Silsilad Ishaysta - Sewer Gang


AKA SilentEndurance
Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
Silsilad Ishaysta
"Unbroken Chains"

-insert epic gang image here-


Silsilad Ishaysta could be considered a mix of piracy, slavery, and a gang in it's own. Originating from The Amjad's pirate town (Leader being Ikram Amjad) in The Emirates of Saruhanna, they do most of their work in the sewers of Regalia. They specialize mostly in slavery and sometimes thieving from the docks of the Regalian harbor, terror is not so much their main focus as is creating business or supporting other gangs through funding and providing supplies. Slavery is the biggest focus of the gang however, as they take many illegal slaves and either sell them, or force them into the gang as Chenjerani.


Base Location

Who is this gang for?

Any character really, however with more of a focus on wealthy ones (Heck, shady nobles who want to do gang dealings could even be in this gang). We accept characters who are good at fighting or thievery, as well as slavers. Any character can apply but do keep in mind your character's abilities and choose the rank they'd fit the best when applying.


Akulu - The Akulu serve as the owners and leaders of Silsilad Ishaysta, the consist mainly of the Amjad Family.

Olemera - Basically the money banks of Silsilad Ishaysta, these people are in charge of supporting the gang as well as funding gang activities in general. Allies of Silsilad benefit from the Olermera as well.

Ilaaliye - The Ilaaliye are the basic slavers of Silsilad Ishaysta. They are charged with managing the existing slaves, as well as gathering new ones.

Wakuba - The thieves of the gang, these members are tasked with obtaining loot from raids, while they are not necessarily combat oriented, they do require some level of training.

Chenjerani - The Chenjerani are tasked with guarding customers and the other members of Silsilad Ishaysta, as well as breaking up fights between slaves. Basically the brute force of the gang, this rank has the most members.

Staff Application

IG Username:
OOC Age: (optional)
References: (at least 3)
Skype: (Required)
Why do you, from an OOC perspective, want to join Silsilad Ishaysta?
Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Race:
Desired Rank:
Approved Application: (optional)
Short Physical Description: (only include if no approved app is attached)
Short Personality Description: (only include if no approved app is attached)
IC Letter to Ikram: (include why your character wants to join, as well as any experience s/he has in the slavery business)

Gang Ally Application
Gang Name:
Gang Members:
IC Letter to Ikram: (From the Leader of said gang)

Slave Application

IG Username:
OOC Age: (optional)
References: (at least 3)
Skype: (Semi-Required)
Why do you want your character to be enslaved?
Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Race:
Approved Application: (optional)
Short Physical Description: (only include if no approved app is attached)
Short Personality Description: (only include if no approved app is attached)
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Current Members

Ikram Amjad (@SilentEndurance) - Lead Akulu
Morgana Amjad (@Hutydan) - Akulu
Akinor Kiin (@SlicerofSilver) - Chenjerani/Wakuba
Kaldur Hassua (@PreciseReinhardt) - Wakuba

Current Allies

Jin-Tao (@Punktius)
Order of The Isla Fox (@Nixces)
Creed of Dusk (@daNofficial)
The Sleeping Circle (@H0on)

Current Enemies

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