Preserved Sheet Shae Wren

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Time, Patience, and Obscura
May 22, 2016
Reaction score


Basic Information:


  • Shae Wren
  • 48
  • Female
  • Warren Varran
  • Baskarr
Preferred Weapon
  • Claws, clawed gauntlets.
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Skill Information:

Total proficiency points: 53
  • +10 Unarmed Combat (+14 from points)
  • +20 Athletic Training (+20 from Points)
  • +5 Hunting Knowledge (+5 from Points)
  • +4 Food/Drink Science (+4 from Points)
  • +5 Medical Sciences (+5 from Points)
  • +5 Rogue Training (+5 from Points)

Vampire Mutations

Shae was infected with the Zikiel Bloodline, and is no longer infected.

Infection Status: Cured

Language Proficiencies:

  • Zcorr (10/10 Native Tongue)
  • Common (7/10 Self Taught)

Physical Stat: 30
Body Shape: Ripped
Body Fat: Low

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Visual Information:

Eye color:

  • Hazlenut
Hair Color:
  • Tan, brown, white, black.
Hair Style:
  • None
Skin color:
  • White/pink
  • Varies from day to day
  • 6ft
Weapon of Choice:
  • Claws/Clawed gauntlets.

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Personality and Abilities:
How would your character express happiness and contentedness?:
  • Facial features and body positioning is the foremost indicator of how she's feeling. Ears perked, tail lightly swaying, and a relaxed posture are all good signs that she is happy or content. Shae also is noticeably more quiet when she's happy, since she doesnt feel like she has to involve herself to be wanted.
How would your character respond to experiencing fear?:
  • In her earlier years, she would have simply frozen or fled. But after years of experience in combat, service in the army, and facing many horrifying trials in Regalia, her response to fear is to take apart whatever threat she's faced with logically, and figure out her next best course of action. In the process of doing so, she often remains silent and still, waiting until necessary to move.
How would your character react to experiencing stress?:
  • Shae is always flooded with panic at first. She has grown in a way where she is used to letting higher ups handle the stressful decisions, while she simply acts as the means to execute commands to her fullest ability. So when faced with stress herself, it takes her a while to calm herself. Once calm however, she faces it as she would facing fear, taking it piece by piece and figuring out a solution. Answers are what she looks for in trying times.
How does your character view Law and Authorities?:
  • Having started as a criminal in her younger years and serving as a guard in her later years, she has a great understand of the law and the authorities from all points of view. She sees both as ultimately good, but not without its flaws. She will always show respect for those in power, however is entirely aware that corruption and racism is what still drives them, and in her own thoughts, often distrusts them. She knows having guards is necessary for any proper society to flourish, but she does not let that excuse what she considers to be needless brutality.
How does your character feel about races other then their own?:
  • Shae has never been one to discriminate. While she still holds resignation towards elves, even for them she will try to give the benefit of the doubt. With this in mind, she still much prefers her own race and sees them as slightly better then others if just based on physical ability alone. This doesn't change how she treats others, but it does make her far more open and trusting to Varrans then any other race.
How does your character feel about religion for themselves, and other faiths?:
  • Religion has always been a very touchy topic for Shae, mostly because in the past, its gotten her into some horrible situations for her having done as little as a whisper. She's been arrested on accounts of heresy multiple times, for things she never even said or did. Because of this she is incredibly wary of any group associated with Unionism. And because of this fear, she often lies and claims to be unionist, having memorized everything she would need to be convincing. But in the privacy of her own home, she is a faithful follower to Baskarr. She has no issues with any other faiths so long as they do not require that others be harmed or enslaved.
How does your character feel about the arcane and magical in the world?:
  • Shae is of the belief that in any area of life, there will be good and there will be bad. While there are some exceptions to this, she believes magic to be the same. She believes both the magic and the people with it are capable of good or evil, and tends to judge them as individuals before assuming the worst just because they wield magic or have connections to the arcane. She does not fear the unknown, and has a great curiosity for it, mostly due to the fact that she knows she will never be able to use it herself. Not that she'll let anyone else know that.
How does your character feel towards their family?:
  • Towards family, be it by blood or by bond, Shae is fiercely loyal. She's caring, protective, and never too busy to lend a hand to those who have earned her love. Most people never recognize the fact that so long as Shae feels appreciated and loved, there is nothing she wouldn't do for them.
What is your character the most proud of about themselves?:
  • By any stretch, her prowess in battle. She's by no means the strongest, or the biggest fighter. However she is resourceful and creative, always using the area around her to even out the playing field and even give her the advantage. While she has no recognition for her combative feats within the city, very few have ever beat her in combat, including among nobility. She doesn't often boast of it, but the battlefield is a second home for her.
What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?:
  • Despite the many setbacks she's faced, at the end of the day, she's known enough people and always has friends there to remind her that she is more then capable, and has what it takes to be successful despite all the obstacles in her way. Her name has been dragged through the dirt, destroyed and rebuilt multiple times, but she knows that no matter what they can say about her, no matter what lies they make up, she has her actions to speak louder then their words, and continues to push forward for those who will come after her. Everything she does, she does in hoping she'll pave the way for any other Varran following a similar path.
What is your character's biggest fear?:
  • Enslavement. Shae is a character who lived during the times of Varran enslavement, and looks back on those days in horror. She faced a lot of pain, torture, war, and ridicule to achieve citizenship. She never wants to think that enslavement could ever be a possibility again, but its still a fear in the back of her mind.

