Archived Set Time

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The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia
Staff member
Mar 22, 2013
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Does anyone think that there should be a set time for server restarts (or resets) or some kind of message posted about this?
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I am a full prem. I agree with this idea. Perhapse every 2 hours the server restarts? Or just kicks everyone (that was non-prems can get on)?
Having set restart times would be both good and bad for non-premiums getting on the server. Everyone would know when to try to get on, so they wouldn't spend/waste as much time trying to get on. On the other hand, the success rate of getting on at restart will go down as everyone will know when the restart will happen, so there will no longer be any reward for persistence, and the people who were already on would have just as much chance of not getting back on, making it much harder to maintain continuity in role play and pvp situations.

The fact is that restarts need to happen to correct problems and do updates. As the people doing these things are volunteers, it doesn't make as much sense to make them wait for the next scheduled restart, when restarting when needed will allow the server to run better and save the mods time.
Having set restart times would be both good and bad for non-premiums getting on the server. Everyone would know when to try to get on, so they wouldn't spend/waste as much time trying to get on. On the other hand, the success rate of getting on at restart will go down as everyone will know when the restart will happen, so there will no longer be any reward for persistence, and the people who were already on would have just as much chance of not getting back on, making it much harder to maintain continuity in role play and pvp situations.

The fact is that restarts need to happen to correct problems and do updates. As the people doing these things are volunteers, it doesn't make as much sense to make them wait for the next scheduled restart, when restarting when needed will allow the server to run better and save the mods time.

'Restarts' happen at set intervals to decrees lag. 'Updates' happen when ever they need to update. Nothing is added to server in a 'Restart'
Infact restarts have nothing to do with lag. They happen every four hours to save the worlds and make a backup of them.
We close down the server for updates. Outside the schedualed restarts.[DOUBLEPOST=1365198690,1365198622][/DOUBLEPOST]But if you are sneaky you could time the restarts, they occur as i said on schedual so its the same hours inbetween them :P
We close down the server for updates. Outside the schedualed restarts.[DOUBLEPOST=1365198690,1365198622][/DOUBLEPOST]But if you are sneaky you could time the restarts, they occur as i said on schedual so its the same hours inbetween them :P
Are they scheduled or do they occur after each other? Last time I did a rough measurement I got it to be 5hrs in between two restarts, making the time different from day to day (1hr offset each day).
Everyone keep your information to your selves about the restart. If we post it here all the randoms who did no work will know and that will not really be fair to us. I may or may not have already worked out the exact time between each restart and tested it to prove it works(bandit).
Everyone keep your information to your selves about the restart. If we post it here all the randoms who did no work will know and that will not really be fair to us. I may or may not have already worked out the exact time between each restart and tested it to prove it works(bandit).
I believe in freedom of information so if I would have the numbers I would publish them :)
I believe in freedom of information so if I would have the numbers I would publish them :)
If I published them everyone would know the time of the restarts and would have done no work towards it, if they want the information they can spend the time to work it out.
As we speak I am actually working on the excel doc which has all the restart information. When it is finished I'll think about handing out copies.[DOUBLEPOST=1365368691,1365368656][/DOUBLEPOST]
Not really, I'm premium at the moment.
Fair enough.[DOUBLEPOST=1365369546][/DOUBLEPOST]If there is a restart in 3 hours and 40 minutes (10:40 GMT+10) then I know I worked all the data out properly and it will be safe to publish some of it.
Ah how excelent
I may not be able to check if there is a restart my self so if there is one at the time I predicted can someone post it here. If there isn't can someone also post that and I'll have a look at my calculations.
Checked it my self, calculation's were correct.
It restarts every five hours, so timing is kinda off :/
Actually not exactly 5 hours, and you don't have to use a stop watch you can just record them time it restarts then record the next time it restarts. And by doing a bit of math you can work out the time difference. I was told by Cay that updates also reset the restart clock so my predictions are incorrect as there is no way to calculate when updates happen.

BTW i recorded 5 hour and 2 minutes between restarts
Actually not exactly 5 hours, and you don't have to use a stop watch you can just record them time it restarts then record the next time it restarts. And by doing a bit of math you can work out the time difference. I was told by Cay that updates also reset the restart clock so my predictions are incorrect as there is no way to calculate when updates happen.

BTW i recorded 5 hour and 2 minutes between restarts
I wrote a small script that pings the server on a given interval, so I will be able to work out the average time between restarts.
Is it maybe possible to display a timer showing how long it takes till the next restart? (ofcource not the manualy ones) So that people who can't get on the server during the busy hours can lookup on the site how long it takes to the next restart and then join when the restart is over? This may ease the fullserver problem a bit. :D (but only till sharding is compleet, for i dont think wel need it after :p)
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