Preserved Sheet Sinduk

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Aug 28, 2022
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Name: Sinduk
  • Race: Ksat Allar
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Yellow

Core Concept

A proud yet somewhat dense thick skulled Ksat hunter always looking for the next obstacle to conquer, be it the beasts of the untamed wilds, or the thugs and miscreants of city life.

  • Strength: 7
-Bruiser Feint Pack
-Bruiser Slam Pack
-Bruiser Flurry Pack
-Bruiser Parry Pack
-Leaping Charge Pack
-Berserker Fury Pack
-Technique Parry Pack
  • Constitution: 4
-Bonfire Pack
-Rage Counter Pack
-Physique Pack
-Bruteforce Pack
  • Dexterity: 3
-Bloody Shot Pack
-Hook Shot Pack
-Parkour Pack


Racial Abilities(Allar)

-Limb Recovery
-Steel Claws

Allar Free Packs
-Resilience Pack
-Mineral Wisdom
-Medical Pack (Alchemy)
-Wood Craft Pack

Affliction: Scale Marken


Common (Free)

Pidato (Native)

Appearance Information

  • Sinduk has two large forward curving, bull-like horns which cause him to take a more forward leaning, hunched posture, with his tail being used as a counterbalance behind him, giving him an almost bestial walking gait.

  • Sinduk is covered in a light maroon layer of scaly hide, with sharper, spike-like scales running down the center of his back from his neck to his tail. Some of these spikes are capped with earthenware and wooden coverings hand-carved for the purpose of extending these points for show.

  • Sinduk is a large Ksat Allar with a head resembling that of a mix between a real world Carnotaurus in terms of bulk, yet with the slight elongated look and horned appearance of Ceratosaurs. His head sports a slight crest near the back, under which sits his mane of violet and scarlet feathers.

  • While standing in his hunched over posture, Sinduk stands at around 6'1 in height, with a length from head to tail estimated at around 8 feet. As a Ksat, his clawed feet each sport a menacing dagger-sharp sickle-claw.

  • Sinduk is often clad in light armor built for mobility and decorated with various bones and hides from past hunts, as well as the occasional ceramic or wooden carving.
Scale Marken Form

As a Scale Marken, Sinduk's scales take on a darker coloration, smoothed somewhat to allow for better aquatic locomotion. The horns on his head become more monstrous and curved, with smaller horns accompanying the now spiral shaped two which are most prominent.

In the form of this beast, Sinduk's head has become somewhat of a mix between a crocodile's head and that of a Snapping turtle's, sporting a crushing beak, razor sharp teeth, and two pronounced tusks on his lower jaw.

The scales along Sinduk's back have become thicker and numerous spikes run in rows down it's length down to the tail, which ends in a blunt club of spikes and bone. The tail itself is flattened somewhat in a crocodilian paddle-like shape. In this form, Sinduk often alternates between quadrupedal and bipedal locomotion.

Having grown somewhat in this form, Sinduk stands at a height of 8 feet, with a length from head to tail of about 9 feet.

Life Story

  • Sinduk hails from the Allar homeland of Hadar, born to a pair of hunters among the northern Razkhaar Tribedom.

  • Sinduk spent his adolescent years learning the ways of the hunt in the jungles of Hadar, learning how to be adaptable and resourceful when it came to using nearby resources to create makeshift weaponry, often creating small figurines for each hunt he came back from.

  • During his early adult years, Sinduk split his time between honing his craft as a hunter, targeting bigger and bigger game, and taking work lending his strength to various groups in the Tribedom wherever there was coin to be earned or taken, be that among pirates, raiders, or simply those looking for a bodyguard escort through he jungles. He adopted a rather nomadic lifestyle, sticking to himself when possible though not against occasional company and merriment at local bars and taverns.

  • When looking back on what exactly brought Sinduk to the city of Regalia, one could say the answer lay in a few reasons. The search for a new scenery, an escape from creeping boredom, or simply the growing subconscious need for the company of other sentient life outside of what he was already used to, many factors went into his final decision to begin his travels to the city.
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