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Birth - Child hood.
  • Shae was born the daughter to an unknown Corsair warlord and an unknown mother.
  • She was raised by the lower priestesses of Ssil alongside many others, an eager and fairly kind little kitten but rambunctious all the same. She was a very bright Varran and took an interest in basic studies and literature, mostly because she was inspired by the intelligence of the priestesses who raised her.
  • Growing up as a young child she was aware of who her father was, and while she never made an effort to find or get to know him, she was proud of the potential she had to fight. When not studying she spent her days on the docks, doing menial labor and learning to sail from people willing to teach her in return for free work.
Adolescence - Young Adult.
  • Life carried on but as the years passed Shae never lost her passions. Up until she was 23 she worked on the docks to make a living for herself. During that time she was still saving up to go to a school, she opted to do pit fights to learn combat as well as make a few extra money off bets.
  • Her hard work and efforts to save eventually paid off, and by the next year she had enough to attend her chosen school. She booked a ship and continued to travel across the water to go study at the school of Lecgaen.
  • She spent seven years studying there, though always visited back home whenever she could, holidays and so on.
Adult - Present.
  • Shae eventually graduated the School of Lecgaen at the age of 30. Eager to return home she began her sail back home.
  • Her sail was interrupted by a ship of slave traders. And upon hijacking her ship, she was taken hostage.
  • She was eventually sold to noble family who designated her the prize of a an extravagant hunt. She managed to flee from the hunting grounds and being nowhere near home, she fled to Regalia to hide.
  • By the time she arrived Regalia had become the only safe place to hide from the bone horrors. Having no choice, she settled in and made a life there.
  • By the time she had the chance to return home, she had too much to leave to behind. She chose to stay in the city and continue the life she had started.
  • During her many years living in Regalia, she's grown to respect imperial culture while still growing to love her own culture and her kin all the more. She serves faithfully in the city to this day, wishing to earn her place through work and dedication, both in the Ailor and Varran world.

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Peer review time!
I'd recommend doing the following things:
  • Shift the alignment of the application to the left, rather than having it centered.
  • Un-bold most of the application besides the titles/subtitles, etc. So leave the 'Name', 'Age', etc., bolded.
  • Expand on the main ambition. Maybe go a little more in depth, so it's easier to understand from a reader's perspective. Power in what? Loving what? Does she want to be loved, does she want to love more?
  • Proficiencies! Please state how many points she's started out with to begin with, so put "35 Proficiency Points", then list off her abilities. It'll make it easier to read and a bit more organized, in my own opinion. Also, since your character is below muscular, you will have to redact five of ten points spent in unarmed wrestling.

