Archived Shadow Meld: Invisibility Effect

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Firework Salesman
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Algaron, North West Deandroc
While reading catcat's post on ideas for new forms of shadow magic, (
A thought occurred to me:

For the existing shadow magic form, shadow meld, what if there were a way to grant temporary invisibility (invisibility potion effect)?

Forms this could take:
- Access to invisibility potions
- Access to a specific command, only allowing use in Regalia

- It could make for some cool RP! It adds a new level of realism to RP for all characters involved!
- The invisibility effect already exists, presumably making this idea easier to program

- If not prevented via coding, this ability could potentially be used for an unfair advantage outside of Regalia, or within during special events (festivals, competitions, etc)
- As with any new plugin feature, it requires time from staff to program
- It could potentially cause other magic forms to complain about not having special abilities

Overall, I think this would take time, and is more hypothetical than realistic.
However, staff, if you think this through and come up with a solution to make this possible, it would be a fun and unique feature!

Like I said, I've already acknowledged that this idea is not practical, so please keep your lists of why this would not work to yourself :)

Interested to hear thoughts on this though!
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Sounds interesting but I think magic should either be RP or a plugin, not in the middle. Also, it doesn't really apply to shadow meld as it only makes the person invisible. Maybe if a new specialization of shadow magic was introduced it would apply. Magic is just a subject so big that it is almost impossible to fulfill it using plugins.
Er. Well.. Honestly I don't like the idea of a plugin. I think it could be easily abused. Like..

Noob: "Oh well I'm a Shadow Mage so I can travel to shadows ANYWHERE!"

Reality: "Come out whatever Shadow is near their entry point"

Then like..

Noob: "I'm a vampire AND a Shadow Mage! So I can turn invisible!"

Reality: "Traverse the Shadow Plane." You aren't invisible..

I think it'd be cool if it wouldn't be abused, and honestly? There's no way that's going to happen.
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