Preserved Sheet Sihn - Aurn

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Local Bread Provider
Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
A small rickety wooden cart, on it's way to Helgen
Character Information
Full Name: Sihn-Aurn
Race: Sihndar

Soul Bargain: Estelley
Age: 82
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Yellow [Naturally Green]
Core Concept
A stoic, honor bound and country-loyal militaristic Sihndar who traveled to Regalia in order to garner support for his homeland, trying to find repentance for the burden of his soul bargain by providing undying and unending support for his home.

Strength: 7
Melee Point Buy:
Technique Parry Pack
Knockback Sweep Pack
Concussive Blow Pack
Battle Flurry Pack
Berserker Fury Pack
Leaping Charge Pack
Athletic Point Buy:
Unarmed Expert Pack
Dexterity: 0
Constitution: 7

Defensive Point Buy:
Shield Cover [Free]
Block Pack
Shield Wall Pack
Shield Slam Pack
Shield Brace Pack
Shield Taunt Pack
Shield Phalanx Pack
Debuff Endurance Pack
Magic: 0
Wisdom: 0
Faith: 0
Common [Learnt within Regalia]
Sinnayed [Native Tongue]

Appearance Information
Mutations [Exist-Aligned]
Addition [Horns]: Sihn-Aurn's head is adorned with curled, black horns.
Alteration [Eyes]: His eyes have taken an unnatural yellow color, instead of their usual green.
Alteration [Hair]: His hair has splashes of purple mixed into the natural raven black.
Alteration [Blood]: Sihn-Aurn's blood is a faintly glowing, white and yellow colour.
Appearance: Standing at 6'4, Sihn-Aurn has short-shaven, raven black and purple hair, and is often seen wearing billowy clothes for ease of movement; never one to care about how fashionable or presentable they look, so long as he can feel comfortable in them. His muscles are defined and almost always visible with the clothing he wears. His face is sharp and most often, lacks a sense of emotion aside from indifference and stoicism.

Life Story
Born within the ever-dangerous lands of Drowda, and more specifically within the region of Lirranna, Sihn-Aurn adapted to his life of demon hunting at an incredibly young age; it was not as if he had much of a choice either way, though he fit into the mold perfectly.
His adolescence, all things considered, was rather dull; training himself for the eternal burden of demon slaying was nothing if not monotonous, and there was precious little free time to spend on other matters.
Sihn-Aurn eventually set out on a campaign of hunting demons and giant spiders; those who trained alongside him would join him in this pursuit. They spent many weeks outside of their hometown at a time, and only returned periodically when absolutely necessary.
Life within Lirranna seemed to grow tougher as time went on. Sihn-Aurn saw many demons felled before his eyes, but so too did his brethren fall. Amidst this turmoil, and perhaps a moment of weakness, did Sihn-Aurn let his mind wander to the taboo subject of bargaining his soul to another entity.
For years did Sihn-Aurn continue his unending battle within Drowda, though like some Sihndar before him, he eventually set out for the wider world; operating on the knowledge that the world could possess the allies needed to solve the underlying issues of Drowda, he set out to Regalia in hopes of finding exactly that.
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