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Played Character Shuraine

This character is actively played.


Staff member
Dec 29, 2021
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Name: Shuraine Monshaa Athentol Bel-Elasis
  • Age: 23
  • Heritage: Detachment Lanlath
  • Gender: Male
    • Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
  • Affliction / Occult: Exist Mage
Concept Details
Proficiencies - 14/14 Spent

  • Strength - 0
  • Constitution - 0
  • Wisdom - 0
  • Intelligence - 1 - Arctech
    • Tech Charge
  • Dexterity - 7
    • Ranger Tag
    • Ranger Wallop
    • Hook Shot
    • Ranger Blur
    • Ranger Cut
    • Dirty Fighter
    • Escape Artist
  • Magic - 4
    • Magic Bolster (Lanlath Racial)
    • Magic Warp (Lanlath Racial)
    • Magic Snare
    • Magic Distort
    • Magic Smog
    • Magic Resist
  • Faith - 2
    • Sacred Siphon
    • Sacred Gear
  • Shuraine is a Lanlath of middling height, middling stature, and unimpressive facial features. He styles himself with a sort of roguish charm that doesn't quite befit his heritage- in fact, his relatively unkempt self would draw some ire from fellow Lanlath. If he is convinced to make a finer effort, he cleans up rather well. He has white hair that is rather long, often tied up onto a loose bun to keep it out of his face. His eyes are soft, and a vibrant shade of green. He has a fondness for lightweight, flowing clothing, with appearance much akin to that of a rather stylised shepherd, which goes in line with his crook-like staff with which he casts his spells.
  • Altalar
  • Saan
  • Sulvaley
  • Common
Plot Hooks
  • Shuraine is a Lanlath, he is a wandering, ascetic free spirit who often engages in all manner of bard-like busking to earn himself a living. He wants not for fame, but simply to provide for himself and his travels. He often stops in on the lives of others, hoping to make a positive impact, before drifting off wherever the breeze carries him next. Perhaps he may drop in on your character, or perhaps he already has. Think the 'Mysterious Stranger/Mysterious Savior' from Fallout.
  • Shuraine is a Mage, not as naturally gifted as his kinsmen, he trains himself dutifully in the arts every day. To this end, his typical 'class' would be a Wizard. He uses Dexterity as his Attack, and Magic as his Defense. 17/14. Shuraine was naturally 'in-touch' with the elements from his Birth, though it was on his Starbirth that truly awakened his talents. He can capably wield all elements in various ways in the midst of battle, and has very traditionally 'elemental-mage' aesthetics.
  • Shuraine, like many Lanlath, adheres to the teachings of Leyon in particular, though he tends to protect people from the corruption within themselves, as opposed to the corruption of the world.