Archived Shakas Ideas

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High King of Damorn
Aug 8, 2014
Reaction score
I am not aware of every thread that has been posted under this section of the forums, and as such do not know every feature that has been discussed. Regardless, I will list some ideas I had for the server below, and if they aren't original, maybe you guys can let me know what the original idea looked like. I realize some of my ideas would require quite a bit of coding, but I think they would be cool all the same. Also if there are any issues/ recommendations for these ideas feel free to leave them in the comments below.

  • New way of looking at sub factions. I as a previous faction leader found the idea of forming a sub faction to be too strenuous of an idea for it to work properly. The relationship between the main and sub factions would entirely be based off of a sort of role play and the benefits would be as well. You might as well just keep everyone in the same faction. *Note* This is not referring to a large empire that has subjugated a number of lesser factions to become sub factions. However I thought it could work, and would be pretty cool, if the factions plugin was modified so that when one at least "/f f " a faction, you can at the very least see the sub factions of that main faction, or vice versa. A more intense modification could be something along the lines as there being more ranks other than recruit, member, officer, leader. You could maybe see those ranks, the sub factions', within the main factions.

  • This would be a huge edit of the current factions plugin so it is quite possible that it is virtually impossible, but I think it would be cool all the same. It would be to allow players to be in/run multiple factions, similar to a kind of joint-citizenship irl, this would allow people to not be necessarily tied to one faction. Could be helpful for someone who wants to help out more than one faction but cant atm, at least not seamlessly and not without a plethora of perm changes. Could also help out those who get urges once in awhile to start an entirely new build style, but cant without having a complete mix of styles in one faction. Some days I want to work on a dwarven stronghold, others a Maiar Utopia underwater, or sometimes just an Oriental themed city. All completely different from each other. Also this would replace the current system of managing multiple factions by simply leaving your alt account in the faction. The result would be the same just without having to spend another 20ish dollars on an alt account.

  • Way of seeing a persons total time spent on the server. Would be similar to seeing when they first started playing, but would instead would be the total amount they've spent playing on the server. This could help out determining if a person who first played three years ago is actually a server veteran or if they are just blowing smoke. The benefits of this idea seem to me to be strictly for Recruitment purposes but if there are other uses for this feel free to let me know. You could maybe check a players total time when doing /seen on them.
  • Just remembered this little bit, to have multiple cities, similar to Regalia, but different in terms of architecture and culture. This would basically be all the different world spawns, but more city like. Not quite so small. The different world spawns/cities wouldn't challenge Regalia in terms of grandeur, that is unless the RP staff decide that a Qadir city with its grand Sultanate would rival that of Regalia. The benefits of such a large change to the server would be numerous. Role play for one would benefit, it would provide a number of beautiful environments to play in with your different characters. It could split the current role play community up a bit, but at the same time it could draw new role players out, given that they had new and different outlets for their RP. IRL isn't all centered in one city, that being said, not everyone can always talk to everyone always, at least not during medieval times. Multiple cities would give the rp opportunity for reunions and travelling and moving. It would add a whole new take on the current role play experience. It would also bring a whole new take on architecture to Massive. I know of multiple people who have begun to model their faction bases in Regalian styled builds. With newer cities, would come a fresh wave of unique and exciting styles to Massive.

I did have some more ideas, but cant remember them all at the moment. Ill edit the thread with the rest once I remember them all.
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I'm scared to see how many hours I've spent on Massive... ._.'
Sub faction coding seems extraneous. Why not make a faction that has several themed bases? Yes you need prem to make portals and connect, but it's doable.

Knowing people's play time:
Well to be honest you can narrow down and infer a lot about a player by a) having prem and doing /seen and know their regal amt and b) comparing that to their behavior and comments. No that's not an easy quick command but honestly I think there are other server priorities. Anyone wanting to know their own amt of time spent can go into their own statistics menu and find that out.
I agree, I don't think some of these are server priorities by any means. Just think that eventually they would be some cool features to see in Massive at some point down the road. :)