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Played Character Seltyr Of Alstyr |☆| The Starstruck Knight

This character is actively played.


will carry the team in roblox
May 6, 2019
Reaction score



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-"You can go faster than that! You gotta outrun me!"
[| The Excitable Student |]
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" Your drawings look like heaven to me. Such piece of art makes a lovely gift to see!
I hope one day we will share memories. You paint the world and I'll play my melodies.
Don't be afraid to try a different angle, sometimes ideas can come from looking at examples!
I'll be your guide, follow me on an adventure. We'll conquer minds and amaze the world together!


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[ Rocktronik || Stardust Speedway || Pop Rocks || Mr. Blue Sky || Running in the 90's || Kitty Phonk || Theme of Really Cool Bird ]
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It's amazing how eager he is to learn, despite the odds.
  • || CHARACTER INFORMATION || to note his basic information. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • « CHOSEN NAME » | Seltyr of Alstyr in the province of Kintyr.
      • Simplified to | Seltyr of Alstyr.
      • Preferred Title | Ser.
      • Occupations | ❝I love what I do! I want to learn more & more to help my Order.
        • » Knight-Captain of the Aelrrigan Order. Member of the Hechiceros Chapter.
    • « RACE » | Half-Asha.
      • Affinity | Arkenborn of Loyalty.
      • Lineage | Silontaar.
      • Culture | Neferu, while having Breizh influence.
    • « AGE » | Twenty-one cycles.
      • Birthday | August 19th, 290 A.C.
      • Sign | Leo.
    • « GENDER » | Male.
      • Pronouns | Strictly he & him.
      • Preferred Terms of Address | Masculine. Mister, brother, husband, et-cetera.
    • « SEXUALITY » | Not thought of.
      • Preference | No preference.
      • Relationship Status | In a relationship.
    • « OCCULT » | Seltyr is an Arkenborn of Loyalty & a Mageborn.
      • Alignment | Exist.
  • || CORE CONCEPT || to note his personality. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • RELIGION | Nehet, please guide me.
      • Overall Outlook | Seltyr is a devout Baskarr faithful, wholeheartedly believing in the concept of Ma'at & the pantheon of their Gods. He has a particular fondness for Nehet and any iconography relating to the moon & stars due to his Magic taking after such. While the Arkenborn is a Baskarr Faithful, he is equally capable of learning of other faiths to tackle the morals of their Faithful & Baskarr Faithful if he has to, due to being a part of the Hechiceros Chapterhouse of the Aelrrigan Order.
    • IDENTITY | ❝Cavalry's here!
      • Who am I? | Seltyr is a Knight of the Aelrrigan Order & member of the Hechiceros Chapterhouse. He's enthusiastic & very excited about learning all that he can, whilst being disciplined thanks to his brief training at Penn Carchar. The Loyaltyborn strongly believes in reformation & rehabilitation for the Afflicted & criminal Mages that seek it, and will advocate on their behalf as if he was fighting for himself. Despite his excitable & compassionate nature - he is an Arkenborn, and deeply struggles to come to terms with his status even in the present, and has some inherent resentment for what he is.
        • MBTI Type | ENFJ-A | The Protagonist.
        • Alignment | Lawful Good.
        • Enneagram | The Idealist | 1w9.
  • || VISUAL INFORMATION || to note his appearance. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • TYPICAL APPEARANCE | ❝You must take risks in order to get somewhere, or stand out.
      • Oddities & Mutations | Seltyr's most abnormal features are ones he gains from his Arkenborn & Silontaar ancestry: Neon blue glowing stripes & similarly colored fur, as well as traits manifested from his status as both an Arkenborn & Mageborn. He has neon cyan streaks in his jet black hair which glow. His stripes that streak across his cheeks glow very much softer in comparison. He has star-shaped freckles, which are barely visible.
      • At a Glance | Seltyr stands at a height of five feet & nine inches, possessing a warm yet pale complexion marred with glowing stripes & dusted with darker star-shaped freckles. His hair is wavy, messy & shoulder-length, worn down and uncommonly in an updo. His strands are colored a jet black with prominent & vibrant cyan-colored streaks within them. The halfling has catlike ears that sprout from the top of his skull, colored a darker yet brilliant blue with tufts on the tips of them. His tail is colored black with a cyan puffball, having the same colored stars speckled on that furred appendage. The Arkenborn has pawpads on his fingertips, his upper palms & on the balls of his palms. Commonly, he's seen in any manner of blue attire, or when performing duties befitting an Aelrrigan Knight - he's in his uniform, a suit of armor with a cloak donning the Hechiceros Chapter's symbol.
    • SUMMARY OF APPEARANCE | ❝Quitting is not an option for me!
      • Eye Color | Glowing pristine silver, with a vibrant cyan ring framing the iris & around his slitted pupil.
      • Hair Color | Cold black with neon blue streaks - the blue faintly glows in the dark.
      • Hair Style | Worn down, combed through yet messy. It only slightly meets his shoulders.
      • Skin Tone | Warm yet pale, marred with dark stripes & dusted with darker blue freckles similar to stars.
      • Clothing Style | Varies, but most of the time is modest, loose & always has some shade of vibrant blue.
      • Height | 5'9", or 175.25 cm.
    • Art Album | Current Profile




