Preserved Sheet Sinclair De Letoirneau

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A Loyal, Humbling Citizen.
Jul 27, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Sinclair de Letoirneau

  • Age: 20
    • Born on June 25, 285 A.C.
  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Ailor
    • Leutz-Vixe
  • Main Ambition: Success in the militaristic field
Skill Information

  • Proficiency Points:
    • Total Points: 20 points (20)
      • Thin Blade Combat Skill (+10 from Points)

      • Fast Blade Combat Skill (+10 from points)

    Body Shape:
    • Physical Stat: 10 Thin Blade + 10 Fast Blade = 20 Physical Stat

    • Body Build: Athletic

    • Body Fat: Built

  • 10/10 Alt-Regalian

  • 10/10 Common.

  • 10/10 Leutz-Vixe
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Pale green

  • Hair Color: Light blonde

  • Hairstyle: Clean, well combed

  • Skin Color: Fair

  • Clothing: Suitable for sparring and horse riding.

  • Height: 6'1"
  • Weapon of Choice: Mace

Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph: Sinclair is often seen as big and scary individuals but in reality, he is a very friendly person, he is sometimes viewed as scary to shorter races such as Dwarfs, but his facial expressions kind of make people think he is a bad guy since he never smiles unless with Family. Other people look up to him because of how muscular he is and how strong he is. Sometimes this backfires on him when he tries to meet new people because of they back away in fear and sometimes run off. Occasionally he can get new people to come and talk to him and when they do talk to him, he is very friendly and people can see who he is really.
Sinclair is perceived by others as a strict, but a mellow person.

  • Second Paragraph: Sinclair feels about himself inside is him being the best person in Regalia. This goes back to him being self-centered, he believes the world revolves around him and only him. But when he is proven wrong he is angry inside but never shows his emotion for he knows it is something to get mad about in public. Sinclair is always confident, nothing can ruin his confidence except when it comes to giving a large speech in front of many people then he can get nervous and freak out a bit.

  • Third Paragraph: Sinclair is seen by his family as being a narcissist in his own various ways. Occasionally he gets on his sibling's nerves but every brother does that. Sinclair is being taught by his family to focus more on others and less on himself. He is also considered the strongest male in his family having the 6'1, muscular build of his body. Sinclair is always interactive with his family and he learning from them every day. Sinclair recently moved from his homeland of collen-bas, he doesn't have many friends, however, the friends he does have, they see him as clingy yet trustworthy. He is a completely different person when he is around his friends than with his family. He is willing to go out on the town late at night and drink with his friends.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Sinclair's morality is found in only good deeds. His morality his found in anything that is good and that if anyone breaks his morals he can learn to forgive them. Occasionally it is hard for him to forgive, but he always comes around and forgives them for the wrong that they did to him. A few things would never make Sinclair forgive, one of them being the hurting of his family if anyone ever hurt his family he would never forgive them and possibly take justice into his own hands. The second thing he would never be able to forgive is the murder of anyone (accept Kathar). If he found out someone killed a young boy he would obviously tell the guards but if the Guards won't act on it in a few days, then he takes matters into his own hands.

  • Domesticated Animals

  • Women

  • Family

  • Elves

  • Horses



  • Slum dwellers

  • Harlotry

  • Orcs

  • Varran

  • Kathar

Life Story (Required)

0-5 Childhood:

Sinclair's childhood was very strange. He was born in collen-bas in the year of 285 A.C. His mother was off doing other stuff like taking care of Talen or baking cookies. Sinclair used the nurse a lot in his childhood, for his father wasn't there too much either cause he was always with Sinclair's mother helping taking care of Talen. Sinclair looked up to the nurse a lot and did what the nurse told him to do. When he was starting to walk and speak his parents started to pay more attention to Sinclair and listened to him more and they took less notice Talen.

(Nothing really happened between 5-10)

10-15 Adolescence:

Sinclair's Adolescence was like everyone's, learning how to take care around the house and learning how to take care of a family. Sinclair convinced his father to let him learn how to fight using Maces instead of learning how to ride his horse. Sinclair trained all the time with his father with his training Maces and was able to learn and he felt ready for school. His father was aboard with with this. His father said he was willing to send him to the School of Battlemed when he was 1o.

