Archived Should Vampires Be Brought Back?

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
Well, to answer the question I posed in the title, god no. The long answer? Well, here it goes.

I remember back when I started Massivecraft, vampires were huge. Twilight was popular. Every 5 seconds, someone was either offering to turn people, or asking to be turned. Many people joined Massivecraft just to be a vampire. However, I believe that number may have dropped dramatically since then.

Movies like Twilight have been pushed into the corner. As such, when people see that Massive has vampires, a larger number of people won't care. I feel it won't pull in as many people. What does pull in people? Word of mouth. Tell people about it. I've told my friends, and they joined.

Now, from a gameplay standpoint, they are unecesary too. One word: traits. Traits were created to remove the need for races, and to allow customisation. You know what vampires remove? You guessed it. Customisation. Vampires exist in traits. The suggested trait builds on the wiki. Use those, and you have a custom vampire.

Overall, vampires don't need to come back, in my opinion. What's yours?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
i liked being a vampire.
i alway's missed that 'something' that vampire plugin had but couldn't reproduce with traits:
the turning, the burning, the need to feed on other players or animals when i wasn't in regalia.
i say it should stay
Vampire is one of the funnest forms of PvP. You feel so powerful, yet are very squishy. Show some love for the oldschool glass cannon Pvp!
Vampires existed long before Twilight. Pick up your Bram Stoker Penguin Classic today!

I think the Vampire plugin is a huge hook for the server. It's fun to play as a vampire from a PVP point of view. Werewolves would also be fun. I know there's a lot of objection to that idea but it's true...and, again, not because of Twilight.
I remember back when I started Massivecraft, vampires were huge. Twilight was popular. Every 5 seconds, someone was either offering to turn people, or asking to be turned. Many people joined Massivecraft just to be a vampire.
-slowly raises hand- I was one of those tho
A lot of people originally came to the server for the vampire plugin. Up until the recent bug which re-introduced the vampire plugin, we still had people coming on to the server and asking "Why was the plugin removed?"

Initially, we were going to request that Cay remove the plugin outright once we became aware of the bug. This decision was altered by the overwhelming positive response from players in game who were so excited by its return. Things like bloodlust and shrieking will be disabled soon if they haven't been already, just as they were disabled last time we had the plugin implemented. It also goes without saying that we will have to compensate and find a balance with it existing alongside the Traits plugin.
Twilight is why vampires were popular on the server? huh....I didn't know.
A lot of people originally came to the server for the vampire plugin. Up until the recent bug which re-introduced the vampire plugin, we still had people coming on to the server and asking "Why was the plugin removed?"

Initially, we were going to request that Cay remove the plugin outright once we became aware of the bug. This decision was altered by the overwhelming positive response from players in game who were so excited by its return. Things like bloodlust and shrieking will be disabled soon if they haven't been already, just as they were disabled last time we had the plugin implemented. It also goes without saying that we will have to compensate and find a balance with it existing alongside the Traits plugin.
Wait, because of a bug it came back? Wow! That's chance for ya. :>
Well, to answer the question I posed in the title, god no. The long answer? Well, here it goes.

I remember back when I started Massivecraft, vampires were huge. Twilight was popular. Every 5 seconds, someone was either offering to turn people, or asking to be turned. Many people joined Massivecraft just to be a vampire. However, I believe that number may have dropped dramatically since then.

Movies like Twilight have been pushed into the corner. As such, when people see that Massive has vampires, a larger number of people won't care. I feel it won't pull in as many people. What does pull in people? Word of mouth. Tell people about it. I've told my friends, and they joined.

Now, from a gameplay standpoint, they are unecesary too. One word: traits. Traits were created to remove the need for races, and to allow customisation. You know what vampires remove? You guessed it. Customisation. Vampires exist in traits. The suggested trait builds on the wiki. Use those, and you have a custom vampire.

