Preserved Sheet Seraphina Von Der Ebene

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Points: 60
+20 in Blades Combat (+20 from Points)
+10 in Athletic Training (+10 from Points)
+10 in Unarmed Combat (+10 from Points)
+10 in Statesman Knowledge (+10 from Points)
+5 in Musical Arts (+5 from Points)
+5 in Food and Drink Science (+5 from Points)

Physical Stat: 40 - Muscular
Body Fat: Extremely Low Body Fat

Daendrocian (Fluent)
Modern Elvish (Fluent)
Common (Fluent)
D'Ithanie (Fluent)
Leutz-Vixe (Fluent)
Alt-Anglian (Fluent)
*Cough* Linguistics *Cough*
  • I'd like you to include Seraphina's Avanthar racial Proficiencies in her list; these are innate, and cannot be excluded from the listing.
  • I'd like you to change Daendroquean to Plains Elven as Seraphina's parent language, as she is an Avanthar.
  • I'd like you to expand Seraphina's Stress and Magic & Arcane entries in her Personality & Abilities, including what exactly can stress her, and why this causes or how this is related to her overworking herself, as well as what exactly the "good" intentions of a magic user can be, and why she believes magic to be a cheap way of fighting.
Mark your edits in red and @tag me when you're done. Happy editing!