Server Restarts?


This is the Elf I play.
Sep 19, 2014
Reaction score
When are they; need to know cause of corrupted chunk keeping me from playing?
There will be a server restart when Cay can restart the server.

'til then, if you hop on TS and message me I can drag you out of the affected server.
Uh crap I think it's... I really have no idea i know Eastwood faction is there.... that's about it.
Still giving me the same error.. let me restart the game again.

I restarted and it worked ya so it was the land the faction is at. Though I am unsure which one we are in.
I'm having the same problem. What is the TS I should be using? Or can someone just TP me out of Mags f home to wherever a working server is?

Jackmo_Jones if you guys didn't know by now.


Thanks in advance for any help given.
@Razorshawl You said EastWood. Just remember not everyone kinows where EastWood is. FYI it is in New Ceardia.

@EveryoneElse The wiki says, it takes Cayorion half an hour to wake up in the middle of the night and restart the servers. So my guess is that in most cases it will not take longer than that. (Bue he does have a life and stuf so it can take longer)