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Played Character Simo | The Mechanoid

This character is actively played.


Scottish Egg
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Anor Londo / Scotland


Bio-Mechanical Information

Name. Simoya al-Makina bint Tariq min Qabr
Aliases. The End, The Mechanoid, Alya (Disguise)
Race. Founder Skyborn (Rishiq)
Age. Twenty Seven
Sex. Female | Any Pronouns
Occult. Death Machine Mortisphage

Core Concept || Praise be The Machinist. Praise be The Machine.

Role | Arms Dealer | Though the best is reserved for only the Rishiq, 'technologically lesser people' are afforded leftovers and preowned, 'outdated models' - so long as they can demonstrate themselves competent enough to utilise it properly, and thus be worthy of purchasing it.

Alignment | Lawful Evil | To harm or eliminate others for personal gain. To help the weak and needy only if they will repay that debt, with interest. Simoya's adherence to law does not apply to 'legal' rules, but rather their own personal code - which is primarily moulded by their faith and religiosity.

Faith | Conflicted Machinist | Simoya believes that the most serious mistake of the Skyborn people was their vile betrayal and contemptible murder of their great Patron, the Lord of Technology: The Machinist. Though she was not born Rishiq, she has adopted nearly all of their ideals and considers herself one of them. She believes The Great Storm was a harrowing and sad consequence of her people's own action.

Visual Data || From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.
Appearance | Simoya rarely ventures outside with her real body, instead preferring to take control of an Automata. Those who have seen it know Simo's true form as that of an unassuming young-adult Skyborn with short and messy dreads. Much of her body has been replaced with an outer Doyentech shell, which conceals subdermal plating and Necrotech components. Upon scanning and inspection, it appears the only organic 'parts' remaining from her original body are her heart and ribcage, her brain and skull, and the upper half of her spine. It's difficult to fully describe this 'real body', as she is constantly augmenting the pieces attached to it, swapping out legs and arms as needed or desired.

Automaton | The End is primarily a Clockwork droid, though it makes use of some Necrotech, especially in its core. Most of its form is clothed / decorated - and thus obscured - by layers of burlap and cloth (this does not act as a disguise nor does it hide the fact that it is clearly an Automaton). It has an unsettling hooded face reminiscent of a gasmask, with a dim green glow peering out behind the glassy lenses. Most odd are its legs, which were designed like a pair of weaponised running blades. Simoya won't admit the burlap is there to hide shoddy machining work, which they're embarrassed about. An array of weapons are hidden within the machine at any given time, from its arms opening to reveal steel mantis-blades, to its jaw splitting open to unleash a flamethrower from within its 'throat'.



|| The Machine is my temple, ||
|| Each one a sacred shrine. ||


Combat Protocols

7 Mag Attack | 4 Con Defence
» Ordial Magic | 7
› Magic Disengage
› Magic Revive
› Magic Snare
› Magic Cleanse
› Magic Revenge
› Magic Wardrobe

› Monster Invocation

» Intelligence |
› Tech Exhaust (Free)

» Strength | 3
› Diving Tackle
› Combat Sight
› Bruising Strike

» Constitution | 4
› Status Endure
› Rage Counter
› Bulwark
› Iron Will
› Mounted Evasion (Free)

Mechanics & Hobbies ||
Combat Style | Attack. D17 | Defence. D4

Simoya's Automatons and True Body alike are kitted out with an array of Necrotech and Clockwork weapons, powered by magical, Ordial Energy. From folded Mantis Blades and Electrical Monowire, to Necrotic Disintegration Rays and short range Flamethrowers. A barely visible, shimmering barrier of magnetic energy cloaks her form, shielding her from damage by slowing the impact of attacks against her.


Free Packs | Simoya inherits Chem Purge and Mounted Armory for free.
Heritage Mechanics | Skyborn Mechanics, Founder Ancestry, Kathar Mechanic 1


Technology | Simoya enjoys working with almost all Technology Branches, but clearly favours Clockwork and Necrotech. She specialises in weapon production and 'training' Automatous Combat Algorithms for use in various Death-Machines. Almost all of her tech is Cursed to jam or otherwise cease function if turned against her. Her Schematics are similarly cursed, displaying no or incorrect information to those who would try to steal the secrets of the Rishiq.

