep 9, 2015
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"I was not content at home... I wanted to live like a colorful butterfly in the sun."
Mata Hari
- Theme Song -
  • Full Name: Jozefina Petali
    • [ Typically goes by Sinfyi Petali ]
    • [ Alias: Tilly Trinket ]
  • Age: Fourty.
    • [ Born December 24, 266 AC. ]
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Ailor - Daendroque Lusits
    • [ Infected with Vampirism. ]
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual.
  • Proficiency Points: 40 ( -10 Points )
    • Combat Proficiencies:
      • +3 Blades Combat Skill (+3 from Points)
    • Body Proficiencies:
      • +10 Rogue Training (+10 from Points)
      • +2 Bodycare Training (+2 from Points)
    • Knowledge Proficiencies:
      • +10 Underworld Knowledge (+10 from Racial Points)
    • Science Proficiencies:
      • +10 Alchemy Sciences (+10 from Points)
    • Arts Proficiencies:
      • +3 Threads Arts (+3 from Points)
      • +2 Literary Arts (+2 from Points)
  • Vampire Mutations - Doughal Bloodline:
    • Shimmer Mask:
      • Sinfyi can appear like a person they have touched before.
    • Ness Misting:
      • Sinfyi can become locally invisible in a patch of mist on the ground.
    • Dearth Disguise:
      • Sinfyi can insert herself in a friends group, making Vampiric traits invisible.
    • Unturned Feeding:
      • Sinfyi can choose not to turn someone into a Vampire in feeding.
    • Dread Claws:
      • Sinfyi's claws snapped off in skin cause localized paralysis in victim.
  • Body Build:
    • Physical Stat: 3 + (2:2) + (2:2) = 5
    • Body Shape: Toned.
    • Body Fat: Moderate.
  • Languages:
    • Daendroqin || Native Language || Fluent and literate.
    • Common || Proficient || Fluent and literate.
  • Eye Color: Olive green.
    • [ Sinfyi's irises turn red and her eye whites turn black when feeding. ]
  • Hair Color: Crow black.
  • Hair Style: A sloppy cut bob, with various strands typically pinned out of her face.
  • Skin Color: Paled tan.
  • Clothing: Tattered garments with a forlorn hint of opulence in their designs.
  • Height: 5'4 ft.

  • First Paragraph || Exurbant Optimist || Judged by Sinfyi's frail physique alone, a stranger might be left with a myriad of varying impressions of her. Although certainly harboring somewhat of a peculiar bearing that might alarm some of the mundane, the woman does host a very amiable comportment whenever she engages interaction. With effervescent gestures and an abundance of pleasantries to talk about, Sinfyi's exceptionally optimistic attitude is something that quickly becomes evident when gauging a first impression of her. However her stark buoyancy does become questionable due to the occasionally distant look in her drained eyes, delivering somewhat of a feigned interest in whatever a stranger might have to say - Irregardless of the hints in her behavior that contradicts it.
  • Second Paragraph || Turmoil & Distress || Sinfyi's internal feelings once mirrored the cheer that she displays to others, though her confidence in others - yet mostly herself - had dwindled by grace of the unjust oppression she was treated with in Regalia. It molded the woman in someone much more egotistical who puts herself first before others, a trait that only amplified after getting infected with the Sanguine Curse. The turmoil of vast uncertainty that she had significantly calmed after the infection, and Sinfyi regained some of the confidence that she had lost before. Now, the woman has a steadfast convincement of her own success, which concurrently prompts a feeling of superiority over those she subjectively deems lesser than her. It's Sinfyi's arrogance that in response composed a very impulsive character who commonly eliminates the basic process of thinking her actions through because of the unwavering certainty that everything she does will end in prosperity. However with that conceit, it does unfortunately make failure hit twice as hard now. Sinfyi has a certain temperament that only gets fueled when she's met with failure, making her very prone to fits of rage and anger when things ultimately don't work out the way how she would've liked them to. It are moments of sheer frustration like these that incite an internal conflict concerning her identity, making her struggle to believe what her true emotions are and whether they are valid or not - Ultimately fearing the idea of entirely losing control over herself and recognize a different person than who she was before.
  • Third Paragraph || Tyranically Sweet || Sinfyi latches onto confidants and ensures that they never escape her grasps. Being recently short of a family, the young woman was left abandoned and all alone - Something awful that she never wishes to experience ever again. Her consternation to be left alone again prevails her to grow possessive and indirectly commanding to loved ones. Although she never means to spoil her relationships with this dominating character, she regrettably does without fully realizing it. Friends act as more of an outlet for Sinfyi to vent and rant to, prompting her to grow more emotionally expressive and escape the shallow mold of the distant oddity she's categorized in upon first sight. At the same time, Sinfyi grows invested in their affairs and can be a great listening ear in return. She does adore her friends, but the tight leash she keeps on them can occasionally make people doubt that.
  • Fourth Paragraph || Limitless Gonzo || Sinfyi's egoism prompts her to primarily look out for herself first and foremost, acknowledging the welfare of others as a second thought - Sometimes even a fleeting one. The understanding of her own meek nature makes Sinfyi prioritize her safety and welfare above that of others, comforting her contrition that may occasionally arise with the thought that others could manage just fine without her aid at all. Sinfyi lives with a generally selfish attitude that regularly fuels many of her motives and actions. Everything is done for personal gain and her regard for others is merely genuine if they've proven useful to her greater goals in life. It's a mindset that only worsened after her infection, which drives her to regard anything outside of the Vampiric hierarchy as inferior and regularly futile. Sinfyi chiefly lacks any form of decency and will only adhere to her own rules. That simultaneously explains why her moral boundaries are so flexible and broad - Her actions are considered morally correct when it prevents her harm or death, for whatever that might extend to.
[-- LIFE STORY --]
Childhood ( 0 - 12)

