Preserved Sheet Sihara Al-vahas

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Poster-Girl of the Apocalypse
Jul 10, 2016
Reaction score
the Moon
Sihara al-Vahas
// The Soul-Wrought Summoner //

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Sihara "Ridley" al-Vahas
    • Pronunciation: [Sah-heer-ah Ver-aye ahl-Vah-hahs]
    • Nickname(s)/Alias:
      • Ridley
      • Arath'mal [Ellon]
  • Age: 29
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Qadir
  • Faith: Esrah Alwattah
  • Main Ambition: Finding work and getting paid, and to continue practicing magic outside of the watch of the law.
  • Special Permission: Exist Magic
Skill Information
  • Proficiency
    • Point Pool: 29 prof., 29 cul.
    • Point Cap: 30 prof., 60 cul.
    • Excess Points: 0 prof., 0 cul.
    • Proficiencies:
      • [+20] Surgery - [+20 from Proficiency Points]
      • [+9] Medicine - [+9 from Proficiency Points]
      • [+10] Quick Fingers - [+10 from Qadir Boost]
    • Cultural:
      • [+25] Clockwork Engineering - [+10 from Qadir Boost, +15 from Culture Points]
      • [+14] Smithing - [+14 from Culture Points]
  • Magicks
    • Mage Rank: Spellweaver - [Student | Novice]
    • Mage Status: Gray Mage
    • School(s):
      • School of Soul Magic [3]
      • School of Celestial Magic [2]
    • Spell(s):
      • [Soul] Hayvann - [Ellon Form]
      • [Soul] Isilik - [Ellon Projection]
      • [Soul] Tekreet - [Soul Trap]
      • [Celestial] Kaitis - [Barrier Light]
      • [Celestial] Aeleiv - [Mending Light]
    • Notes(s):
      • Strong Soul
      • Sihara's Ellon Form, dubbed 'Arath'mal', is a creature resembling a small-ish, dark-pelted adult mountain lion with the pointed ears of an Anglian Shepherd and the sharp talons of a horned owl. Along with such, owl feathers cover the end of the long, fluffy shepherd tail and the back of the Ellon's strong legs, making it easily distinguishable from any normal creature roaming Aloria. It's role can be figured for combat or climbing through rough terrain to fetch items.
  • Languages
    • Common [10/10] - Fluent
    • Farradi [7/10] - Roughly Fluent
    • Daendroque [9/10] - Fluent
    • Ancient Seraph [??/10] - Only used for spell casting.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Black fading into a sandy blonde. [Pureza Powdered]
  • Hairstyle: Loose Braid
  • Skin Color: Deep Brown Tan
  • Clothing:
    • Casual/Working - A simple outfit consisting of dark brown pants and boots with white cloth bound around them, along with a durable leather vest over a white tunic. Metal bracers protect the forearms above the leather gauntlets she often wears.
    • Disguise/Alias - Mysterious but light, Ridley's outfit is made up of a striped brigandine over a red and white coat, a crimson red cloak wrapped about her shoulders and head. A black and white half-moon mask remains to cover her face.
  • Height: 5'5
  • Body Build: Sinewy
  • Weapon(s) of Choice:
    • Magicks - With a range of spells at her disposal, most of which having the ability to be used offensively, it's no surprise that Sihara's magic can be considered a weapon.
    • Medical Tools - Bone-saws, scalpels, and cryostims, sharp tools paired with the knowledge of anatomy is a dangerous combination when it comes to defending one's self.
Personality and Abilities
  • Stranger Perception: A mischievously charming but diligent individual, anyone who speaks with Sihara for an extended period of time will walk away classifying her as an oddity. It's quite true. The fractures of other souls woven into her own makes her personality rather unpredictable, though one could say that the slyness and coy is only a ruse to deter people from prying. Flickering between that and an eerily calm but patient attitude never helped to convince people otherwise. She seems to have some force restraining her, forcing the Qadir into a sort've awkward state when faced with a new situation or group of people.
  • Inner Perception: She's a predicament within her internal thoughts, a mess of trying to figure out what part of her memories was real or from other souls, making her a rather fickle thing. Self-confidence is rarely seen outside of her work. Some could say that her only ability to truly focus otherwise is from the very thing that had made her mind chaotic, but deep down, she remains ever curious about the people she meets. The chance to learn and the general inclination to discover more about the things she had ignored throughout her life is something Sihara holds in high regard, even despite the opposite sort of reaction being given to those outside her mind.
  • Familial Perception: With no real family to speak of and friends made loosely on occasion, Sihara treats her friends with more openness about her mind than otherwise. The status is very rarely handed out, so often times she tries to keep those with it on good terms, whether it be by offering pieces of her work or giving insight on magic. It's enough to say that she's less tense and awkward in a group of people she enjoys to be around, trusting them with her inner beliefs as she does with their own. However, friendship or anything deeper than that tends to be a strange adjustment for her with anyone, regardless.
  • Morality: Lawful Neutral at the very best, she is by no means pious or good, favoring observing any situation with the saying that, "If it doesn't affect me at all, I won't intervene, unless it makes for a good display without endangering me.", to put it simply. Her "lawfulness" seems to only stem from the fact that she knows to choose the lesser of two evils and the temperance woven into her soul seems to keep her from making less reckless choices. Caution and simple observance tends to be better for her, though stirring the pot isn't a choice to be taken out of the pool.

