Sihndar Community


Jun 27, 2013
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You are taking your usual treks down the city center, entering the Golden Willow tavern, center and hotspot for many within the city. As you scan over the bustling activity, the laughter, the usual patrons drinking and making merry, you spot something out of the ordinary. Across the way at the far end, you spot a group of Sihndar about a table, discussing various things, writing on papers as non-Sihndar come to speak with them. You get closer, overhearing talk of hunting the void, gathering more Sihndar, and gathering any brave enough to assist them. It would appear the Sihndar are returning to Regalia in notable numbers, ready to rid the streets of any evil being that would threaten the non-tainted. These Sihndar need more numbers, more like-minded individuals, they turn and look to you, awaiting.





The Sihndar have a variety of goals that any and all can participate in, furthering their agenda and presence throughout the world.
  • Alter the Regalian mindset to be more anti-magic, leading to greater acts against otherworldly forces such as silven, mages, vampires, possessed, etc.
  • Gain positions of note; such as demon hunters for nobility and higher ranking guardwork (Both private and for the Empire), mercenary commanders, etc.
  • Connect the Sihndar of Regalia to have a centralised force within the city ready to act against the demons that plague the empire.
  • Gather aid from the other races for the Sihndar war against the dimensions.
  • Redeem the Sihndar that have lost themselves to the pleasures of the world and steer them back onto the right track. If that does not work, put them out of their misery of not having a greater purpose.
  • Hunt demons and mages, getting the population under control.
  • Cull the tide of recent Kathar forces that have spread across the city.

For a very long time the Drowdar(now Sihndar) have been in the background without much of a community of their own and no motivation to drive one. Come the new update that turned them into Sihndar, a few players decided to change that and create this community. Our goals are to unite the Sihndar race into one community with a variety of goals to drive roleplay and progression so that there's more entertainment value in playing a Sihndar. We hope to draw in many more Sihndar and non-Sihndar players to drive a community with strong anti-void sentiments. With this we hope that it encourages more players to start playing Sihndar now that they have something invest in. We also hope that it will encourage more teamwork with the Sihndar and non-Sihndar communities. With all of this combined, we have made this community thread for documentation, awareness, and drawing in others who may be interested.

Should anyone have ideas, suggestions, or plans to get involved without joining the community directly, please PM myself, @SilentEndurance or @Mollymockery to get more info.



Xaster: Xasters are the Generals and Military leaders of the Sihndar holds and rarely perform civilian duties. They oversee the defence of the specific hold they operate in and also manage the Sihn-Fallar, assigning them with orders, tasks, and Sihndar accordingly. As such, they manage everything within their hold and the Sihndar apart of said hold as a whole, but only the military side. The Xasters oversee a grander picture of things and rarely, if-ever, interfere in the specific details of a Sihn-Fallar's mission, leaving it for they themselves to handle. (Generally speaking, this is background/OOC management to keep things organized and structured)
  • Cyndarion Daevaar | Archon of Destruction | @Deadfoe51
Sihn-Fallar: The Sihn-Fallar are the Warlords or Leaders of groups of Sihndar that carry out the orders of the Xasters and the College of Sins. These Sihndar lead the others in Regalia and act as figureheads, commanding others to accomplish the goals set out by the higher figures in Drowda in whatever way they wish.
Sihndar: This rank falls for any and all Sihndar that is not of the Archon of Self. They are the majority in Regalia and can function independently though generally always follow the orders of their superiors.
  • Väosirë Decimar Nacäilë | Archon of Destruction | @Juan_Plays
  • Kerrin Olorel | Archon of Stalwartness | @JcRED
  • Cellica Varoris | Archon of the Cursing Eye | @Ringo0310
  • Quinn Shu'elsi | Archon of the Cursing Eye | @CyberMo01
  • Daealla Omalen | Archon of Stalwartness| @Nesstro
  • Olli' Zhatnni' | Archon of the Cursing Eye | @OliverOnly
  • Cillass Hábillann | Archon of the Cursing Eye | @HuskyLeader
  • Jäcil 'jack' Bossentil | Archon of the Cursing Eye | @mayino
  • Cëln Llo'slatis | Archon of the Cursing Eye | @MippyMoo
Cult of Dronnal: Ancestors of the Sihndar and valiant warriors who generally fall in line with the Sihndar's mindset, the Cult of Dronnal is a well accepted group. These Altalar fight any void worship and valuable companions for any Sihndar in their war against the dimensions.
  • TBA
Non-Sihndar: Coming from any walks of life, Non-Sihndar are specifically welcomed by those following the Archon of the Cursing eye. Non-Sihndar are welcomed if their views match those of the Sihndar well enough, deeming otherworldly forces and essence to be strictly a curse upon the world that needs to be defeated.
Outcasts: Outcasts of Sihndar society, those of the Archon of Self. These Sihndar are hunted and exiled by the others for their lack of care for the demon incursion that plagues the world. These Sihndar can be redeemed through various means, though by all means, they are not welcomed by most of the Sihndar.
  • Santeil Aejosa | Archon of Self | @HodlinG
Character Name:
Character Application (Optional):
Race (Non-Sihndar permitted, but not Kathar):
Taint Archon (If Sihndar):
Cult (If Altalar):
Discord (This is preferred for any information):
Tag @Mollymockery for Sihndar and non-Sihndar apps (or approach IC).
Tag @Deadfoe51 or @SilentEndurance for outcast apps. Or if you haven't received a response in a while, or contact both of us via DM if you have questions or concerns.

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Character Name: Kerrin Olorel

Character Application: I'm working on it

Race: Sihndar

Taint: Archon of Stalwartness
IGN: AnimalisticArts
Character Name: Ruvyn Olovyre
Character Application (Optional): it's a wip rn
Race (Non-Sihndar permitted, but not Kathar): Sihndar
Taint Archon (If Sihndar): Stalwartness
Discord (This is preferred for any information): I don't have one yet. Trying to get one tho.
Tag either @Deadfoe51
IGN: AnimalisticArts
Character Name: Ruvyn Olovyre
Character Application (Optional): it's a wip rn
Race (Non-Sihndar permitted, but not Kathar): Sihndar
Taint Archon (If Sihndar): Stalwartness
Discord (This is preferred for any information): I don't have one yet. Trying to get one tho.
Tag either @Deadfoe51
Approved, for the time being you can message me or @Vegemiite here on the forums or on the server itself until you get your discord set up.
IGN: CyberMo01
Character Name: Quinn Shu'elsi
Character Application (Optional):
Race (Non-Sihndar permitted, but not Kathar): Sihndar
Taint Archon (If Sihndar): Archon of the Cursing Eye
Discord (This is preferred for any information): I can send it over PM. I'm also already in the sihndar group in the rp community discord, if that helps
Tag either @SilentEndurance or @Vegemiite
IGN: HodlinG
Character Name: Santeil Aejosa
Character Application (Optional): To be created soon
Race (Non-Sihndar permitted, but not Kathar): Sihndar
Taint Archon (If Sihndar): Taint Archon of Self
Discord (This is preferred for any information): Not Hodler#7405
@Deadfoe51 @Vegemiite