Alchemy | Simoya has a fascination with only the most dangerous of Alchemy. She's adept exclusively in the field of poisons and acids, which she studies, tests and implements through the use of her Automatons. She doesn't carry anti-venom on her though.


Magical Talent | Simoya is a skilled Ordial Mage, capable of channelling her magic through enchanted, synthetic Death-Script Sirr al-Hayat, grafted into the metal of all her prosthetic arms. This manifests typically as adding further Ordial Magic twists to technology-flavoured abilities.
Languages ||
⬩ Fluent: Zahram. Common. Deathspeech. Nehtalar.
⬩ Basic: Pannarokh.

|| I name each piston blessed, ||
|| And every gear divine. ||


Plot Hooks

⬩ The points below first highlight important backstory moments, and then suggest means to form IC connections. These currently reference old lore, and are a WIP as I read and rewrite Simoya's story to align with the new Skyborn lore <3

Al-Alus Native | Simoya was born and lived in Farahdeen, Al-Alus, between the years 286 and 306 AC (0 - 20).

⬩ Simoya was a particularly anti-social and quiet student at the al-Hamjad Hamanh College. She spoke to few people and wasn't particularly gifted in any area of her studies.

⬩ Simoya had plans to serve as an Engineer in the Al-Alus Military, and took an interest specifically in the study of Combat-Capable Automata.

⬩ Simoya died on a joint expedition with the Al-Sharorah Hamanh College when she - and the rest of the expedition - were ambushed at an archaeology site by an unknown force.

A Broken Scavenger | Simoya survived as a hermit in the desert of Farahdeen between the years 306 and 310 AC.

⬩ Simoya was dead for ten hours. In those ten hours, she was told, a Songaskian Necromancer was responsible for the attack; they had tried to steal Simoya's body. Simoya however was 'lucky' enough to have a small group of Rishiq come across the Songaskian, and kill him. They revived Simoya via extreme augmentation, a resuscitation made possible by their advanced necrotech. This particular Rishiq workshop was stationed near the frontlines of the Al-Alus to Songaskian Masaya border: a terrifying hellscape where hoards of undead fight an unending war against unmanned war-machines. They harvested scrap and bone alike, from both sides.

⬩ She had lost one of her arms and had only barely survived the resuscitation process. The was also infected with the Mortisphage curse, but managing to escape amongst the chaos. She began helping the Rishiq collet scrap from broken machines, going on to learn and adopt their ways. The alternative would have surely been certain death.

Further Expansion | This section is for expansions, if I decide to add any.

Please DM me on Discord at Gwyndot if interested in forming a backstory connection.
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It is allowed for a Player to have a Mystech Character Sheet and a Normal Summoner Character sheet,
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Automata Information
  • Unit Designation: al-Jyndah Clockwork Soldier | Model #0032
  • Gender/Pronouns: It
  • Heritage: Mundane Mystech - Mech Automata
  • Character Occupation: Clockwork Soldier
Creator Information
  • The al-Jyndah line was created by the enigmatic and 'famous' Scripter-Skyborn inventor: 'Quirín al-Jyndah.'
Appearance Information
  • Eye: A single, glossy black, mechanical lens.
  • Tech Branches: Klokktech, Clockwork, Azraqtech, Steamtech and Teslatech
  • Body Type: Incredibly tall and lanky.
  • Additional Features: Four bladed arms. An engine for a chest. Armoured chassis. Decorate exterior plating.
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: None.
  • Mechanics: Mech Mechanics | Skyborn Mechanic I, II, III | Scripter Ancestry Mechanic
  • Languages: Common, Zahram, Nehtalar
  • Despite claiming to be a famous inventor, it seems few people have record of who "Quirín al-Jyndah" actually is. If you ask around, you won't find a single person who's actually seen him in person.
  • Those familiar with them can tell the al-Jyndah Soldiers are Military Grade 'al-Jabha', and have design features typical of those trained in the traditional style found at 'al-Hamjad Hamanh College'.
  • The al-Jyndah soldiers are entirely mundane, and yet something always feels off about them. They have been described as off-putting and unsettling to behold.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 8
Defense Stat: 6
[14/14 Points spent]

