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Servals Den Closed For Repairs


Aug 18, 2022
Reaction score
A Partial Statement was put out on the exterior of the Servals Den.

To The Customers of the Servals Den or Even Friends,

The Servals Den will be closed for an undetermined amount of time.
The Den was attacked by a cart, its entire first floor is burnt and all furniture as well is ruined.
I ask those in the community to please be on guard incase this happens again.

I will not hide what happened. While I was preparing to open the Den and talking to a fellow worker as a few customers had entered to place orders. We were talking when a cart could be seen coming driving from the direction of the Mercenary Keep at full speed. I only saw it when it was too late and the cart crashed through the Den. There was a fire after the flames were put out the entire first floor is completely destroyed. I will to work with others to get the Servals Den back to working conditions.

Any who want to donate some coin to help rebuild the first floor or even come and help with repairs I would greatly appreciate it.

Zolo Baker Vovznak

(OOC: Expect maybe a fun little clean up event next week as well as Re-opening)