Preserved Sheet Serllientessz Nanssianzza

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Resident Sad Corpse Man
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
Roleplay Guilds
Regalian Engineer's Guild

"Who knows? I might get a kick out of it."


Basic Information

✥ Full Name | Serllientessz Nanssianzza
✥ Age | 55
✥ Gender | Male
✥ Race | Slizzar

✥ Preferred Weapon | Dagger [Fast Blade Combat Skill]

Skill Information

Points | 60 (55 Age + 5)

Combat Proficiency Category

6 Fast Blade Combat Skill
Criminal Proficiency Category
6 Dexterous Rogue Skill
6 Stealth Rogue Skill
20 Burgling Rogue Skill
Knowledge Proficiency Category
4 Magical Knowledge
Sanguinology Pack
4 Society Knowledge
Western Culture Pack
Arts Proficiency Category
10 Theater Arts (10 Hobby Points)
Body Proficiency Category
4 Athletic Training
10 Perception Training

Body Shape

Physical Stat | 8 [Capped at 25]

Athletic x 1/2, Fast Blade x 1
+4 Athletic, +6 Fast Blade
(4 / 2) + 6
2 + 6 = 8
✥ Body Shape | Athletic
Body Fat | Average


Zasta | Parent language
Daendroque | Free language
✥ Kathar Elven | Free language
Common | Free language

Special Abilities & Mutations

✥ Slizzar Racial Abilities

Natural Form | Racial Shift
Mobile Form | Racial Shift
Mimic Form | Racial Shift

Complete Form | Racial Shift
Sensation Surge | Racial Spell
Slizzar Bonding | Racial Spell
Slizzar Colluding | Racial Spell
Keystone of Sassrakkand | Racial Spell

✥ Vampire Mutations | Doughall Bloodline | Inactive (Vampire Brood)

Immortal Aging
Blood Collaring
Choice Mutations

Mountain Hardening
Mountain Healing
Mountain Seasons
Mountain Shifting
Blood Mutations
Doughall Body
Doughall Functioning
Doughall Appearance
Doughall Empowerment
Group Mutations
Dance of Renewal
Dance of Drowzy


Visual Information

✥ Eye Color | Rainbow-opalescent
✥ Hair Color | Dark sea green
Hair Style | To shoulder blades, loose
Skin Color | Blue and white scales
Clothing | Either none or whatever
his last complete form wore
Height | 5'7" | 170 cm

Serllien's scales are almost an ombre in how they are colored, starting at white all around his face and being colored with light blue and teal around the shoulders while making it to a dark blue by the end of his tail. Dark sea green lines adorn his back and the top of his tail in horizontal stripes, all about a foot apart from each other and five centimeters thick.

Personality & Abilities

Core List

Alignment | Lawful Evil / Neutral Evil / Chaotic Evil

Serllien methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life between the Slizzar. He plays by the rules without mercy or compassion and is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule but is willing to serve. Other than this, Serllien finds himself at an impasse between the evil alignments. He finds enjoyment in killing and such and pays close attention to what other Slizzar are doing around him. He cares not for law put in place by any other than his own race, and he keeps their codes strictly. Otherwise, he does whatever he can get away with and is out for himself, pure and simple. He thoroughly enjoys (and revels in creating) chaos in situations where he can watch from the sidelines but often hates to be in the midst of it with no way out. In these times, he evaluates whether or not he can take control of whatever is going on; if he cannot, he will leave the situation (if he can) to crash and burn on its own.

Personality Type | ENTP | The Debater / The Visionary

"An odd juxtaposition arises with Debaters, as they are uncompromisingly honest but will argue tirelessly for something they don't actually believe in, stepping into another's shoes to argue at truth from another perspective."
ENTPs are often described as analysts. They like to be both mentally and verbally challenged as well as enjoy debating and playing the devil's advocate. They prefer activities and pursuits that stimulate their intelligence and can be open, very charming, and good communicators.
ENTP Strengths | Knowledgeable, quick thinker, original, excellent brainstormer, charismatic, energetic
ENTP Weaknesses | Very argumentative, insensitive, intolerant, can find it difficult to focus, dislikes practical matters

Religion | Nessrassian / Void Worship

Nessrassian | 9/10
Serllien was raised on the values of Nessrassian since he was born and follows them to this day. When he was a child, he was often informed of the resemblance he held to the image of Vailess, the Snake of Power, due to his scale coloration. He became interested in this certain Ssepston and eventually came to follow it, believing in her ability to control others from behind the scenes of major events. He absolutely loves to mess with the minds of others even if nothing in particular calls for it it, and he takes the act of doing so in important situations almost to something of an art form.
Void Worship | 8/10
While Serllien stayed in Daendroc during the Chrysant War, he gained his alias Levay Quicedo. As a half Kathar, he took part in Kathar society and learned much of their culture, part of that being their religion. It appealed to his already slightly warped ideas of power as well as hedonism, and Serllien took to the Kathar religion of Void Worship quite easily, keeping it since as a secondary religion and developing a very strange view of how he considers the Figures of Godhood and their places and power in relation to each other.
Life Story

Serllientessz Nanssianzza was born in the city of Sassrakkand on May 28, 252 AC, to two Slizzar parents, one a Vampire that gave way to his being a Vampire Brood. He was taken care of for one year until he was sent to the House of Mentors to be raised thereafter. At the age of six, he was assigned a Mentor by the House of Mentors, and strangely enough, he was assigned a Mentor barely eligible to be one, Zzayiz'ssizrallidilu'rikazsko. His Mentor was sixteen years old when he was assigned to Levay, only a decade older than him, though the pair left Sassrakkand soon after.

They then traveled to the more Allar-dominated areas of Hadar and settled in Osstissa, Serllien taking on quite a few Allar forms while Zzayiz stayed consistent in their Zu-Allar form. Serllien and Zzayiz stayed in Osstissa, Serllien causing chaos and Zzayiz doing their best to keep him under control. During their years of tutelage and learning, Zzayiz and Serllien traveled to all the nations in Hadaria, as well as some areas of southern Daendroc, Oldt Era, and Corontium, including but not limited to Ceardia, Zemlith, Yervonth, Talamoor, Daenshore, Caslin, Andalon, and Bastierra.

After Serllien made it clear to his mentor that he did not want to necessarily learn their preferred set of talents and skills, Zzayiz decided that they should take a prolonged visit up to Daendroc to visit a few family members of Zzayiz's as well as expose Serllien to new skills to take up, and so at the age of twenty-six, the pair moved up to Daendroc to live there for a total of six years. At the age of thirty-two, he and his Mentor moved back and lived in Osstissa.

In 286, when the Chrysant War started, Zzayiz decided to sign up and join the war efforts. Serllien, age thirty-five, however, decided against doing the same despite whatever his Mentor might have thought. After moving to Daendroc, Serllien took up a form fitting that of someone living in Daendroc and proceeded to live there until recently. However, assuming that his Mentor was dead because of the casualties he constantly heard of because of the Chrysant War, he continued to live without Zzayiz but had plenty of grief concerning their memory. At the age of fifty-five, Serllien resolved himself to moving to the City of Regalia to continue on his self-indulgent work there.
Last edited:
@apath Added racial abilities and inactive vampiric mutations as well as changed brood bloodline-specific eye color in red!