Archived Shadow Meld Trait

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
Now, I am sure this has been suggested before, but I did not feel like going through every recent feature and idea discussion thread, so here it is. Shadow melding trait.

In the lore, there is shadow magic. It allows to to go into the void for "easy" travel for a short while. My idea on how to incorporate this into a trait is as follows.

Idea 1: Teleporting you to the an empty End on only barrier beneath you. No end stone. There would be agroed endermen all around that you can't attack. You travel 1:1 in the over world.
Pros: Looks cool and gives reason to be wary of using it.
Con: Probably very difficult to code and may cause lag.

Idea 2: Giving you a strong blindness effect and spectator mode for only a few seconds.
Pros: Much easier to , (I did something similar with command blocks in a few minutes) simpler, and much less taxing on your frame rate.
Cons: Less flashy, no reason not to use it, and it would be hard to tell who is hacking to be invisible and flying or using the trait.

Now, I was told that these won't be easy to code, and require 1.8 to be out. However, I thought that I would take it to the forums for all of you opinions on the idea. This would be great for thieves.

The main issue is keeping people out of where they don't belong.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
A thread was made for this very recently, I am sure it is on the first page still. You may say you don't want to scroll down a little to see a thread, but others don't want to see a hundred trait suggestions. Finally that isn't the way the staff want magic to be like, the magic plugin will make most magic traits irrelevant. So there is little point putting all this work into one trait if a new plugin is being made to create magic that will work better.
I think it's a very creative and neat idea but I don't see something like that being implemented any time soon.
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