Life Story

Childhood - [276 - 286AC]

  • Sihara al-Vahas is born out of wedlock sometime during the late months of 276AC to Amira al-Vahas and an unknown male in the Qadiriq port of Hammaneh.
  • As a bastard child, her childhood was rather rough, it being only a couple of years before Amira left Sihara with her aunt, the soul mage Hasna al-Vahas.
  • Too young to remember much about who her mother was supposed to be, Hasna quickly became a mother figure, for she raised Sihara amongst the Qadir in Burjja Tharwa after the two left Hammaneh in the sake of safety.
Adolescence - [287 - 295AC]
  • From the time she was capable enough with her hands, Sihara would be helping her aunt with her work as one of the clockwork engineers in the Haditrya, beginning to learn the mechanics of building Qatils and other such machinations.
  • This curiosity towards what they actually were used for grew for the 15 year old until Hasna, figuring that if Sihara wasn't told she'd probably turn their house inside out trying to find the answer to the strange dreams she described having, showed the young Qadir the Soul Magic tomes and agreed to teach her the first spell, [Hayvann].
  • Arath'mal, the Ellon, was a rather dangerous thing, for the mischievous teenager ended up using it to terrorize some of the local children soon after learning the spell. Such an action warranted the punishment from Hasna, but it came in the form of a Soul Bridging in an effort to add temperance to Sihara's personality.
  • It worked for some time, at least until she learned her next spell, [Isilik], two years later. The Soul Flashes gained from two tamperings with her own soul, another having been gained before the second spell, caused Sihara more panic than otherwise, it being only a month later that she stole the Soul Magic tomes given to her and left the Haditrya.
  • Upon her return to Hammaneh, she found employment under a Daendroquin medic working in the port and in exchange for making tools, she was taught the precision-honing work of surgery, a practice to aid in focusing her mind. The language of the medic's home nation was a longer study on the side in order to better communicate.
Adulthood - [296 - Present]
  • Still continuing her magic on the side, however, Sihara learns her third spell, [Tekreet]. This was rewarded with the panic of patients after their soul was ripped from their bodies instead of giving them any numbing potions. To say the least, the medic didn't take too kindly to this and kept her on smithing duty.
  • She wasn't exactly pleased with this change of pace, but settled in her mental restraint, turning towards the less reputable side of the port city. Soon enough, although gaining her fourth spell, [Kaitis], in the process via a tome and some side teachings as payment, her little ploy of using Soul Trap to interfere in a dealing she shouldn't've forced her to escape Hammaneh.
  • Arriving in New Ceardia, Sihara travelled around the southern reaches of the land as a roaming crafter, seemingly trying to learn from her mistakes by pursuing a peaceful life. In exchange for repairing several Cryostims in a local clinic and working there for some time after finding a permanent residence in Pomeroy, curious of the Seraph remnants present there, Sihara is paid with one of the Celestial mage's teachings, granting her the fifth spell of [Aeleiv].
  • A few months later, with the news of Dragons, Arkens, and political changes shaking up the Regalian Archipelago, the Qadir embarks on a journey to the heart of Aloria.
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  • Separate your proficiencies and cultural proficiencies from one another.
  • Please bold keywords in your personality paragraphs.
  • Expand on paragraph two by a sentence minimum.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you've made the appropriate changes. @EpsilonPanda

I might've changed a bunch but all the edits were made!
  • Replaced Soul Harvest and shuffled spell order
  • Changed her proficiencies to fit that of a medic.
  • Expanded on Paragraph 2.
  • Bolded all the trait-related words.
  • Made some backstory edits to fit the spells.
  • Replaced the weapons and changed the body type.
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