Preserved Sheet Senna Ardelander

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Jul 13, 2019
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Basic Information
Full Name: Senna Ardelander
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Race: Ailor - Heartland (Hinter Calemberg) and Central Altalar
Sexuality: Pansexual, with a leaning towards women
Preferred Weapon: Her fists, Ol' Lefty an Ol' Righty

Skill Information
37 Proficiency Points to spend from age, since my character is 32​
  • +10 Body care (from Points)​
  • +10 Unarmed Combat (from Points)
  • + 5 Visual Arts (from Points)
  • +10 Linguistics (from Points)​
  • +2 Medical Sciences (from Points)​
26 Physical Body stat
Athletic Body Shape
Average Body Fat
  • Common (Learned at childhood)​
  • Modern Altalar (Learned from Father)​
  • Plains Elven (Learned via Linguistics)​
  • Kathar Elven (Learned via Linguistics)​

Basic Info (Expanded)
Senna is new to to the capital but has lived in Hinter Calemberg for most of her Life. She has come to the capital only recently because of the passing of her last living relative, her mother, passing, and the rest of her village already having a low opinion of he, she had little reason to stick around. She has no job and no home, though hopes to remedy this soon. She is an only child, and never really knew her extended family due to her parents' union and their families' prejudices. Despite this, and the general distaste her village had for her being a Half-elven, she had a rather uneventful childhood, she roughhoused, and learned basic information of body care and medicine from a traveling Sihai Masseuse who had taken a liking to her.

Drinking Limit: 90

Elf father Human Mother
Mother: Kenra Ardelander
Father: Tai'liel Senokiir

Visual Information
Eye Color: Dark Green
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Long Kept and slightly curly, kept in a messy braid.
Skin Color: Pale
Clothing: A Blouse with skirt, Occassionally pants.
Height: 6 ft 3 in

Visual Info (Expanded)
A simple and cute face, Many piercings on her ears, most self done. She occasionally pulls her hair into a messy ponytail or similar.
She prefers nice and comfortable styles , namely in shades of red. Doesn't care much for jewelery beyond her piercings, and similarly with gemstones in said jewelery.
  • Left and Right Lobes Pierced
  • Left Industrial Pierced
  • Right Helix Pierced
  • Right Orbital Pierced
  • A tattoo of a Ruby Flower and Velheim runes meaning Health on her inner right thigh
  • A stonesung Solacrox gem on her right forearm in the shape of a star.

Personality and Abilities
Question List
1. How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?​
  • With happiness, Senna would Smile, giggle if appropriate, and would try to spread it around. When content, she wants to stay in that moment, softly smiling, enjoy it to the fullest and incredibly reluctant to let it go.​
2. How would your character respond to experiencing fear?​
  • She would shut down, unable to process and respond in the face of something incredibly terrifying and someone she couldn't face against. She would be able to move away from whatever the source of fear is, but be unable to keep a level head about it. When it comes to a fear of potential dangers, she is often guarded and somewhat snarky, although it is against her better judgement to agitate such situations.
3. How would your character respond to experiencing stress?​
  • She would
    be drained and tired, and ready to move on and doing her best to handle the situation but fail to do so. Common responses for her would include snapping at people who are undeserving and an elevated level of apathy.​
4. How does your character view Law and Authorities?​
  • Trusts them to a point, not going to actively go against them, but doesn't hold them to the highest degree, due to many being unjust or unfair. She will assist in endeavours that she finds just, but will not abide witch hunts towards peoples she feels undeserving. (an example would be a lot of the Violets opinions on Manathar)
5. How does your character feel about Races other than their own?​
  • She has no real prejudice towards any individual race; she was born Half-Elf, it lends she wouldn't judge others based on their race, since she has experienced disdain for her appearance. In the case of meeting those who she has never seen before, she will be as respectful as possible, but a certain level of curiosity will tell her to pry and ask questions.
6. How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?​
  • She believes without a doubt that there is something or somethings out there that are greater than herself, but isn't particular on who exactly, and what others believe. She still has some level of Morals, she doesn't abide the harm of undeserving, and will dislike any Beliefs that say to do so.​
7. How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?​
  • She finds it fascinating, but has little aspiration to learn about it beyond the stories. She has never seen much in the way of magic beyond wanders with some showy tricks. Many times in seeing magic that she's not seen before, her reaction is often confused curiosity.
8. How does her character feel about their family?​
  • She grew up not knowing her father, only having faint memories and stories about how he fought for his people. She misses her mother dearly, and wishes she was still around. Beyond that, she never really knew her extended family, due to prejudices.​
9. What is your character most proud of about themselves?​
  • Her Piercings, some of them were done by herself, but a few of the older ones were done by her Mentor. She realizes she probably has an excess of them in her ears, but it helps her feel more confident about them.​
  • Her unarmed skill that she cultivated throughout her childhood. Due to dealing with annoying and rude boys in her village, she learned some rough housing, but has since honed her unarmed skill through the years.​
10. What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?​
  • Finding her new home since he old one is no longer a place she can call home. She would love to be back in her childhood home, maintaining its old structure, but due to unfortunate hate, she decided to go somewhere new and find a new home.
  • Helping others where she can since she knows what it's like to fight alone. Most of her fights in life were on her own, sure her mother was around to help, but many times she couldn't. No fault of her own, she never wanted to worry her mother, but she felt truly isolated in her own Village, one of the main reasons she attached to her mentor so well.​
11. What is your characters biggest insecurity?​
  • Her Lineage, being Half-elf has brought her much judgement and little good. When she first showed up in Regalia's Capital, she constantly wore her hood to cover her ears, but eventually removed it due to the heat of the city being too much.​
12. What is your character's biggest fear?​
  • Being unable to save someone she cares about. She was unable to save her father from the arrow, even though she was barely able to walk. She was unable to save her mother from the disease that took her too soon. She is afraid of caring for someone, but even more fear of being unable to help them in a time of need​
  • Those with a power that she can't face and the desire to harm her. As much as she can try to put a brave face, she can't easily fight magic, or vampires, or anyone with a righteous authority, and it often puts her on edge.​
  • Those who seek to harm her. For all her skill and confidence in them, she is ill equipped against those who seek to truly hurt her. She often doesn't notice dangers that lurk, and has a soft spot for anyone with a good sob story, which leaves her open to many manipulative dangers.​