Veteran DemonSpite
Veteran Trislash
Veteran Swiftstrike
Veteran Solitude
Veteran Parry
Weapon Throw (Free)
Steady Body
Diving Strike
Break Down

Shield Slam
Shield Deflect
Shield Taunt
Shield Snare
Shield Cover
Shield Block (Free)
Rage Counter

Adapt Shapeshift (Free)

Puretek Wrath
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Simo Edit Log |

Full character rewrite and update to the new system | 27/07/2023
Artwork added | 31/07/2023

Minor Prof Rework. Mostly the same; I tried a more optimal build but honestly Chem Berserk is too fun not to have. | 02/08/2023

Name spelling fixed. | 03/08/2023

Removed abilities that no longer exist such as Tech Antimagic and Enchant Strategy. Replaced them. | 01/10/2023

Proficiencies updated once again | 29/11/2023

Proficiency System Changed: Proficiencies updated as a result. App Aesthetics also updated. Backstory updated. Art added. Hobbies added. Name expanded upon with greater meaning and thought. Various other tweaks. | 02/01/2024

Still learning the new prof system and all the new abilities. Fixed a mistake with the profs. Ability spread modified. Magic Disengage replaced with Magic Distort. Divine Revive and Divine Burn added for being-raised-from-the-dead RP. Formatting cleaned up a little. | 09/01/2024

Simo is currently Half-Kathar as I found the Cult of Reason's adoration of Tech and Science to be fitting for Simoya. However, it has rarely came up in Social RP, and has only really been significant in Combat RP due to the Kathar Mechanic for Sinistral Magic. - It feels a little unfair, and unfitting, to be a Half-Kathar on this character as a result. Rather than changing mechanic, I have made Simoya fully Rishiq Qadir. I'll complete this update once my proficiencies are fixed. | 22/01/2024

Big update and changes to the prof system abilities. Character updated as a result. | 28/02/2024

Simoya gains a Combat Mage Kit. I am currently learning and 'testing' it in game. Proficiency is a WIP; updated to see if Theurgy is fun! | 01/05/2024

Testing Ranger Stance.
06 and 07/05/2024

Shaman Stance was reworked, as too was Shielding and various other profs. I have made Simoya a Shaman for now to try out these new abilities. | 28/05/2024

Testing... Deadeye Stance! | 15/07/2024

Update: Deadeye Stance was reworked. Deadeye Venom was removed. Build fully reworked. | 18/07/2024
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Here's my review! @Gwyndo

Basic Information
Everything looks good here! - Please just, put a pre-Cratos Gender in for me.
Skill Information
Please note that Simo only has 43 Core Points Available to them, fix this mention of 50 Points.
Plus, you still have 5 points to use!
Special Traits
Everything's listed here, good!
Visual Information
Please update your Tech Form section, as it currently makes a mention to moving at the speed of a Qadir with 10 Athletics, as Athletics is no longer a proficiency this is redundant.
Besides that, it all looks good here!
Everything is accounted for here!
Life Story
Please make an additional note of when Simo became more proficient in Stealth and Conning, much of their life story focuses upon the marksmanship and their life as a Cratos, but little is mentioned of their talent for roguery and painting! Not a massively important change, but it's nice to mention these.

Once you make the requested edits I'll be glad to mark you as approved!
@Antimreoir Cheers- Hopefully this is all fine:

Basic Information
Updated: Simo was born as a male
Skill Information
Ah, that was left over from the old app, my bad. Points have been fixed, and the five spare have been spent in Circus Arts to further justify flavourful emotes of skate-tricks

Visual Information

Another leftover- mention of the old prof system removed and rewritten~
Life Story
Simo begins painting as a minor hobby at a relatively young age, and eventually get into the medieval vampire equivalent of graffiti.

Their stealth isn't specifically written about, but I like the idea that it's implied they're just naturally good at not drawing attention to themselves (and also that they oil the rollerblade wheels lmao)

There's now mention of them specifically studying forgery whilst under the Crookback Cratos.