Preserved Sheet Sigmund Carwell

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa
Sigmund Carwell


Basic Information

  • Name: Sigmund Carwell
  • Title(s): Man-at-Arms of the Bloodcast Order
  • Age: 59
  • Date of Birth: Febuary 21st, 249 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Archan Alior
  • Culture: Anglian
  • Sexuality: Hetrosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Longsword & Shield

Skill Information
(50 points)

  • Melee Combat
  • +20 Blades Combat (+15 Points +5 Racial)
  • Special Combat
  • +20 Shielding Combat (+20 Points)
  • Union Blessings
  • +15 Union Blessings (+15 Points)
  • Special Training
  • +10 Perception Training (+10 Talent Points)
  • Nature Art
  • +10 Husbandry Art (+10 Hobby Points)
  • Ceardian Bloodhound - Dominic
  • Spotted Ceardian Horse - Robert
Body Shape:
  • 40 Combat Stat = 30 Body Stat (MAX)
  • Type: Muscular
  • Fat: Low Body Fat
  • Common (Free Language)
  • Anglian (Parental Langauge)
Union Blessings & Racial Abilities:
  • Racial Abilities
  • Bastion of Faith
  • Unbreakable Devotion
  • Eternal Watch
  • Union Blessings
  • Call of the Union
  • Blessings of the Avenger
  • Blessings of the Bulwark
  • Blessings of the Lord
  • Blessings of the Revered
  • Blessings of the Waywatcher

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Grey
  • Hair Style: Short & Well Kept
  • Skin Color: Tanish-White
  • Clothing: Commoner's Clothing or Bloodcast Armor
  • Height: 6'5"
  • Alignment
    • Lawful Good
  • Personality Type
    • The Champion (ENFP) - ENFPs have an Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Perceiving personality. This personality type is highly individualistic and Champions strive toward creating their own methods, looks, actions, habits, and ideas — they do not like cookie cutter people and hate when they are forced to live inside a box. They like to be around other people and have a strong intuitive nature when it comes to themselves and others. They operate from their feelings most of the time, and they are highly perceptive and thoughtful.
  • Religion
    • Sancellian Unionism (10/10)

Life Story

0-18 Years Old
Born on a cold winter day in Angle Veer, Norreck, the proud Carwells would name their youngest child, Sigmund. With three other brothers, he was seen as the last of the family to become patriarch. In which, his young youth was spent on becoming a Bloodcast Knight. After learning the requirements of life, mostly with learning common lightly and being the age of 7, he was sent off to the Bloodcast Order to be trained. Sigmund's mentor was a fellow Anglian, who gave the basics of tasks for Sigmund to strive through. However, it didn't last very long, as his mentor began to train Sigmund how to fight with a sword and shield. At the age of 14, he moved from being a Page and into a proper Squire.

19-30 Years Old
All was well and good with his training, until the Destruction of Ceardia. He had decided, along with his mentor, to aid in those who needed to retreat away by standing by upon the ships to help the refugees. He managed to prove himself as a Bloodcast, in which at the age of 21 a few years later, he was promoted into a proper Knight. During this time of peace for himself, he decided to take up the art of horse riding, seeing it as a useful asset when he returned home to the Hand of Man Castle, that belonged to House Carwell. As apart of some side training, he leaned to master his lineage's abilities and decided to use them for good.

31-50 Years Old
As many years went by, Sigmund continued to master himself in the art of combat and protection, even learning to be more perceptive of the world, as to protect his family and fellow Anglians alike. However, it all changed when the Chrysant War arrived, in which he sent himself out, along with his previous mentor, onto the frontlines. After a few years into the war, Sigmund was allowed to leave alongside his mentor, as they saw the war as over, even with it still raging on. Sigmund stayed until the end of the war, deciding to stay within Norreck to train his soul for peace of mind.

51-59 Years Old

His continuation of his training of peace of mind, and loss of his oldest brother, he decided to go on a small two-year pilgrimage to help those around Angle Veer, taking his duty as a Bloodcast to heart. However, by the time he'd return home, he'd have less than a year until he returned to the battlefield, fighting during the Battle of the Curage Fields. During the battle, he watched the statue proclaim itself as Estel. Confused and worried, he just watched in awe as the fighting continued, covering his eyes when the flashes of light surrounded the battlefield. He'd then return home after the battle was over, deciding to retire himself. With the family's fall of nobility, as well as the loss of two patriarchs, Sigmund left Angle Veer, deciding to not to get himself involved anymore with the fall of Van der Veer. Now, after yet another pilgrimage, he decided to return to Regalia, to provide help as a Bloodcast yet again.
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