Preserved Sheet Severine Rhylovas

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capturing hearts with a butterfly net.
Sep 23, 2016
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.・゜゜・ ・゜゜・.
Severine Rhylovas

"the unambiguous"


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"delightful things occur in the aftermath of chaos"
-r.h. Sin

°。Basic Information°。
✾Full Name: Severine Vielsola-Lyraesil Rhylovas
༻Known Aliases: Helemar​
✾Age: 112
༻Birthday: August 24, 194 A.C.​
✾Gender: Female
✾Race: Central Altalar
✾Sexuality: Doesn't matter.
✾Special Permission: Salvation Arken Exist Silven​

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"once you meet someone, you never really forget them."
— spirited away

°。Skill Information°。
✾Total points: 70 (+20 from Altalar Boosts, +20 from Crystal Muter, -8 from Parlor Magic)
༻+30 Musical Arts (+10 from Altalar Boost, +10 from Crystal Muter, and +10 from points.)
༻+25 Rogue Training (+25 from points)
༻+15 Literary Arts (+10 from Crystal Muter, +5 from points)
༻+10 History Knowledge (+10 Altalar Boost)
༻+10 Religious Knowledge (+10 from points)
༻+6 Linguistics Knowledge (+6 from points)
༻+6 Alchemy Sciences (+6 from points)​
✾Body Shape:
༻Physical Stat: 7 Literary Arts (rounded down from 7.5)
༻Body Shape: Toned
༻Body Fat: Low​
༻Common (Free language)
༻Plains Elven (Learned from tutor)
༻Modern Altalar (Main parental language)​
✾Special Traits/Spells/Mutations:
✾Ring of Power:
༻Deity: Asc'tea​
✾Silven Muters:
༻Crystal Muter
༻Weaving Sight Muter
༻Changeling Muter​
✾Parlor Spells:
༻Saying dust

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"you are, i think, an evening star; the fairest of all stars."
— ?

°。Visual Information °。
✾Eye Color: A silver with a light blue limbus
✾Hair Color: A warm platinum
✾Hair Style: A let-down look with loose braids crowning her head.
✾Skin Color: A cool alabaster.
✾Clothing: Various luxurious styles paired with a plethora of religious jewelry as well as her ring of power. Though overall, it varies from diguise to disguise.
✾Height: 6'3''

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"she was otherworldly and vaguely threatening."
— ?

°。Personality and Abilities °。
✾First Paragraph: Severine is a peculiar case of an aloof expression and utmost enigmatic personality. As a woman of many different names and faces, her behavior is quick to change but she retains two key traits: compelling grace and eloquence. Temperate, persuasive, and charming in her very own way, she is a master of grand subtlety. That's only one side of the coin however, for you can catch her as a woman filled with wicked fervor.

✾Second Paragraph: Severine's mind is constantly working towards perfection, spawning a widely-known side effect called arrogance. Whether it be her musical instrument's pitch, slice of throat, or her own inner turmoil, she is bent on control and prowess. The woman's strengths lie deeply within persuasion and effortless sway, all to achieve her own vision of harmony. With a century of experience as an ever-improving phantom, a strong amount of corruption has festered within her power-hungry heart to the point where her alignments to everyone which aren't her kin are quick to turn fickle.

✾Third Paragraph: Strong relationships have always been an area of struggle for the woman, for the circumstances in which she places herself in hold no room for permanence. And instead of lasting, deep connections, she resorts to muses. Objects of inspiration and brilliance are who Severine surrounds herself with, and the same goes for romantic relationships. In regards to family, she finds herself between a rock and a hard place. The interactions are certainly strained, but she finds herself obligated to treat them well.

✾Fourth Paragraph: The existling finds no reason to pick a side between good or evil, hero or villain, or even the free people and the government (with the exception of her family). She has always been one for herself, and Estel. Considering her many forms, Severine does as she pleases, and seeks to one day have individuals follow her as well. She is a woman which overcomes, and most often than not-- the ends justify the means.

