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Played Character Silas

This character is actively played.


ancient gay
May 26, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
House Croy

Character Information

  • Full Name: Silas of Koerich.
    • Alias/Nicks: Silas, Syl, "The Wyrm of Koerich".
    • Heritage / Culture: Leutz-Vixe Half-Ailor/Half-Teledden.
    • Age: 29 Years. [Born 283 AC]
    • Gender / Pronouns: Male. He/Him.
    • Occult: Rejection Arkenborn.
Core Concept
Silas is a Rejectonborn bastard, who, after serving in the soldiery for years, became a farmer, hunter, and general laborer/homesteader. He currently farms in the Regalian countryside, working with crops, ranching, and general homesteading, but goes into the city nearly daily to trade. Having possessed a dark, dour life and suffered a troubled past, he generally keeps to himself, and keeps his head down.

Appearance Information
The first, most obvious feature of Silas is his glowing, ominous Arkenborn eyes, which cause him to stick out like a sore thumb. Dark circles encompass them from a lack of good sleep. His hair is a dark, ruddy ginger, with a slightly darker, unkempt stubble as a beard. Two prominent, surprisingly elegant elf ears stick out from either side of his hair. He is fit and trim, from an active, laboring lifestyle and occupation. His hands are a point of concern for him, stained a deep, lifeless black from wrist to fingertip, a result of his Rejectionborn heritage. As if this was not enough, his cursed hands are tipped with long, monstrous claws, sharp and wicked, causing him to require thick leather gloves to hide them most of the time.

Attack and Defense Stat
Presently unused until someone smarter than me helps with this. I also do not CRP.

Not Used.

Lëtz, Common.

Life Story

  • Silas is the bastard offspring between an undisclosed father, and the Rejection Arken. The circumstances of this are unknown to him, but his father was disgusted at what he had sired, casting him out to a nearby village, Koerich, in Osteiermark.
  • The young boy grew up an orphan, and a pariah of society. The isolated town, in the depths of the Carrais du Lion dark forests, was not one accepting of the abnormal like himself. Growing up, he received all manner of abuse, neglect, and trauma.
  • As young as ten, Silas was already working, long-since having abandoned the abuses of the town's orphanage. He did odd jobs that afforded him enough to eat dinner, or outright stole when needed. Beatings and jailtime were frequent.
  • The moment Silas was eighteen, he went to the recruitment office in Vieux-Provence, joining the Regalian Military, his ticket out of the place of his birth. After training, in 302 AC, he would see himself as a frontline soldier in multiple conflicts across the Empire, with the litany of wars that began to break out.
  • After completing his service, and being discharged, the battered man, stricken by the horrors of war and battle, tried to find a life somewhere else. Rejected at every turn, he found himself working off debts at a lumber yard for some years back home in Osteiermark.
  • He then moved to the capital city countryside, and eventually found employment as a tenant farmhand. He worked at this job for years, up to the modern times, to the point where garnered enough experience to have his own, small farm. While shoddy, poor, and constantly in danger of foreclosure, it's the only thing that is truly his.
Plot Hooks
  • Silas is a farmer, laborer, rancher, and hunter. He often sells his produce to general shops in the city, or directly from a stall or wagon, to make a profit. At various points, he's worked many labor-involved jobs, such as: lumberjacking, mining, and construction. [This is a character open to manual labor, occupation-focused RP, or trading RP]
  • Silas was once a solider, serving in the wars of the Empire from 302-307 AC. [This is a character open to military service again, or having backstory narratives with existing OCs who served during this time, or simply discussing/recalling war stories]
  • Silas is from Osteiermark, specifically a small, isolated town called Koerich. Due to his unique nature and Arkenborn status, people from the Carrois du Lion region or in cities nearby may have heard of the Wyrm of Koerich, the degrading insult the townsfolk used to levy on the demonspawn that lived among them. [This is a character from Osteiermark, with a very small amount of local infamy to the forest towns of Carrois du Lion]
  • Silas is a Rejection Arkenborn, though does not embrace his occult status. He is uncomfortable around other Arkenborn due to having been conditioned throughout his life to view himself as something negative or disgusting. [This is a character who is Occult-oriented, though in a very self-hating way, and is therefore open to RP narratives denoting being more self-hating, or more self-loving of his affinity]
  • Silas is nominally a Unionist, but finds faith a difficult subject. Having never had a religious role model in his life, he does not understand his place in the faith, or in any faith, as an unloved demonspawn. [This is a character with a troubled religious past, open to faith reinforcment or conversion]
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