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" Don't you know I'm still standin' better than I ever did?
Lookin' like a true survivor, feelin' like a little kid!
And I'm still standin' after all this time - Pickin' up the pieces of my life -
without you on my mind! I'm still standin'!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
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Who really cares? 'Cause it's your life!
You never know, it could be great!



  • || COMBAT STYLE INFORMATION || to note his prowess in combat .ೃ࿐ 》
    • Attack Stat is Dexterity, and Defense Stat is Magic.
  • || PROFICIENCY INFORMATION || to note his skillset .ೃ࿐ 》
    • 2 STRENGTH.
      • › Building Scale Pack.
      • › Steady Body Pack.
    • 0 WISDOM.
    • 7 DEXTERITY.
      • › Ranger Tag Pack.
      • › Ranger Wallop Pack.
      • › Ranger Blur Pack.
      • › Ranger Cover Pack.
      • › Ranger Splash Pack.
      • › Soft Landing Pack.
      • › Hook Shot Pack.
    • 0 FAITH.
    • 5 MAGIC.
      • › Magic Revive Pack. [FREE, Legacy of Magic]
      • › Adapt Safeguard Pack. [Magical Variant]
      • › Magic Warp Pack.
      • › Magic Resist Pack.
      • › Magic Isolate Pack.
      • › Magic Smog Pack.
  • || HOBBIES & TALENTS INFORMATION || to note his talents .ೃ࿐
    • MAGIC TALENT: Seltyr's magic is Exist-aligned, and he was born with a sparkling of Magic thanks to his status as an Arkenborn.
    • TECHNOLOGY HOBBY: Seltyr enjoys making various devices for everyday flair, rather than needlessly using magic.
    • ATHLETIC HOBBY: Seltyr is a Knight, and trains himself to keep in shape. By extent, he's willing to train others.
  • || LANGUAGE INFORMATION || to note his languages. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • Native Languages | Breizh.
    • Learned Languages | All around.
      • » Fluent | Deshawi, Ibeth, Common, & Sign Language.
  • || ABILITY & MECHANICS INFORMATION || to note his powers. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • Aelrrigan | Seltyr is a Knight-Captain of the Aelrrigan Order, & a member of the Hechiceros Chapter.
      • » Hechiceros Mechanic | Can target one Ally in Emote Range, and make one Spell that is Sinistral, Radiant instead once per day. May prevent Limit-Breaking.
      • » Privilege | Self-generates 1 Divinium or 1 Artifactspark per month that does not stack up & does not carry over into other months.
    • Baskarr Faithful | Seltyr is a devout Baskarr Faithful.
      • » Divine Mechanic | Gains access to Living Metal. If he should die before it is his time, then he's transported into the Living Metal & creates a new body.
    • Arkenborn | Seltyr is one of the many children of the Loyalty Arken; and manifests traits befitting of his Sire.
      • » Arkenborn Traits | Can be any Race, age or appearance. Must have Exist Arkenborn eyes.
      • » Optional Traits | Can have heavy aesthetic emphasis on the starry night sky and the dark moon, fog, & star constellations.
        • » Mechanic One | Current declared Temple of territory is the Baskarr Temple near the Regalian Park.
        • » Mechanic Two | Current list of allies with the Enduring Ally Enchant is in a spoiler in the Miscellaneous section.
        • » Mechanic Three | Those with Enduring Ally Enchant gain +1 Defense Stat fighting alongside Seltyr.
    • Race | Seltyr is predominantly Asha, and belongs to the Silontaar Lineage.
      • » Free Packs | Magic Revive, & choosing to not purchase the Second Free Pack.
      • » Mechanics | All Silontaar Asha Mechanics.
    • Mageborn | Seltyr, due to his ancestry & status as an Arkenborn, was born as a Mage aligned with the Exist.




