Archived Sick Of Enemies.

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Nov 15, 2012
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In order to ally someone you need to send a request. But anyone can enemy you whenever they like about the pettiest issue imaginable. That is so blatantly unfair in every way. Firstly it means you have no say whatsoever in who enemies you. Secondly it means someone can enemy you to kill you and make you neutral afterwards etc. It encourages contention and strife. It makes the faction less desirable to other potential members and it makes the whole play experience more of a battle than anything enjoyable or relaxing. I believe the enemy command should be not instant, rather it should be a request or something that both parties must agree on. Secondly it should not be something players can just turn on to suit themselves at any given time, eg to assassinate someone. Its misused too often. In a way this complaint links in with the peaceful faction option. Something needs to be improved there. Thx.
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Keep in mind Factions 2.0 is in development and will be improved, so be patient until it is finished.
Im sorry i didnt provide a thread prefix, I really didnt see the option and was on a tablet, but I have used the prefix and will continue to. So soz for that. Ok whats factions 2.0?
Can you pls direct me to where I can find out more?
You're excused, i added the prefix for you as it is a trivial thing. When it comes to the features of that new plugin, no one will know except for Cayorion. One thing i know is that, this issue, will be fixed(it must be fixed and probably Cay knows too).
There is no "more". Cayorion put out some vague ideas about factions 2.0 almost a year ago involving karma, but since they were removed from the website I imagine they've been scrapped. 2.0 is just the recoding of factions, in which all approved factions suggestions will be added.
What can you predict will be improved? could you dot-point it so to say? thx
Factions 2.0 is not currently in development, more like pre-concept stage.

It might take upwards to a year for development to start on that, depending on the amount of bugs rolling in and the development of sharding.

Freedom of form for people to declare war and open hostilities is tied in with the medieval setting. When viking landed in England and started raping and pillaging people didn't lament "omg so unfair" either.
Yeah but its a game for pete-sake. Its not meant to be real life. Its role play but its fun, and there should be options for those who wish to be peaceable.[DOUBLEPOST=1357126381][/DOUBLEPOST]How is that fair? Being forced to play in a pvp environment with violent players attacking all the time. It would be nice if someone thought about those who don't wish to be part of that. I love massivecraft but Im still not overly happy with a lot of those issues. Peaceful needs to be an option.
If people want to be peaceful then they will have to pay the price, just like all the others that do. If we allowed bilateral declarations of war and peaceful factions the raiding factions would have nothing left to raid. Peaceful factions were allowed in the past, but were heavily abused by members of said factions.

I have never personally been raided more then once, and during that one raid I payed the raiders off and they disappeared.
What happened to this being a family friendly server? If its directed at children it should give parents the abiltity to make a peaceful option. Im not a child but I can respect that some parents wouldn't encourage the pvp side. Personally I just enjoy building and farming etc. I just wish I could be left alone.
What happened to this being a family friendly server? If its directed at children it should give parents the abiltity to make a peaceful option. Im not a child but I can respect that some parents wouldn't encourage the pvp side. Personally I just enjoy building and farming etc. I just wish I could be left alone.
I don't recall having this server advertised as family friendly and you can be left alone with good enough defenses. This is a survival game, think it will hold your hand?
The funny thing is, most "children" engage in the raiding part and it's the adults that want to do things peacefully, so the family friendly argument is off the table.

The meaning of family friendly is also that it has content suitable for all ages of the family, this is essentially true because one can live peacefully, and one can live violently. They all depend on how reasonable or unreasonable they are, both the raiders and those being raided.
Who wants to be in an environment like that anyway? Isnt the real world bad enough? Seriously. Why can't it be an option? Because the MAJORITY always want the violent option and the MAJORITY always get what they want. Its unfair and I can see that more planning needs to be done and more ideas developed but the option is there for raiders to raid. Why cant the option be there for peaceful people to be PEACEFUL. There are too many agressive players on the server. The peaceful option couldn't hurt. Infact maybe it would lift the scene a bit hey? Maybe it would make the server a little more attractive to non-aggessors.
Who wants to be in an environment like that anyway? Isnt the real world bad enough?

lolwhat? we don't support escapism, MassiveCraft is entertainment, not psyhcological therapy.

Seriously. Why can't it be an option? Because the MAJORITY always want the violent option and the MAJORITY always get what they want. Its unfair and I can see that more planning needs to be done and more ideas developed but the option is there for raiders to raid.

Got any facts to back up these opinions? If you were to get your way in your logic, how is the minority disallowing the majority to do something fair in your eyes?

Why cant the option be there for peaceful people to be PEACEFUL.

If I were to reply to this in your logic I would have to say: "the MAJORITY of the factions we applied this to in the past abused it, either by setting people on fire and being immune to retaliation, or engaging in trolling."

There are too many agressive players on the server.

That's an opinion, and one that I do not find founded at all. I would say my knowledge of factions is many, and while most empires resort to violence when they feel threatened, most of them are peaceful.
I don't recall having this server advertised as family friendly and you can be left alone with good enough defenses. This is a survival game, think it will hold your hand?
No that is not the idea Artilles. I would appreciate it if you didn't be-little my suggestion by suggesting that I'm somehow weak or childish. But I would like people to show more concern for the players who genuinely enjoy the building part of game-play rather than the less productive, raiding/killing side. So no I don't agree with that, but I believe people should make that "OPTION" available. thx
If you need peacefulness that bad, join a faction with warriors that can defend you or get some allies rather than demanding the server changes for you
You can break up my argument into tiny peices but your never going to get around the logic that "The peaceful option is something MANY players might want made available" Im not saying all players are aggressive but quite a few stand out as being aggressors and I've dealt with a lot from these more violent minds in the past. I realise people Abuse the "Peaceful option" But what im asking is for something to be developed where they DO NOT abuse it. Thankyou. Well im sure your well reasoned "logical" mind could sort it out so that people dont "Burn" each other or what-not. Please don't be-little my comments and strip me of my suggestion.
Rating me with bad spelling is quite petty considering I am not native English and am taking the effort to reply to your endless battery of attempts to prove a point, especially so since your posts are full with spelling errors.

This whole suggestion is going nowhere, you are not providing a collection of sigantories that agree with you, nor are you suggesting anything that is feasibly possible code-wise with the limited amount of time we have.

We will not change the server policy unless a large majority moves forward to state something is wrong, and since you are one of the very few people that have ever complained about this, I will lock this thread for lack of substance.
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