Total Proficiency Points
: __
Proficiency after having learned School of Lecgaen: __
+__ Unarmed Wrestling (+__ School of Lecgaen , -5 from Body Build)
+__ Unarmed Fighting (+__ School of Lecgaen)
+__ Acrobatics (+__ School of Lecgaen)
+__ Medicine (+__ from Points)
+__ Sneaking (+__ from Race Benefits)

Do the same for your Cultural points!

Total Cultural Points: __
+__ in Cuisine Cooking (+__ from Points)
+__ in Literature (+__ from Points)
+__ in Vocal Music (+__ from Points)
If you are adding more points into the abilities that already have +10, just add the number of points you are adding from your own and put "+__ from Points" within the parentheses.

I'll leave the rest up to the reviewer! Good luck making these changes, if you wish to!
Peer review time!
I'd recommend doing the following things:
  • Shift the alignment of the application to the left, rather than having it centered.
  • Un-bold most of the application besides the titles/subtitles, etc. So leave the 'Name', 'Age', etc., bolded.
  • Expand on the main ambition. Maybe go a little more in depth, so it's easier to understand from a reader's perspective. Power in what? Loving what? Does she want to be loved, does she want to love more?
  • Proficiencies! Please state how many points she's started out with to begin with, so put "35 Proficiency Points", then list off her abilities. It'll make it easier to read and a bit more organized, in my own opinion. Also, since your character is below muscular, you will have to redact five of ten points spent in unarmed wrestling.

Total Proficiency Points
: __
Proficiency after having learned School of Lecgaen: __
+__ Unarmed Wrestling (+__ School of Lecgaen , -5 from Body Build)
+__ Unarmed Fighting (+__ School of Lecgaen)
+__ Acrobatics (+__ School of Lecgaen)
+__ Medicine (+__ from Points)
+__ Sneaking (+__ from Race Benefits)

Do the same for your Cultural points!

Total Cultural Points: __
+__ in Cuisine Cooking (+__ from Points)
+__ in Literature (+__ from Points)
+__ in Vocal Music (+__ from Points)
If you are adding more points into the abilities that already have +10, just add the number of points you are adding from your own and put "+__ from Points" within the parentheses.

I'll leave the rest up to the reviewer! Good luck making these changes, if you wish to!
Ah thanks! Still new to this format so I needed this! <3
Make all the edits suggested by BirthFather in RED and tag me when done.
@Walrusaur_ All edits have been made and put into red. Dark red for the sake of my eyes.
You have 10 proficiency points left to spend. If you are intentionally opting to not spend them please confirm this, if this was unintentional, add +10 to any skill in the same red and tag me when done.
@Walrusaur_ I put changes in blue.

She has attempted to join the Aspect of Domination, Order of Survival.
Added said event to her backstory.

Did an entire rewrite. If you could look it over.
(Tfw page dividers arent the same color as the page...)
Remove mention of Dahrin Priestess, proficiency points are good.
Review time! @flareskies

-Please mention under life story her vampiric infection and how this is influencing her as a character, what sort of traits has this had on her as a person in personality? Becoming a vampire is and can be a pretty big thing in general progression. Elaborate more on its effect on her, how does she feel about authority and the guards she works with? As vampirism usually makes a person lose respect for figures of authority!
@Caelamus Added section to life story as requested.

I only didnt put it in because it was something thats happened In Rp on server. Im not changing her history or anything.
@Staff Roleplay Why is this rejected? The character is still alive unless there is an issue with formatting?
Idk who's reviewing me at this point so @Staff Roleplay I believe i've fixed it up.

I know her body build score is higher but I dont want her to be a muscle god. (If thats okay)
@flareskies Claiming this as it's been lost in the several pages of updated apps.

  • +10 Unarmed Combat (+14 from points)
  • +20 Athletic Training (+20 from Points)
  • +5 Hunting Knowledge (+5 from Points)
  • +4 Food/Drink Science (+4 from Points)
  • +5 Medical Sciences (+5 from Points)
  • +5 Rogue Training (+5 from Points)
Your top bullet point is marked as 10 but labeled as +14 in the parenthesis. When totaled by non-parenthesis numbers, your points amount to 49. Please correct this as you see fit.

Make your edits in a different color and tag me in a reply once you're done.