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"you want battle? i'll give you war.
— erin hunter

°。Life Story °。
Birth and Adolescence
⋟ On the brisk morning of August twenty-fourth, 194 AC a silver-eyed babe was born to a wealthy scholar family in the Allorn Empire.​
⋟ Her aberrant status was an enigma, for her mother wasn't known for leaving the golden spires of her beloved city. From what is gathered, Salvation played an advisory role to the woman before and during her pregnancy and his prolonged presence had festered in the form of an Arkenspark. Quickly abandoning his post as soon as the consequence of Severine had rolled in, the toddler would never know the name of her Arken parent.
⋟The first of what would be three, her affliction was more celebrated than not, and the highest expectations would soon befall her wheat-haired head. In result, her childhood was filled to the brim with study.
⋟At the age of ten, her Crystal Muter had manifested, and a sudden surge of musical and literary talent had overcome the existling. Her many tutors had noticed this inclination to the creative arts and helped Severine weave her spark into a flame. The girl picked up her first instrument, a flute, in the same year.
⋟And for a decade, her routine was largely the same. Growing up a coddled, intelligent girl, Severine seemed like a fine heir, but what lay on the inside largely varied. She wanted control over her own life, to not be dictated by others-- and that is where escapism in religion and literature came in to soothe her.
⋟When the Altalar was twenty, her Weaving Sight muter was formed. A game of Marcus Polos lead to it's accidental discovery.

Coming Of Age and Beyond
⋟ Her thirtieth year was one that would be ingrained in her memory for centuries to come. Not only did her final muter manifest, but she would also receive her ring.​
⋟The moment she turned this magic age, she set out to complete her ring-earning journey. Visiting the shrines was by no means easy, but the end result was more than worth it in her eyes. When her feet first dipped into the mirror pools, the woman felt a surge of fulfillment. It was right, it was meant to be, and the deity she had chosen was Asc'tea.
⋟Returning from her venture, her faith had strengthened fervently. With obsessing over her deity and the two abilities which she could only view as blessings from the Pantheon, this would mark the start of her descent into madness.
⋟It was a constant battle between guilt and what she believed to be destiny, so she began to practice all the grim witchery in secret.
⋟Though, a certain solace had cured all the blame she would receive for abandoning honest study in exchange for the fervent and macabre practices which called to her, and that was the birth of her two younger siblings. They donned what would start to become a family signature: Silver eyes.
⋟It wasn't her place to interrupt their growth into immaculate visions of the heir she failed to be, therefore she stepped back in their development. Leaving a figurehead of what could've been, the example with which they would grow up with was absent.
⋟With her spiral into becoming more of a phantom than anything else, her opportunity to leave her homestead was nigh. So, in the spring of her forty-seventh year, she set out to travel throughout the Allorn isles once more.
⋟A tale of stupendous adventure then ensued, but the most prominent aspect was meeting a different type of tutor than she was used to. Stumbling upon a wizard's hut on the most secluded of highways, her curiosity beckoned for a pitstop.
⋟Who stood inside could only be described as a product of fairytale: an Allorn woman with long, golden hair and robes embroidered with golden yarn. Going by the name of Helemar, her enigmatic nature would only reflect the person Severine would soon become.
⋟Under her mentorship is how the young existling would form her moral conclusions, which started and ended at ritualistic worship. Encouraged to continue her practices and skewed zealousy, she studied under Helemar for fifty-three odd years and gained skills ranging from magick to forgery.
⋟When she parted with her dearest mentor, Severine returned with hands full of the wrong type of magical knowledge. Astute and wicked, she was a strange mutation from the girl she left as.
⋟A peace had been reached, however. Shame and estrangement couldn't escape her but with an ability to create racial glamours, she was able to keep her previous, regal persona in the compound which was her homestead. Her oddity peeked through at times, but the facade of normalcy lifted a weight from her family's shoulders. Her glory was saved with musical talent as well.

Regalia and Present
⋟ Several years later, she decided to accompany her siblings in the journey to Regalia. She felt outcast there whilst they found fitting roles, but her curiosity about the city was ever-present.​
⋟She would stay there until a brighter avenue of Eotor shone into her view. Founding an organization named The Estellanar, she adopted a fitting moniker as well; Helemar.​
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Given that she is a silven, I would like for you to include the circumstance of her conception, considering that you make no mention of her parents.

Done & done! Life story additions are accompanied by a highlighted point. ('')
