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Shelved Character Selvalos Aeval

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


holy person
Jul 15, 2021
Reaction score

Character Information

  • Full Name: Selvalos El Aeval Bel-Vashaäel Lathai
  • Heritage / Culture: Lanlath - Guardian Starborn
  • Age: 313
  • Gender / Pronouns: Masculine
  • Occult: Ordial magic.
Core Concept
Selvalos is a master swordsman, searching for the answer to his inner turmoil in the streets and arenas of Regalia. Once a proud teacher and knight, this venerable Lanlath has forsaken his titles and prestige, feeling unworthy of such until he can rekindle his pride as a warrior.

Appearance Information
Selvalos is a Lanlath of moderate stature and physique, his form's strength well-maintained in spite of his largely ascetic lifestyle. Visibly middle-aged, thin laugh-lines draw at the corners of his mouth and eyes, while his hair has adopted a smoky colour that departs its otherwise rich darkness. Across his body, Selvalos is decorated with lace-thin scars, evidence of his life's work as a swordsman and soldier. Lacking the permission to carry a sword freely, or don armour, this Lanlath roams the city in a thin shirt and long skirt, while his personal blade rests in a scabbard that is ceremonially fixed shut with twine.


Combat Style

  • Strength: 6
    • Technique Parry
    • Combat Sight
    • Steady Body
    • Concussive Blow
    • Diving Tackle
    • Shrug Off
    • Careful Fighter (Free from investment)
  • Constitution: 5
    • Shield Slam
    • Shield Bunker
    • Shield Deflect
    • Shield Snare
    • Thick Hide
    • Shield Block (Free from investment)
  • Magic: 3
    • Magic Snare (Free from heritage)
    • Magic Smog (Free from heritage)
    • Magic Resist
    • Magic Reduce
    • Magic Bolster
All Characters can speak Common.
  • Common
  • Altalar

Life Story & Plot Hooks
  • Though born in Lathan to an enobled family, Selvalos rebels against expectation by focusing single-mindedly on sword training with his grandsire, from whom he derives his middle name.
  • Leaving the comforts of his homeland at an early age, Selvalos endures gruelling training in a small temple to Leyon in Maartasil. Here, he earns his first standard of perfection.
  • Before his master's passing, Selvalos is instructed to journey Aloria to further hone his skills with a blade and become worthy of inheriting the title.
  • For years, Selvalos travels through the remains of the Allorn Empire, accepting all challenges to his martial prowess.
  • At the dawn of the first century of the new age, he is reunited with a former pupil of his master, who challenges Selvalos' right to inherit the title. Together they journey to Charossa to try at Ammuloa's standard of perfection by engaging in a duel to the death. Selvalos is the solemn victor.
  • Now rightfully a master, Selvalos relocates to Amontaar, where he opens a training hall. For many years he serves the city as a teacher, but grows disatisfied, not finding any who meet his expectations.
  • Eventually, a young fin'ullen enters the hall, and audaciously challenges Selvalos. After handily defeating his most promising disciples, Selvalos instead offers to train her personally. The fin'ullen, named Febe, accepts and the pair embark on a warrior's pilgrimage.
  • Together, the pair train and study their faith, living an ascetic lifestyle as they journey from temple to temple - honing both their connection to the gods, and their mastery over the blade.
  • By the second century, a rift born of differing ideals between the two has grown too large to be ignored, and so Febe and Selvalos part ways.
  • After wandering aimlessly for several years, Selvalos is sought out by an emmisary of the Senleya. He swears fealty, his interest piqued by the opportunity to engage in warfare, a new horizon for him.
  • For an ailor's lifetime, Selvalos lends his blade to the Senleya, and by proxy, the Regalian Empire. His tours range from the shameful Battle of Lausitze, to the more recent Battle of Merkar'sarh.
  • Most recently, Selvalos has been "indefinitely placed on leave" from the Senleya Order, owing to his disatisfaction with his skill and unwillingness to participate in knightly duties until he resolves.
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