  • On the 24th of December 266 AC, the cries of a newborn emitted out the window in a tavern somewhere in Portimao. Suzana and Ratimir Petali gave birth to their third and final child, Jozefina Petali.
  • Although the Petalis never sat on vast piles of riches, they earned enough to provide Jozefina a decent education in reading and writing. While her mother sold various tailored pieces of clothing in her boutique, Jozefina's father was a renowned smith in Portimao.
  • Jozefina spent a majority of her childhood in the streets of Portimao with plenty of friends to surround herself with, occupying herself with trifling activities just for fun. She never had much use of her sister Finka, who typically tried to charm and persuade the higher class in hopes to find herself a wealthy man, but her brother Fabijan always joined Jozefina whenever they went out the house to play with the other children.
  • Fabijan, who spoke with a lisp due to an accident that knocked both of his two front teeth out, stumbled over his own tongue trying to address his younger sister. For the sake of ease, Fabijan gave her the nickname Sinfyi that stuck to her for the rest of her life.
Adolescence ( 12 - 18)
  • Out of sheer boredom, Sinfyi picked up the hobby of alchemy at the age of thirteen. She stole some of her family's hard-earned savings to buy herself the necessary supplies and tomes to teach it herself at her own merit.
  • With Finka marrying a local crimelord of Partimao with heaps of coin buried in his pockets, the Petalis' wealth increased significantly - Albeit that at the price of disobeying the law. The family got themselves nestled in the ruthless underworld and were faced with a lot of crime, with Fabijan involving himself knee-deep in its unscrupulous antics. Sinfyi eventually followed her brother's footsteps and got familiarized with misconduct. Although treading on thin ice, Sinfyi earned herself a vast amount of wealth that afforded her to live a relatively luxurious live.
  • Sinfyi was able to buy her own house in Portimao, so she left her household together with Fabijan in favor for a quaint little villa on the outskirts of Portimao. While it was an estate that used its splendor for parties and events, the two Petalis simultaneously used the villa as a base for operations.
Adulthood ( 20 - Present )
  • At age twenty-one, the Petali wealth fully collapsed due to Fabijan's arrest after a group of Silven turned him in. With her own life at stake, Sinfyi left Portimao in a hurry without having any destination in mind. To this day, Sinfyi lives in regret for abandoning her family in Daendroc without any notice.
  • Sinfyi eventually found herself in a traveling troupe who ventured all across Daendroc. She found a home amongst the other gypsies, who have taken the woman in their care and made her feel at home.
  • Tragedy struck anew however, as a group of Silven vagabonds set the camp of Sinfyi's travelling group ablaze. Left with naught again and damned by the hands of the Arken children once again, Sinfyi developed somewhat of a bitter distaste towards them.
  • Without a sense of understanding over the geography of Aloria, Sinfyi wandered for a prolonged amount of time at the age of twenty-six. By smuggling herself on boats and jumping from cart to cart, Sinfyi landed in La Portée du Paradis, Ithania. There she managed to make a living by pick-pocketing useless trinkets and selling them along with alchemic substances on the market for a higher price.
  • As hopeful as she was, life in Ithania wasn't so appealing for Sinfyi. Experiencing a strong sense of exclusion from the majority of Ithanians for her exotic and peculiar appearance, Sinfyi took the initiative to leave Ithania and seek better opportunities elsewhere. At age thirty, Sinfyi found her way to Regalia.
  • Sinfyi arrived in Regalia amidst Rikkira's oppression, experiencing the obscure appearances of several Arken who plagued the city endlessly. It piqued a mixture of both fear and interest, making her stay in the city worthwhile as she tried to find her place in the city.
  • Despite making a lot of acquaintances she eventually came to hold dear to her heart, an unfortunate falling-out with someone who she grew affectionate towards crippled the woman's confidence significantly. Heartbroken and forlorn, Sinfyi made the decision to pack her things and move to the south of Regalia, finding herself in the Highland Ceardian core of Gallovia.
  • Being the sulken wreck of an anguished damsel, Sinfyi was very prone to manipulation and persuasion by others. It caused her to fall in the hands of Gillot Montgomery, a Vampire and acquaintance she met back in the Crown City. Thinking she found comfort in Gillot's presence at first, it eventually lead to be a trap for Sinfyi to get infected by the Sanguine Curse. The infection kindled a feeling of newfound confidence, finding assurance in the abilities that the curse granted her.
  • At age fourty, only a couple days after her birthday, Sinfyi ventured back to Regalia in hopes to find her place there once again and finally tie some loose ends.
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  • The fourth spell is listed learnt at 19, it should be 22 given the time restraints.
  • In the magic talent, it states she is capable of casting five spells when it should be four instead.

