Preserved Sheet Silas Bellridge

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Jun 6, 2019
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This is the character application for my character, Silas Bellridge.

Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Siliasolias "Silas" Bellridge
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Dressolini Ailor
  • Sexuality: Homosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: No combat skills

Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: Silas has 8 available-to-spend proficiency points because he is 18 years old and has spent 10 points on literary arts.
  • +10 Musical Arts (from cultural boost)
  • +10 Literary Arts (from points)
Body Shape
  • No physical stat, quite weak
  • Slim body shape
  • Low body fat
  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • Dressolini (learned in later childhood due to culture, only knows some basic terminology due to lack of use)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • No special traits/spells/mutations
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Silas has lived in Regalia for the majority of his life. He moved there at the age of four and has lived happily with his close family for many years. He has no significant role in Regalia. However, where he comes from, his immediate family is not far off the family tree of the not very commonly known noble house of Bellridge.
  • Silas has had quite a peaceful upbringing. He has always been the runt of the family and gained little attention from his parents in comparison to his brothers. He is the youngest and is usually treated like a child.

Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Hazel (closer to green than brown)
  • Hair Color: Ginger
  • Hair Style: Short and messy
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: Comfortable, ever so slightly noble, slightly adventurous
  • Height: 5'4
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Silas has an absent kind of expression on his face most of the time. His eyes are oddly large and his cheeks are dotted with freckles. He has ears that are slightly larger than average and his nose is quite defined. He has reasonably thin lips that seem to always be either apart in awe or together in a small smile. He can never manage to get his hair into an acceptable state, as it always seems to do its own thing.
  • Silas is quite petite for someone his age. He sometimes attempts to seem bigger than he is, but to no avail. Other people usually tower over him when speaking to him, much to the young man's displeasure.
  • Silas tries his best to dress nicely when going out in public without drawing attention to himself. He always manages to get clothes that are a size or two too large, which contributes to his already frustrating clumsiness.
  • Silas, having not yet completed puberty, still has quite a high-pitched voice. He has an annoying tendency to go back on his words and repeat them in an attempt to figure out what to say next. However, once he gets going talking about something he's passionate about, good luck with getting him to stop or stumble.

Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)
The following is required when filling out your character application. In order to explain the character's personality, you may choose between two optional sets of questions. The Question List is meant to make you think out of the box, which is something useful for people who are more comfortable thinking further on their character design, or you may choose The Core List, which sets out the basic relevant data, though requiring a bit more reading on the part of the app maker. Choose one of the following two options for your required Personality section, and ignore the other.

Option One: The Question List
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • When he's happy, Silas seems quite bubbly and excited. He's usually in this state, and will actively try his best to make others happy.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • When scared, Silas is quiet and tries to make himself as small as possible. This is the only time at which he will do this. If the cause of the fear is a person, he may try to strike up a small conversation to get on their good side, but usually he is too afraid to do so.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • When stressed, Silas gets really annoyed. The right side of his brain completely takes over and he doesn't think properly.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Silas is highly respectful of the law and will actively try his best to obey it. In some cases, he may be caught doing something slightly illegal, but he won't realise he's doing it and panic when it's pointed out to him. If he witnesses a crime, however, he will most likely go into a state of fear and try to get out of the situation as quickly as possible.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Silas is way too fed up of people discriminating against him for various reasons that he can't bring himself to discriminate against others. At the very least, not purposely. He may think nasty things but he'll never say them out loud, not only out of integrity, but out of fear as well.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Silas' beliefs lie with Unionism. However, he doesn't go out of his way when it comes to celebrating this religion. He believes in it and is devout, but if someone says something against his religion, he'll be too shy to speak up about it.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Quite simply, Silas has a lack of understanding towards the Arcane and Magical. He tries his best to wrap his head around it but somehow he just… can't.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Silas, while respectful of his family, isn't overly happy about them. True, he loves them with all his heart, but sometimes things can get out of hand and this requires him to step back and take a break from family business once in a while.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Silas is most proud of his kindness towards others, despite how weak it can make him. He tries his very best to be a good person and, in his eyes, as long as you're trying, that's what matters.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Silas is motivated by the concept of peace. He knows it may be years, decades, even centuries until it arrives, but he's determined to play his part.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Silas is highly insecure about a few things. His height is one thing that bothers him, as he is usually towered over by others. He's also highly insecure about his sense of direction, which somehow always manages to get him lost. Over time, he begins to grow more insecure about his physical weakness and inability to defend himself, too.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Silas is deathly afraid of swimming. He's perfectly good at it and if you throw him in a pond he'll most likely not drown, but due to an almost-drowning incident in his earlier years, he refuses to go in the water. He's also terrified of being forgotten by those he cares about.
Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)
  • Silas has a dreadful sense of direction. He'll often get lost and end up going in circles. He's also unable to read maps very well, which just aids in this weakness.
  • Silas is highly unfit and physically weak. He has no idea how to defend himself and will most likely just end up screaming for help in a dangerous situation. That is, unless he can see a logical way out without having to fight anyone. He would instantly lose.

