Preserved Sheet Simone Lamoreaux

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hater of men
Jan 30, 2019
Reaction score
the village


Basic Information

  • Full Name: Simone Lamoreaux

    • Birth name: Yvonne Eleanor Picard

    • Aliases: Lana, Hilda.
  • Age: 29

    • Born August 5th, 278
  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Ailor

    • Culture: Ithanian
  • Sexuality: thinking emoji

  • Preferred Weapon: Magic.
Skill Information

Total Points: 29 Points to spend from Age.

  • +15 Food and Drink Sciences | Racial Boost

  • +10 Bodycare Training | Cultural Boost

  • +2 Athletic Training | Invested Points

  • +8 Literary Arts | Invested Points

  • +19 Parlor Magic

    • +3 Guiding Light Spell

    • +3 Kindling Spell

    • +5 Calia's Grace Spell

    • +4 Element Shot Spell

    • +4 Element Branding Spell
Body Shape

  • 2x2+4=8

  • Average Body Shape

  • Average Body Fat

  • d'Ithanie| 10/10

  • Common | 7/10
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Pale Blue

  • Hair Color: Red.

  • Hair Style: Combed, and stylish.

  • Skin Color: Pale Pinkish.

  • Clothing: Dark dresses, such as dark green, blue, or black.

  • Height: 5'3
The Core List

  • Choose your Character Alignment

    • Chaotic Evil.

      • To her best ability, Simone tries to look like a good person, actively trying to help people. Although, it causes her to feel uncomfortable and weird.
  • Choose your Character Personality Type

    • The Executive.
  • Choose your Character's Religion

    • Unionism 2/10

Life Story
  • Yvonne was born in a small town outside of La Porte du Paradis, on August 5th, 278. From the start, it was obvious she wasn't going to be an easy child. She often threw things and attacked the people around her. Quickly, she realized this wasn't an appropriate way to act, so she changed her ways. Other than that, she had a relatively normal childhood.

  • In her teen years, she was a very unruly child. She often caused havoc and destruction around the town, and the local townspeople did not like her. Soon, she found a passion for Parlor magic through one of her friends, who was a Parlor Mage. She bought all the necessary books, and read through them more and more, rather than going outside with her friends. At first, her parents were fine with this, but soon, they became rather worried. Why wasn't she up to her destructive tendencies? What was going on?

  • Her parents soon found out. They did not approve, especially since it was for attacking people. She lived with her friends for a bit, here and there. She worked odd jobs, as an entertainer, a waitress, and once even pulled weeds for someone. Soon enough though, she went to La Porte du Paradis, where she got a house and a roommate and got money working as a Mercenary.

  • Finally, she got enough money to move to the Holy City, Regalia. The ship ride was long and horrible, but she survived it.