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" I know a lot of people, I'm a superstar! Everybody knows me,
Right from near to far! I got a plane,
I got a plane -
I love the fame,
I love the fame -
You know my name,
you know my name!
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You don't know much about his past, if at all.


  • || PLOT HOOKS || to note his background. .ೃ࿐ 》
    • DAY TO DAY: Commonly seen things.
      • » Seltyr is a part of the Hechiceros Chapterhouse of the Aelrrigan Order. He welcomes ideologic discussions & tackling the morality of Faithful & their faiths. He holds his faith in Baskarr as of this moment. If your character is morally grey, you are especially welcome to speak with him.
        • › Due to his faith, he is more positively inclined towards other Asha, whether they be full or half. He will especially try to reason with them if they have done anything illegal - such as being Afflicted or designated a Renegade Mage.
      • » Seltyr is commonly seen around the City, mingling with all sorts of faces. He rarely if ever treads within Crookback's bounds, preferring to keep out of that Borough in particular.
      • » The half-Asha is a scholar, and favors theories revolving around magic. He much prefers to talk someone's ear off in a healthy discussion - or learn as much as possible from his elders in the Aelrrigan Order. He absolutely loves learning & taking notes of what he learns, as well as having discussions. While he has experienced a lot in such a short time, he would not trade these experiences for the world & considers being indoctrinated into the Aelrrigan Order the best thing to have happened to him.
      • » Seltyr considers himself skilled at giving advice - so Mages are especially welcome to reach out to him, or individuals seeking remedies for their issues. He promises no judgment! Or - well, minimal judgment...
      • » Seltyr is a sponge for learning anything & everything - whether that be as a scholar, or an authoritative figure. Though, this also makes him a notorious snitch, and he will deliver what he's seen to other Aelrrigan Knights.
    • BACKGROUND: A past shadowed in a deliberate layer of mystery.
      • » It was obvious from a mere glance at his appearance - that Seltyr's birth was an issue in itself. It's unknown why an Arken chose that woman, after all. His hometown is Alstyr, in the province of Kintyr, and he has two childhood friends - a Silontaar Asha, and an Ailor who is now a Brakin.
        • › His mother was a Breizh immigrant by the name of Noranne; who immediately took note of his Arkenborn eyes & Silontaar heritage after his birth. After being doomed into poverty thanks to something outside of the family's control, Seltyr was raised by her in a very abusive home with two half-siblings, but one fateful day changed everything.
        • › A traveling Aelrrigan Knight plucks up a malnourished & young Seltyr from the streets, and indoctrinates him into the Order. Seltyr considers her more of a mother than Noranne, and he refers to her as 'Dame Ytelia'. Ytelia is the main one who loosely educated him about Estelley, with Mana as her patron.
        • › Seltyr, at first, began training at the Penn Carchar Chapterhouse. He transferred to the Hechiceros Chapter after some years, due to falling in love with the Hechiceros' jobs rather than what Penn Carchar was tasked with. He is extremely passionate about his cause, further fueled by the calamity he has seen firsthand both at Penn Carchar & in the Holy City.
      • » Despite his eager & excitable nature, he is similar to the Knights that have trained in the Penn Carchar Chapterhouse: Rule-bound, and disciplined. Despite this, he prioritizes compassion & rehabilitation to Mages, especially those designated as Renegade.
        • › This means if your character is morally evil & you would like a redemption arc, he is your guy to chat with!
        • › This also means he has a soft spot, and can have his kindness exploited for nefarious purposes. Keep in mind, everyone has their limits.
      • » Seltyr is obviously an Arkenborn, but doesn't like to disclose his Sire. Other Arkenborn are encouraged to speak with him, especially those seeking rehabilitation.
    • MISCELLANEOUS: Small facts.
      • » Seltyr absolutely adores the Sixth-Mage Knight, Rina.
      • » Seltyr loves to bake & prefers sweets over sour or salty foods.
      • » With the Allorn Magical Tier theory, Seltyr would be designated a Tier Four.

So when the world was dark, and I was lost,
The stars showed me the way, to the coast.
They guided me home, to the place I belong,
And in their light, my heart found its song.



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Get the satellite if you want to see me.
Talking on the net - I know the way you like it!

» First Paragraph « | | Regarding Law & Authority.
"I hold the law upon my shoulders along with my comrades."

