Archived Shops Looking Ugly

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I am prettiest Princess!
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
ok this is more of a suggestion/complaint. shops have no expiration date like chests... yes i know that i can file a helpop to have them removed but why not give them the same 20 day expiration as the deadbolt? would be really handy.
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If I'm correct cay contacted the plugins owner about this and they did not change it.
Yep willr, you are right. They don't want to imllement this feature.
My solution: Cover it up with a statue or fountain. Some sort of sculpture. Make it look natural.
I dont know why not do something in the faction perms that only moderators or the owner can place shops down? That may solve faction related shops.
Hm, I may have an idea. A simple plugin that would allow you to remove those signs if the player has been off enough days. Simply by breaking the sign, the plugin can override the chestshops plugin and force the sign to be removed. Anyone see any issues with it? I think it'd be easy and work.
My solution: Cover it up with a statue or fountain. Some sort of sculpture. Make it look natural.
Then problem arises as you have shops in houses. Seems like a hassle to tear down houses just because there was a couple of chestshops inside.

At least back in Fuschia, half the houses would probably have to be fountains or statues :)
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