Preserved Sheet Sibeal O’hanigan

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Brought to you by Panic
Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score


"The Young Shamrock"
| Theme.1 | Theme.2 |



➼ Full Name: Sibeal Seamair O'Hanigan

➻➻➻ Nicknames:
➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽ Sib - Mostly called this by males.
➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽ Isabel - Imperial version of name.
➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽ Shamrock - Her mother's nickname
➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽ Sibby - Common pet name. By family

➼ Age: Twenty-Seven cycles
➼ Gender: Female
➼ Race: Claith -Ceardian Ailor

➻➻Social Status:
➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽ Wealthy Commoner
➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽ Moderate wealth
➼ Main Ambition: Protect her family.



"Cake is done! I think..."


➼ Proficiency Points: 27: [ -10 Visual School ]
➻➻+ 10 Drawing (+10 from School of Visual.)
➻➻+ 10 Painting (+10 from School of Visual.)
➻➻+ 10 Sculpting (+10 from School of Visual.)
➻➻+5 Basic Healing (+5 from Proficiency Points.)
➻➻+2 Dagger Combat (+2 from Proficiency Points.)

➼ Culture Points:
➻➻+ 10 Glass Blowing (+10 from Proficiency Points.)
➻➻+ 5 Weaving (+5 from Proficiency Points.)
➻➻+ 5 Dancing (+5 from Proficiency Points.)
➻➻+ 3 Pottery (+3 from Proficiency Points.)

➼ Languages:
➻➻Claith Dialect
➻➻Alt- Regalian



➼ Eye Color: Grass green.
➼ Hair Color: Dull Ginger
➻➻➻➻ Almost Blonde
➼ Hair Style: Straight hair that curls at the edges.
➼ Skin Color: Sunkissed skin.
➼ Clothing:
➻➻➻Apron Dress
➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽ Warm Cotton Dress

➻➻Fancy Gown:
➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽➽ Flowery Nature Gown

➼ Height: 5'7
➼ Body Build: Lanky.
➼ Weapon of Choice: Small Dagger




"That seems unfair… I want a turn."



➼ First Paragraph:
When you first meet Sibeal she comes across as a
witty young woman clearly hard working judging by the way she tries to take charge in conversations and checks if things are morally right to do. She has a clear passion for her work and her family but is trying to not repeat herself as well catching herself out and caring a lot what other people say about her. She is a push over when it comes to decision though perhaps acting like she wants to be in charge but never actually wanting to do it. Life feels saver if she is not the one to blame when something goes wrong.

➼ Second Paragraph:
Looking at Sibeal as you would get to know her better it is clear she is a hard worker and talented in many small ways. She hasn't learned and instrument or knows how to dance but small skills like knitting and sewing and even glass work are right up her alley. She cares a lot about what others may think of her but seems to loose this care around her family. She sometimes fears she is just part of a group her entire family more appealing and more fun to be around. At least in her eyes but she knows they will always be there for her.

➼ Third Paragraph:
Around her family she tends to try and show she is an individual. Growing up for four years alone was lonely but she sometimes misses it feeling like a part of a herd of sheep people will only remember as a group and not every person. She gives her cousins a hard time caring a lot for her cousin and little sister thinking the woman in the family work so hard to try and show they are their own person and the men sometimes go against this by showing stereotypes of Claiths. Still she loves them even though she tends to tease them a lot.

➼ Fourth Paragraph:
Morally she tries to stay on the right path. Something in the middle where everyone is happy. She tends to side with women having had times in her life where she was judged just on her gender her mind almost forcing her to stand up for others that have the same issue. Whatever happens she will always side with her family even if the entirety of Regalia had it out for them. She loves them and does respect the guards and the imperium as a whole but only to certain limits.



"Family; can't live with them… yeah that's it."

Facts about Sibeal
She is very apologetic and easily says sorry.

Very good at baking and farmer in her spare time. She does this mostly for fun.
Manus O'Hanigan- Stern Father.
Finella O'Hanigan- Loving Mother.
Tibbot O'Hanigan - Fighting Brother
Inek O'Hanigan- Fun loving Brother
Alphina O'Hanigan- Tiny Sister

Tobie Peirgarten - Kindest Friend.
Luther Artiemus - Interesting Lover.
Lionel Coen - Polite Noble.

Loved Ones
Find out IC.



People Pleaser:

One of her biggest weaknesses comes in the form of people pleasing. She doesn't see herself as a bad person and is one of those people that sees a great divide between bad and good. To try and keep up a caring image she tries to do her best to please everyone with her actions in live. She tells herself it is what she wants and what is best while using her witty nature to combat looking like a complete pushover. She just goes along with things hoping this will cause her family to love her and to make friends easier.


Born to Finella and Manus O'Hanigan on the last day of august as their first child born around the same time as her aunt's third child Faolan in a cottage in Eriu-Innis.
She was a happy young girl and very curious spending a lot of time with her mother while her father worked away from home. She learned Claith and Common and over time showed interest in creative hobbies.
When she was four her brother Tibbot was born whom she had a love hate relationship with as her mother's love was suddenly divided between two children.

Within the next five years another brother and other sister joined the branch family of the O'Hanigan's cottage. Inek and Alphina respectively. Having gotten used to having one sibling over the years Sibeal didn't mind and welcomed more.
Her mother started working as well so they could provide for the four children meaning Sibeal stepped up as the caretaker of the house. Tibbot always tried to help but became to busy over time with training for fighting schools as Alphina and Inek just entertained themselves with the animals outside.
She was turned at home at the age of eight about the world of Aloria and different types of languages. Still she seemed more interested in the historical stories.

Teen Years
At the age of fifteen she had turned into a smaller version of her mother always baking and always helping around the house while finishing up her studies. Her mother brought home her cousin Fionola whom she had only seen once before as tiny children.
Her youngest cousin was here to be treated for her failing sight Sibeal teaching her a lot of things she think she should know before she lost it. The five year gap didn't seem to matter as her and Alphina made her time a lovely one until the day she finally couldn't see anymore.
After Fiona left Sibby moved herself more and more into those arts and craft projects she had done with Fi and Alphy knowing her uncle was doing similar work. She worked for a glass blower for a good few years learning the ins and outs of the craft while getting many burns and blisters refusing to wear the tacky leather gloves.
Sibeal spend a good few years at a school of Alchemy wanting to become a nurse as most had told her the crafting she was doing wasn't a stable job. After three years she asked her father to hire her a tutor as luckily this was able to be afforded as from then on she worked from home becoming a student level nurse.

When she turned twenty her sights were set. She wanted to see the world she had learned so much about and set up shop with her family to fund these types of trips. She moved in with her cousins in their home still working hard while living in Opper Calem.
Finally she left with Fionola whom had the same passion within her heart and brought the family with them to Regalia.
After living with her family with in the city for about two years the tight knit group slowly started to drift apart. The shop wasn't doing as well as they hoped as Sibeal went back to Eriu-Innis for a few months to attempt and make money by working for loving farmer couple.
After half a year of doing such she returned noting her family was getting into trouble with in the city of Regalia, still she is hesitant on staying around.



"I still believe tea is better than whiskey"

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Life Story
  • I want to see the alchemy skill listed here. Besides that this application was a pleasant read.
Make the singular change and tag myself once completed @WildRoze
Alrighty so, just some small edits
  • The proficiencies gained from school of visuals are cultural and go to that category.
  • Considering the above is so simple I'm not going to hold you back from approval
  • This was a productive review
Approved @WildRoze