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • No unique perks not already mentioned.
  • Despite everything, Silas does have one talent, which is singing. He's usually too shy and awkward to sing in public. However, when you do hear him sing, it's quite enchanting. He will usually only sing for family and friends whom he trusts thoroughly.
  • Silas loves it when he's able to talk to someone without getting bored by their conversation. He's not as big of a fan when talking in larger groups, but he really appreciates being able to bond with someone without any disagreement.
  • Quite ironically due to his intense fear of swimming, Silas loves the beach. A nice day there, sitting on the sand (and obviously not swimming), building sandcastles… something about it is really nice to him.
  • Silas loves children's toys. He finds comfort in having them and being able to hold them close.
  • Silas hates it when people threaten to hurt others. His purity is too strong and often he ends up getting himself hurt by speaking up about this.
  • Silas can't stand the sight of wasps or any other bug that threatens to sting him. He's not overly afraid, he just really doesn't like them. He's never actually been stung by one due to his caution around them.
  • Silas absolutely hates being ignored. If someone shuts down what he says because of his childlike appearance and personality, he'll get quite frustrated.

Relationships (Optional)
No significant player character relationships at the moment. Currently working on a love interest with a friend of mine.

Immediate Family (alive, NPCs) – Mother, father, two older brothers (Dain and Noah).

Life Story (Required)
Silas was born in a small city near the shores of Arvost, into a branch of the Bellridge family tree. He spent the first four years of his life in his hometown, with his family, learning the culture and language. On his fourth birthday, his parents surprised him (and his brothers) with a move to Regalia.

A few months later, his eldest brother, Mace, contracted a deadly disease and unfortunately lost his life. This was Silas' first true experience with death. He mourned for a few months, before discovering a passion for music and putting Mace's death behind him. He learnt to sing and would occasionally sing in public for people's entertainment.

As he got older, though, Silas started to become more self-conscious and would no longer sing in public. Instead, he started to entertain himself by exploring the city and writing about his adventures. He shared his stories with his two surviving brothers, although, they didn't ever seem to care. However, this was soon stopped by his mother when she realised her youngest son was constantly getting himself lost and into dangerous situations.

Sometimes, however, Silas would still sneak out to explore. Occasionally, he still does.
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Hello! I'm claiming this app for a review, do expect a response shortly!
It's review time!
  • First off, I'm going to ask you to remove all unnecessary paragraphs like this: The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list.Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list. Also be sure to use a bolded header to separate Culture Points from Proficiency Points and languages.
  • Secondly, please list which Ailor culture he is in the Racial section for me!
  • You have ten extra points you are able to use! Feel free to add those in!
  • Please bump his height, even though he is only fifteen most Ailor reach close to their adult height around that age.
  • Where was he born? This should be mentioned in the life story. Also, do be sure to mention his proficiencies in the life story and explain how they learned them! (Except for the cultural proficiencies as this is implied)
Please make your edits in a new color and tag me @Rochelle_ when done, thank you!
@Rochelle_ Hi, I edited the application as you requested. I was a bit confused as to what you meant with the ten extra points, but I think you just meant that I can use the extra ones for skills. As such, I upped Silas' literary arts skill. :3

I should probably also mention that I'd accidentally overlooked the geography tab on the wiki, oops!!
@Rochelle_ Hi, I edited the application as you requested. I was a bit confused as to what you meant with the ten extra points, but I think you just meant that I can use the extra ones for skills. As such, I upped Silas' literary arts skill. :3

I should probably also mention that I'd accidentally overlooked the geography tab on the wiki, oops!!
Thanks for the quick work, you're Approved!
I decided to make some minor edits around Silas' age. I wasn't able to tell if Rochelle_ is still staff or not, but they haven't been on for months so I figured it was best to just set it to Needs Reviewer.