Archived Server Intro Book

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Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Off the Grid
Insidian Supremacy
Ok... so the idea as basic as it sounds though it'd take either a little bit of coding and someone taking their time time to type all the basic info that a new player will need to know about the server, or a bit of coding and the typing of the very same information. Though upon a player's entrance into regalia they're given the basic pop up link for the starter's guide some people just don't like clicking links, and if you play other servers, the majority of links that pop up chat channels that have the server's name are what you normally dismiss as advertising and you rarely click said links. To our newly joining players I'm afraid that this might be the case or that they simply don't want to take the time to read the wiki page dedicated to helping them start out.

The only fix to this issue, that doesn't require a large room filled with a ton of signs detailing the server and how to start out, that I can see, is to provide newly starting players with a book detailing the basic information of the server maybe even in a bit more detail than the "starter guide" link that they're linked to upon entering Regalia(basically more detail, about the commands, rules, and the different parts of the server, than the first page of the "starter guide" wiki page). Heck, I don't really see an issue with allowing older players to obtain a book like this if they're returning to us after some time away. Maybe just put a Quest villager at spawn that gives out "Starter Books" so that everyone can grab some for faction usage.

Basically the influx of new players that have no clue of how to start out and have been wandering aimlessly around Regalia until someone bothers to help them, has been bothering me; not in the fact that they're any sort of annoyance, in the fact that someone actually has to step up to help them understand the basic features of the server as if there isn't a proper intro that they receive upon joining detailing the bare basics. Sure it's their choice if they choose not to click the link and explore the server's features, but quite a few of the new comers just leave when no one bothers to help them.
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What about the newbie quest? What does that do exactly? And I'm seriously asking this because as an older player who had a different experience, it's hard to tell what new players go through and what they see upon entering the server and as such it's kinda hard to suggest changes. I feel like it'd be nice for anyone to be able to repeat whatever a new player goes through just in case they need to review something or for us to be able to suggest changes.
What about the newbie quest? What does that do exactly? And I'm seriously asking this because as an older player who had a different experience, it's hard to tell what new players go through and what they see upon entering the server and as such it's kinda hard to suggest changes. I feel like it'd be nice for anyone to be able to repeat whatever a new player goes through just in case they need to review something or for us to be able to suggest changes.
The newbie quest reviews the chats. Explains how to enter/switch channels. It explains the factions worlds. And it gives you food/iron armor/money to start.
The start region provides a starting guide and the server itself has 3 different quest oriented intro tutorials. I don't think this third layer of information is necessary.