Archived Shapeshifters

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Sep 4, 2015
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Basically, allow certain people (that applied for it and can RP well) - the ability to shapeshift into a said animal/group of animals.

Whether through magic, or the werewolf curse, one would be given the ability to /disguise themselves into the said animal. I think it'd be pretty cool, shapeshifting into wolves, horses or other beings.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I thought that magic was all about roleplay. I meant something that will be usable and actually swap you into the said animal.
I believe the MorePlayerModels mod does that, although the change is purely aesthetical.
The said plugin has certain glitches too. When I tried to change into a wolf in singleplayer, it changed the camera angle, but nothing more, your actual height/width isn't changed, and you may become invisible
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I don't think it's possible to change the hit boxes with a plugin and massive doesn't want any non optional mods from what I've heard
Correct. The requirement of mods would make less players join, as there's people who either refuse or can't go through the installation of mods.

Having this ability server-wide would also lead to a prophunt-esque gameplay mentality, and PvP unfairness.
The ability serverwide won't be given to random trolls.

You'd have to write a long application which explains how you came into possession of the said power/ability. You'd only get the permission to change into 1 type of animal/mob, which IMO would be balanced.
The ability serverwide won't be given to random trolls.

You'd have to write a long application which explains how you came into possession of the said power/ability. You'd only get the permission to change into 1 type of animal/mob, which IMO would be balanced.
pvp silverfish do you see the unbalance
It might sound fun, but practically speaking it doesn't seem necessary or too beneficial to be worth the effort to code it all in if only a select few can use it and if the idea itself has limited usefulness. A question you should think about is how this would benefit the server as a whole. What would this feature add that one can't already do with MPM or traits? Would any problems arise, especially considering that it changes the player's hitbox? Would it be worth the effort to implement it?
Unfortunately, this is an idea that only affects a small number of individuals, and seems to be a suggestion for self use instead of something for all players. People have stated above the unfairness it would give people in certain occasions, and even if it's purpose is for Role Play, most RPers don't need so many fancy stuff to feel theirselves in char.

Edit: got here after Enkiddu. :P
Listen man, I don't think anybody is going to come out with a mod/plugin that makes you into a group of animals, or an animal. Nor will shape shifting ever be possible in the RP universe, let alone viable, with the exception of Evergrowth magic if you are a Yanar, and Soul Magic as stated above. Also, changing the hitbox of yourself is cheating. If anybody who is reading this saw my feedback on the Diaboli thread in player lore, you can tell where this could be going. I could make a long, bullet list on how this is completely unfair, and is not compliant at all with the lore, with the few exceptions above.

To sum up my critiques: The PvP unfairness would be a big repellent to massivecraft PvPers, which makes up, what, half of the server? Even though it wouldn't be given out to any person in particular, and would require an in detail application (Since you say long, it doesn't really need to be if it is to the point and gives detail,) staff can't truly trust anybody outside of their circle.

As a big lore critic, I can say that there is no possible way for this to work RP wise. Again, with the couple of exceptions above. There is no werewolf curse, nor will there be. There was a long and in depth discussion about this in the General chat which ended in a lore staff (I can't remember which,) had to end it, and change the subject, confirming that no werewolf curse will ever be set adrift.

You say that the people who would have this ability could turn into one animal/mob. Most mobs in minecraft aren't lore compliant (i.e. Enderman, Creeper, Silverfish, Slime, e.t.c.) Most of the animals are, but again, there isn't a way for this to happen without the use of Soul magic.


Again, I could go on, but I don't want to turn this into a book critique. You get my point. There are just too many holes in this plan, and said holes are too big to be patched up.
I agree with your first point, but I'm afraid I don't get this reference. What do you mean?
Prophunt is a minigame on Garry's Mod where hiders, "Props," change into an object and the seekers have to find them and kill them. The bigger they are, the more health they have. The smaller they are, the less health they have, and all the more unfair to the seekers. Turning into a silverfish is the equal to turning into a coffee cup, it's way too hard to hit, and moves at the same speed, if not faster than the other PvPer/Seeker.
With the plant Yanar I thought it was viable. I had a Yanar char and asked if I could be a bark giant (I asked CatCat I believe.) He said that was an iffy solution, and said that I should just say that I was captured and toyed with by an Evergrowth mage. I don't really know if it's compliant, or if CatCat just wanted me to stop bugging him about being a Bark Giant (Sorry Catty.)