Archived Ship Tickets!

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Jun 28, 2013
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This is not too much of a serious thread, but I am noticing a lot of tension with the new chest locking system, so I just though I'd throw this out there!

I heard that the reason the new chest locking plugin was made is to drain the economy, but personally I don't like it, A for effort though, I was thinking they could make /spawn the only option in regalia ( idk how difficult this is I suck at coding) and people would have to buy tickets to leave the city from there, they'd need to buy the ticket, leave when the ticket shows, and then get teleported to a boat in the middle of the sea (aka, sail out to sea) then from there, wait for about 5-15 minutes of rp on a ship, I know this could cause trouble when it comes to trading, faction teleports during raids, ect. But like I said I am throwing this out there as a junk idea for something a bit more fun than getting charged to hide your loot. Anyway, comment as you please, but I have about 80 Chests to pay for so.... This is in my opinion a more fun less annoying idea! Thanks for reading!

Don't be negative about this, this has many problems and issues that would need to be sorted out, likei said, just throwing it out there!
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Eh, I think my most major problem with this is the fact that new players do not start out with money any longer. They'd have to go to Regalia, and be stuck with the only way to gain money being quests (And even then most new players don't have a clue what is going on and randomly collect quests and never look back on them). They'd be relying on a faction to take them in just so they could warp /f home and get out of Regalia for a chance to make money.
Eh, I think my most major problem with this is the fact that new players do not start out with money any longer. They'd have to go to Regalia, and be stuck with the only way to gain money being quests (And even then most new players don't have a clue what is going on and randomly collect quests and never look back on them). They'd be relying on a faction to take them in just so they could warp /f home and get out of Regalia for a chance to make money.
Wait, you don't get starting money anymore? Boo, oh well, but maybe if they could add a 5 starter ticket thing, or something of the sort than it could fix that problem, starting with tickets instead of money
This would cause more problems than it would fix, I'm sure. For one, they would have to code a system for this, when we already have lwc. Additionally, this system in general would be a massive inconvenience.
I don't think this will be better. Think about it: A noob just joined MassiveCraft, he goes to a different world and spended all his money on gear and the ticket. He could be a very loyal player, maybe work himself to the top of staff one day. But he spawns in the middle of the night. After a little bit walking he gets attacked by a witch, she poisons him. After he killed the witch, he only has one heart left. But then! A spider attacks him, and you know that they can be fast and sneaky ninjas! He got killed and then discovers that he can't get his beloved stuff back, because he doesn't have the money for a new ticket. He rage quits and we never hear again of this loyal member that might became one of the best staff members the server has ever seen.
What I mean with this, with doing this you would only ruin it more for newcommers, atleast, in my opinion. However, I don't agree with having to pay for chests neither. Because, I think mods know this allready, but chests aren't the only thing you need to protect. Doors, furnaces, anvils, mineral blocks, etc ... need to get protected too. And to protect this all, you can easily lose a lot of money. I'm not fond of having to pay for protection, but I'm neither fond of this idea, sorry.

-Greetings, Theboomyfly.
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