Alcohol, she is a lightweight, and loves Cider in particular
She also has a bit of a curiosity, so much she can be obsessed with new things she hasn't seen before, especially if its related to magic

Life Story
Ever since childhood, Senna has known unjust disgust. Many in her village in Calemberg disliked her for being Half-elven, though none were blatent with their prejudice while her mother was alive. It was the side eyed stares, the muttering and laughing behind her back. Many times the boys of the village would tease her, and she developed a knack for getting into fistfights. While trying to seek out some sort of peace in her life, she would enjoy the quiet solace that was the forest's of Calemberg. She had grown to respect the forest and its creatures, and it helped her develop the beliefs in the world she has now, such as there beign something greater, for every creature has something bigger than itself to fear, be it Predators, Hunters, or Death.

During her later teenage years, there was a traveling Sihai who had set up near town. Her speciality was massage, but practiced many talents, many that were, for the younger girl, were not to be talked about. She was beautiful and a wonderful mentor to Senna, She was the person who not only taught her basic Massage work but also gave her first of many piercings. She also taught the young girl about the various plants she would find out in the forests, along with some basic medicine using those herbs. Eventually, her mentor had left, unbeknownst to her at the time, it was because of some angry wives that had heard their husbands had been visiting her. Despite her mentor's other profession, she had learned many things and appreciates her time with the woman. Even though her mother was not too keen on her young daughter learning from the mentor, she trusted her and eventually came to enjoy the skills she had learn, especially the massages.

Eventually, it was at the age of 27 that her mother passed. At first the village was mournful and kind enough, but as time passed, they grew more rude and cruel. Each day got worse and worse; first it was just more frequent mutterings and name-calling, but eventually grew to refusals to buy her skins and left over meats and herbs. She was struggling to be able to fit in and interact that Senna grew to be more isolated then ever, rarely ever being home and going into town to avoid the people. By the time a year had passed, Senna had given up on trying to fit in with the people of her hometown and made her way to the Capital city, where she had, for a small time, found a new family and home, a peaceful life.

That is, until there was trouble with the Crimson Inquisition, and many other circumstances that forced her and her Cielothar and Kathar Lovers' leave the capital city to seek peace. They found it for a time, and Senna becoming the eventual mother of two darling daughters, but as time passed, she grew worried of her friends she left behind and a desire to see them again, she said farewell to her new family to visit the Holy City again.

Last edited:
  • 1) Racial profs dont factor into body stat. Your body stat is actually 28. You are also missing your half-race staves boost. Fix this.
  • 2) Due to lowered body stat, you cannot reach ripped. Change this.
  • 3) Extend all answers to 2 sentences, such as fear for example.
  • 4) Expand Life Story just a bit more.
Tag me @Havsbris_ and mark your changes in Blue

@Havsbris_ Done

(on a side note, for the proficiency issues, The wiki says "Keep in mind, every character can only ever have one of these boosts." in pertaining to racial boosts, so I wasn't sure if it was talking about the ones that had options, or out of all bullet points available. This isn't an excuse, just trying to bring attention to a detail that may be over looked in the Wiki, and hopefully can be rectified so in the future there is less confusion for complete newbies. Otherwise, I hope that this is a bit nicer and usable!)
Updated: Proficiencies to be align with the Update to them for Half races, and to more align with Senna's past.
Beyond that, everything else changed was superficial, Like added art, a section on Body modifications and a detail change to her hair style.