Shelved Character Shanyrria Aralynn | The Medic

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


AKA SilentEndurance
Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
Art by brokemycrown

Character Information

  • Full Name: Shanyrria Nerihana Aralynn Bel-Alessar
  • Race / Culture: Minoor Teledden
  • Age: 26
  • Gender / Pronouns: Female, She/her
  • Occult: Mundane
Core Concept
Shanyrria is an elf of distinctive nature, exuding an air of both anxiety and social aloofness. Her disposition can be attributed to her inherent clumsiness, which has shaped her preference for solitude. Rather than engaging with unfamiliar faces, she finds solace in her alchemy and technological pursuits. Above all, Shanyrria embodies the role of a dedicated medic, valuing the mending of wounds over the act of aggression. Though primarily a pacifist, she possesses the resolve to defend herself when circumstances demand it. As for religion, she is mostly agnostic. Despite being raised in an Estellon household, Shanyrria prefers hard facts and science over belief in beings who abuse magic to make themselves appear as gods. As to her, faith is a tool that tips the scale of power in favor of singular beings. Which to her Minoor upbringing is a taboo way of thinking, as "Kings and Queens" are an archaic form of government.

Appearance Information
Shanyrria stands tall at a height of 6 feet, displaying a slender physique with delicate proportions. While her physique looks borderline anorexic, she maintains her health and shows no signs of illness. Her complexion is a pale peach in color as her skin rarely encounters sunlight. Preferring instead the comfort of indoor environments. Her misty grey eyes exude an air of intelligence, capturing attention and reflecting her astute nature. The color of her hair resembles an alluring aquamarine, a pleasant blend of green and blue that is reminiscent of her Minoor heritage. She favors modest attire, preferring not to reveal much of her skin, and often carries a satchel or book to keep her medical supplies within reach. Shanyrria is never seen without her glasses as relies on them to enhance her vision. Considering she is essentially blind without them.

  • Strength: 0
    • N/A
  • Constitution: 0
    • N/A
  • Wisdom: 7
    • Tech (Arctech): Stim, Antimagi, Armory, Suit, Barrier, Sanction, Gravity
  • Dexterity: 0
    • N/A
  • Arcane: 7
    • Chem: Cleanse, Experiment, Slip, Technique Parry, Revive, Berserk, Endure
  • Faith: 0
    • N/A
Common (Free)
Altalar (Native)

Life Story / Plot Hooks
  • Shanyrria is a fully mundane elf, considering magic a "cheat code" to life.
    • She does not hold the Lothar mentality, thinking that all magic is bad and should be eradicated, rather she only holds a certain distain if it is used around her.
    • She will not go after magic users. The worst she will do is cuss them out.
    • While she does use Arctech, she does not consider it to be magical in nature as it only uses magic as an energy source and not for the actual function of the device.
  • Shanyrria loves to talk about anything science or medical related.
    • She is always looking for mundane solutions to problems she is stumped on.
    • Once you get her talking about the topics she's passionate about, she may never stop and end up boring others to death.
    • She puts in a huge effort to improve society through mundane means. Whether it be through technology or alchemy.
  • Shanyrria does not believe in a centralized form of government, where very few decide the fate of many (more or less due to her upbringing).
    • While she does not actively denounce or try to take down these governments, she does have personal opinions on the matter that she will often keep to herself.
    • She feels as though she has been "living in the past" while in Regalia. And as a result she misses the Minoor Islands where to her, life is much better.
    • She tends to obey the laws of Regalia of course. As to her, she is a guest in a foreign land and must abide by their customs.
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