› It should come as no surprise that Seltyr is a stickler to the law, even possessing a journal with a myriad of notes surrounding the law of the Regalian Empire. He actively enforces law & order with other Aelrrigan Knights, and yet, the Arkenborn knows that sometimes the law must be bent in order for the best possible outcome. Which is to say - Seltyr prioritizes compassion & communication to Occult in order to truly help them in the best way that he deems fit, which is most commonly rehabilitation. Everyone deserves a second chance; they just have to want it.

» Second Paragraph « | | Regarding Family.
"The Order is my family. I know that is corny, but I did not have much when I was a child."

› Seltyr does not have a very strong concept - or view for that matter - of family. It's obvious why he doesn't. He had a rough upbringing due to his status as an Arkenborn & being born out of wedlock; essentially being deemed the reason his family was doomed into poverty. Needless to say, he suffered abuse & neglect at the hands of his mother - and he has no interest in meeting his father. Seltyr also feels odd about meeting other Loyaltyborn; he compares it to meeting long lost estranged 'siblings' but doesn't verbalize this at all. The Loyaltyborn believes that family is defined as a group of people that provides love, support, & stability to its members - as well as a positive environment for growth. Needless to say, he considers the Aelrrigan Order a found family of sorts.

» Third Paragraph « | | Regarding Religion & Faith.
"To struggle is to find faith in what you truly believe in. I believe that with all of my heart."

› Seltyr is an adherent of the Baskarr faith, primarily paying worship to Yah - devoting most of his exorcisms & rituals towards her; so others may be granted a fragment of her clarity. Despite being faithful to Baskarr, the Arkenborn was trained to tackle the morality of other religions who claim rights to magic - & the ethics surrounding each faith in general. He is often seen cleaning other Temples and making quiet chatter with faithful of them, idly inquiring about the manners of their faith so he may learn more & more. The only faith he strongly opposes is Ordial Cultism.

» Fourth Paragraph « | | Regarding the Magical.
"Magic is a part of who I am. I know others who share the same sentiment."

› Seltyr is a son of an Arken & a Mage. As one would expect, he understands the struggles of Arkenborn & Mages, and views magic very positively while understanding that it can be used as a source of power. The Arkenborn absolutely does not favor Sinistral Magic, and does not favor Mages who use it very recklessly - but he understands that he needs to approach the Mage with a compassionate & understanding demeanor. Furthermore, Seltyr does not favor Spirits of any sort due to past interactions & his training as an Aelrrigan Knight. Spirits are demons to him, and are considered kill on sight. Seltyr is wary of Afflicted; but they are treated the same as a Sinistral Mage: Compassion & understanding, as well as speaking to them on even ground.

» Fifth Paragraph « | | Regarding Proudest Achievements.
"I am proud of a lot of things. Mostly revolving around others, though."

Seltyr considers his rank-up to Knight-Captain to be his proudest achievement as well as his excellent notetaking & organization; but he is extremely humble regarding both of these. The Arkenborn does not consider the rehabilitation of Vampires & Geists to be his proudest achievements, because in his eyes - they should be proud of themselves for taking that step. He should not claim credit over something that they decided.

» Sixth Paragraph « | | Regarding Motivation.
"No matter the odds, I will keep going. You can't catch me!"

› Ran out of steam, will be added shortly.


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  • update 12/27/23: oh yeah, i'm thinking we're back. he got promoted
    • updated proficiencies a tad
      • swapped divine antimagi for divine savior
      • swapped magic bolster for magic counter
    • general facelift of the application :J little slice of life things that include:
      • updated gender (he is just masc now)
      • updated titles
      • updated plot hooks
      • updated mbti
      • removed nicknames
    • added aelrrigan mechanics, because my ass will forget
    • added baskarr faith divine mechanic, reason cited above
    • added technology hobby. i love living metal mwah
    • swapped battle theme from peppino's sauce machine to tix blasterz. the vibes
  • update 1/2/24: what the fuck it's 2024
    • shifted to ranged build because i want to be an annoyance
    • updated name (alslyr to alstyr, i promise i can read)
    • goodbye faith pb
  • update 1/4/24: technically posted this update on the 7th but it happened on the 4th
    • extra personality section added
  • update 3/18/24: my son i miss him
    • oh u already know!
    • readded image dividers since they were sourced from discord (& therefore, broke)
    • tweaked proficiencies miniscule-y. i might add mimicry but we'll see. magic counter was outdated though and needed to go bye-bye
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  • UPDATE: March 18th, 2024
    • oh u already know!
    • readded image dividers since they were sourced from discord (& therefore, broke)
    • tweaked proficiencies miniscule-y. i might add mimicry but we'll see. magic counter was outdated though and needed to go bye-bye