Shelved Character Silja

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Honest Citizen
Mar 8, 2021
Reaction score
Deep Down
Roleplay Guilds
Aelrrigan Knight Order
Character Information
  • Full Name: Silja
  • Heritage / Culture: Anglian Ailor
  • Age: Twenty-Six
  • Gender / Pronouns: She/Her
  • Occult: None
Core Concept
A devoted Viridian Knight with an out of the ordinary happy-go-lucky, or positive attitude. While she is less than expressionate, a small smile usually decorates her face and she speaks in a friendly tone, usually making it easy to get to crack a laugh. She has dedicated most of her life to duty and war, and is a loyal citizen of the Empire, feeling indebted to said sovereignty after defending it for so long.

Appearance Information

Silja is a pale Ailor woman, hair golden blonde and long, straight and tamed, its generally kept down though is sometimes pulled away and back, revealing her sharp facial features. Her eyes are a murky hazel green, and she towers at a height of 6'5" with a buff, muscular figure that's been rugged by years of service. Routinely, she wears shiny armor embellished with green accents, though will sometimes swap the steel out for trousers and casual wear.

Combat Style


Hobbies and Talents

  • Athletic Hobby
  • Medical Hobby
  • Strength: 7
    • Careful Fighter [Free | Melee Purchase]
    • Technique Parry
    • Concussive Blow
    • Diving Tackle
    • Knockback Sweep
    • Force Toss
    • Brawl Stampede
    • Steady Body
  • Constitution: 7
    • Shield Block [Free | Shielding Purchase]
    • Shield Slam
    • Shield Taunt
    • Shield Deflect
    • Shield Snare
    • Rage Counter
    • Interception
    • Getaway Pack
  • Intelligence: 0
    • Wardrobe Pack [Free | Ailor]
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 0
Anglian (10/10)
Common (9/10)
Calem (7/10)
Altalar (5/10)

Life Story / Plot Hooks

Knighthood: Silja is a Viridian Knight and trained at the Hohenfels Chapter, located in Calemburg.

Anglian: Silja comes from Anglia, most evident from her slight accent. She has taken skills from home with her like animal care, farming/gardening, and hunting. If asked, she will talk fondly about home, and is generally more welcoming and understanding to fellow Anglian's.

Combatant: Silja has participated and fought in multiple wars at the frontlines of the Regalian army, having marched alongside the militias and Tenpenny soldiers. She is very private about the experiences or any details of this large chunk of her life. Other characters that were involved may have seen her in the battlefield or barracks.
