Archived Seperate Currency

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May 2, 2015
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
I'm super tired when I'm writing this so if it sounds crazy... thats why

I've noticed a lot of roleplayers specifically who don't tend to have the time to earn regals like the survival players. Mainly because their game play really doesn't give you any regals at all. All money comes from the survival world.

But what if there was a second currency, that was used to rent places in Regalia.. you could get that for free from the charity NPC... and you can't convert them to regals.

This would fix the flooding in the regal economy and it would allow the roleplayers to rp without having to darkroom or other things to get money

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'm somewhat in disagreement of this.

The big issue I have is that it encourages RPers to never even step foot in a survival world, essentially making the PvP/RP gap even larger than before. This can be a bit discouraging for those few who so both survival and RP.

Another issue I see is that while this solves rental upkeep, it doesn't translate over to building materials. RPers still need regals for the market or *gasp* Play Survival. Not to mention that upkeep is already very reasonable, as I can pay 1000r upkeep for almost all of my regions by previously just voting and the NPC. most peeps just need 300r, which by now they could probably rent a house for 6 months.

I'ma very avid supporter of work for your money on the server. looking at balances on the server, I see both PvPers and RPers with regals to just blow away on things for no reason. Followed by a bunch of under 300r people who complain. I don't see the argument for people who say they can't make money. darkrooming may not yield that much at times, but you then can sell mob drops in bulk. Or go the RP approach and open up a place to sell things via RP merchant shops. I've made 300r just on my first day of opening a bar, with my co-workers making even more than that. It's not hard to make money.

I stand my statement that RPers should tough it up and make some money. It's fun to darkroom and you boost some mcmmo skills, which helps out a lot. Not to mention that 1 chunk for a faction provides almost infinite storage for a RPer. And it's a lot cheaper than renting a house just to store your beloved dirt blocks. For 30r, would you rather live in a small 5x10x3 hovel in the Poor district, or buy a 16x16x254 chunk in a faction world? It's a no brainer.

I look forward to the day when the NPC free money is removed and something replaces it.
Time for the unpopular opinion, lol. There's nothing inherently wrong with an rp/pvp gap, because both sides still get to enjoy themselves. The problem is the conflict between the two groups. If rpers want to rp, and not spend time in survival worlds, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. If pvpers don't want to be in Regalia, again, nothing wrong with it.
I agree, a gap is fine between PvP and RP.

But I still think there need to be some RP effort to make Regals. Beforehand, it was voting, which created excess work by having to load up a browser, fill a capcha, type in a name, and then hit vote. Tedious, yes. But the reward at the end was the goal for many. Clicking an NPC isn't that hard.

I remember when I voted and it said invalid capcha I'd think "At least I get 10r from this thing"
Now you just hear "WHY CAN'T I CLICK THE NPC TO GET MY REGALS!!!!"

I just like seeing some effort done to earn regals then just one click.
But so many times do you see roleplayers complain about having to put forth effort.
What can I say? Teaches a good life lesson to work for your money.
Ya know what

Ignore this thread

It wasnt thought out

Do not consider it

It will do more harm than good
Still, any idea is worth the thought :)
The Job Island will fix all this, there will be no more free regals you have to work for money no matter who you are.
Imo, the entire thing about bringing RP and PvP together is dumb. They are different communities with different ideas, belief systems, and views on the game. If you can belong to both, good for you. If you can't, stop this daydreaming about a big merger between the two. There is no legitimate reason to bring them together. So yes, I'm all for the idea of a PvP currency and RP currency.
Imo, the entire thing about bringing RP and PvP together is dumb. They are different communities with different ideas, belief systems, and views on the game. If you can belong to both, good for you. If you can't, stop this daydreaming about a big merger between the two. There is no legitimate reason to bring them together. So yes, I'm all for the idea of a PvP currency and RP currency.
He said it better than I did.^^^^
Imo, the entire thing about bringing RP and PvP together is dumb. They are different communities with different ideas, belief systems, and views on the game. If you can belong to both, good for you. If you can't, stop this daydreaming about a big merger between the two. There is no legitimate reason to bring them together. So yes, I'm all for the idea of a PvP currency and RP currency.
I still love how the alternative to mindless grinding of mobs will be mindless grinding of quests...I'm with ya bro...

Stab me for saying bro...
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