Overall, vampires don't need to come back, in my opinion. What's yours?
Well if I remember correctly the server had double the amount of players before bloodlust and the vampire plugin was disabled/removed. Not saying that these two things has anything to do witch each other but it could be a possibility.
That said I do not see how the movie Twighlight could cause the server to get less populated... Chill, it's just a movie and so what?... There actually do exist a lot of good entertaining Vampire movies out there if you didn't already know lawl.
(Twilight didn't bring me to the server. It was vampire diaries..))
Anyway, on to what I am about to say. I think the vampire plugin, should stay. It's a good plugin after you remove the obnoxious shrieking that drove me insane for a week. (And maybe bloodlust since players could use that for god rp to get away from the guards)
And it's what get's us new and wonderful players everyday. Rising are popularity and such. In a sum, the vampire plugin should stay after a few modifications to it.
i liked being a vampire.
i alway's missed that 'something' that vampire plugin had but couldn't reproduce with traits:
the turning, the burning, the need to feed on other players or animals when i wasn't in regalia.
i say it should stay
You can do everything mentioned with traits minus being turned.
There is one huge flaw with the vampire plugin from a lore standpoint. The vampire plugin was created for the old vampires (now known as the Qan Ata bloodline). However, there are many of new bloodlines that adhere to much different abilities and/ or weaknesses. Some are immune to sunlight. some don't need to feed often. Some only eat gold. Some are very sickly and weak. Some are so huge that they can't even speak. Some refuse to eat, starving themselves to death. Every bloodline is different, and as such, this will cause some confusion and ruin some types of bloodlines.
I think it should stay, not because of it's effects on RP or PvP, but just for the server as a whole. Traits, the plugin that we've been playing with for the last half year or so, is a good and well thought out plugin. It does it's job and I'm glad it's around and hope it stays. However, what the traits plugin doesn't do as far as I can tell is draw new people to the server very well. Yet, the vampire plugin and the races plugin brought tons of people for some reason during their time. Maybe it's the idea of having an actual plugin to represent playing as a vampire/the race that you are? Regardless of why, lots of people, including myself, found those plugins appealing and it's part of why they joined the server. So the way I see it, if the vampire plugin can be balanced and made to fit in with traits, why not keep it? Might bring more new people to the server, and little changes like these help keep the game fresh and fun.

You can do everything mentioned with traits minus being turned.
then how can i spontaniously combust/get the nausia effect/get the blindness effect with traits when i stand to long in the sun?
as far as i know i can make myself imunhe to taht with traits and inflict it to others in combat, but i do not know how to do that to myself.
please, tell me.

You can do everything mentioned with traits minus being turned.
This is vastly incorrect. Vampires have speed 5, jump 5, and offer a very fun play style to PvP. Issues when it comes to Regslia can easily be fixed without affecting how the plugin is used in the survival worlds.
This server is PVP/RP and the first thing I loved about this server was being a vampire. Its simple to disable traits for player who is using vampire, but I think its still funny having traits and vamps mixed. ;)
The thing about the bloodlines snip
This is the very reason why it should stay.
They can add more bloodlines (Or the common ones at least).
Chyga can burn slower and have just only a slight speed boost, no jump or anything.
Dreygur have strength, don't burn in sunlight, holy water severely hurts them (if not a one shot kill), have resistance as well?
Fahlein can have some sort of "bite" effect that means they do damage without using a weapon since. Fahlein are pack attackers so they could add the same thing they did to Vespids (Now Mekket) in the Race Plugin that in groups they get double damage.
Maleir and Sun-Ji get "claws" essentially the Tigran buff from Races.
Irontooth need to feed on gold, rather than people's blood.
Enjambre NEED to stay in water like the Maiar did in the Races plugin but also need blood to stay alive, and have the "blindness" thing.
I could go on with that list but those are the only that came to mind and not only would that bring a great deal of immersion for roleplayers, but it'd bring a whole new side to PvP too. The infection process might have to be tweaked or something for them to add this, but it's just an idea.

For now, roleplayers should know that Chyga bloodline doesn't have the same things that the vampire plugin gives.
Example being the jumping and burning within first contact at the sun.
As far as I know, Vampires is only temporary until traits gets fixed (my guess)
As far as I know, Vampires is only temporary until traits gets fixed (my guess)
A lot of people originally came to the server for the vampire plugin. Up until the recent bug which re-introduced the vampire plugin, we still had people coming on to the server and asking "Why was the plugin removed?"

Initially, we were going to request that Cay remove the plugin outright once we became aware of the bug. This decision was altered by the overwhelming positive response from players in game who were so excited by its return.
Things like bloodlust and shrieking will be disabled soon if they haven't been already, just as they were disabled last time we had the plugin implemented. It also goes without saying that we will have to compensate and find a balance with it existing alongside the Traits plugin.
But you get the neverending waves of hoodie vampires :(
You keep mentioning these but I've yet to see one.

Plus, from what I've seen any roleplayer that's being "noobish" with the vampire plugin usually gives up on the server after being called out on it
gets better and become productive members of the rp society.
Just make a sign at spawn saying "If your a hoodie vampire, go change your skin"? That could stop them.. or you know, make an outlaw of hoodies and make guards kill on sight hoodie vampires...