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
M-Made some changes in red.
  • Added school of Demon Magic.
    • Minor changes made in skill section and life story.
  • Re-hauled the personality section.
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Made another few changes in red!
  • Turned Sinfyi's skill level from a caster to spellweaver.
    • Added an additional spell to her spellbook and made the correct adjustments in her life story.
  • Included the mention of Void Worship in her life story.
  • Changed Sinfyi's main ambition.
  • Altered the first, second and third paragraph in the personality section.
@Staff Roleplay
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Character sheet updated after the new proficiency update! Looking for a re-review in the skill and life story section.

My Review:
  • You have a Special Permission section despite its removal from the application template, please remove it from this application.
  • Her Cultural Points are 29 when they should be 19 as she lost 10 by entering into a school in the normal Proficiency Points area. Please correct this.
  • The numbers next to her Languages aren't really needed since she's 29 and would know two languages flat on top on her free Common. Its only a minor matter and you can keep them if you really want but I personally would remove them.
  • You still possess a Talents section despite its removal from the application template, please remove it from this application.
Please tag me when these edits are done in green @Halsi
Okay, you didn't understand what I meant: She would still be listed as having 29 points in total to spend in both areas. However, in the Cultural Point section, she only has 19 because she hard spent 10 points to enter into a School in the other section. Please edit this aspect of the application again, in green.
@HydraLana I'll be shelving this character and won't be playing Sinfyi anymore, so feel free to reject this application. Thanks!
Rejected at request of player.
My Review:
Physical Stat: 3 + (2:2) + (2:2) = 5
  • I believe this is an error?
  • Daendroqin || Native Language || Fluent and literate.
  • Common || Proficient || Fluent and literate.
  • Ithanian || Proficient || Partially fluent and literate.
  • Which of these languages came from which parent? If they both were Daendroque in culture, then please remove the Ithanian language as you have not invested the appropriate 6 points into Linguistics.
  • Please add a Height to the Visual Information section, you don't have one listed.
Tag me once the edits have occurred in green @Halsi
Fixed that!

I don't see the error? Might be my poor equation skills, but I took the points of her combat proficiency and then divided the points from the bodycare training and literary arts proficiencies. With those numbers counted together, it should be right.