16-20 (School Years):

Sinclair, now at the age of Seventeen, headed off to the School of Battlemed leaving his family behind. Sinclair knew this was going to be a rough and hard challenge but he was determined to please his father. Throughout the time he spent in school, he felt like giving up on school altogether but he knew he would displease his father so he continued to train hard with his Maces and medicine, eventually graduating at the age of 20.
Sinclair has finished schooling and decided to head back home to his father and mother. When he arrived home He only saw Talen and his father and Mother, his sister Roesia apparently moved to regalia without penning a letter to Sinclair. He asked his father and mother for permission to leave to Regalia and they let him seek out a new life in the city. He arrived to Regalia on April 30, where he reunited with his sister once more in the bar. Sinclair is still adjusting to this new life in a city and he has grown with the help of his sister.
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Quick peer review.

The following is required when filling out your character application. In order to explain the character's personality, we will ask you write a paragraph to respond to each question, and we'll provide some examples to give you some ideas. If you want to be helpful to reviewers, make sure to bold the keywords you are using that are traditionally seen as traits:
Delete the template.

Likes and dislikes are not mandatory, so put in a spoiler.

The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.
Delete the template.

(Nothing really happened between 5-10)
No development at all?

Sinclair is perceived by others as a strict, but mellow person.
Was this meant to be in the first paragraph?

One to two more sentences are supplementary.

I'm pretty blunt with this, but I mean no harm. It's mostly just due to my sheer tiredness. I hope the best for ya.
  • For your First Personality and Abilities Paragraph, is there anything about Sinclair that causes fear or is it purely his size? Reason I ask this is because we have Orcs and Url that can be massive in size and overly intimidating. When there are a good portion of physically capable people that exist in the city, due in part with Imperial culture, being muscular isn't entirely cause for intimidation. Does he have any scarring? Is it an expression that he has on his face? A way he behaves or acts? Things about how he interacts with his surroundings that can evoke this fear than purely his physical size.
  • For the Third Personality and Abilities Paragraph you talk about his interaction with his family, which is excellent, but I want to know how he acts towards his friends. Include that in two or three sentences and that should cover it. Is there any difference with how he acts with friends than he does with family? Things like that.
  • For the Fourth Personality and Abilities Paragraph, is there anything that causes difficulties for Sinclair to forgive someone? There are always limits to a moral scale and no one is entirely good and easy to be forgiving. So what would cause a breaking point for Sinclair to forgive someone? Would he be able to forgive a murderer of children for example? If someone were to harm his family, would he be able to forgive them? Just little things like that to make Sinclair more of a real person that being purely defined by his good morality.
  • For the Life Story you're a bit short on how long it takes to learn Battlemed. All schools take 10 years to learn, which those 10 years would be conducted at the Abbey of Confessors, the School for Battlemed in Regalia. You have the option to age Sinclair to have 10 years at the School or you can change the life story to have him attend the School of Battlemed at age 10 and graduate at age 20. Whichever option you wish is fine.
Make the above changes and tag myself once completed @Ringo0310
@Wumpatron I believe I made the right edits, I made them in blue so they may stand out.
Satisfied with the changes, you're approved
@Wumpatron Question, if I was to age him up or change his last name, would the require a Re-Review?
At 20 combat, he can only go up to Athletic, not Muscular. Fix this.

"Fair" body fat ain't a thing. Pick one from the Prof page.

Schools are 4 years, not 10. Fix this.

Tag me when you're done
... Strong Man isn't a body fat either. Pick one from these that's appropriate.
  • Extreme Low Fat (recommended for Ripped), where below-skin tissue is more easily visible.
  • Low Body Fat, which is below average body fat for a person.
  • Average Body Fat, which is as implied, average.
  • Moderate Body Fat, which allows for some fat build up for example with curves or chub.
  • Built Body Fat (recommended for Strongman), which allows for fat to be built around muscle tissue.
  • Obese Body Fat, which is purely just overweight, where all muscular definition is gone.
... 4 years. Not 3. 4.
@LumosJared If you can re-approve my app, I had to change his last name for the Fam I am in, Thx.
You forgot the race bonus that's leutz-vixe Ailor get
+10 Threads Knowledge