Preserved Sheet Selreth Alues'ar

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Not a Robot
Sep 6, 2015
Reaction score
Stardew Valley
» Name: Selreth'thlirr li Alues'arian
» Alias: Selreth Alues'ar
» Age: 51
» Gender: Female
» Race: Cielothar

» Variant: Silver Skin Walker
» Sexuality: Unexplored
» Preferred Weapon: Staves


Points Available: 56

+10 Stave Combat Skill
+5 Fast Blades Combat Skill

+10 Bodycare Training
+8 Stealth Rogue Skill

+5 Nature Care Sciences

+15 Hunting Knowledge

+3 Lightgiver Ritualism Skill
» Selreth's skills in Lightgiver Ritualism give her access to three abilities. These are:
» She can understand and speak Olt'vven.
» She can use Olt'vven to create various ritualistic writings. These writings will light up with a silver glow when an Exist Ritualistic ability is used near them, or with the snap of a ritualist's fingers.
» She can use gem singing to attach gems to her own or someone else's body. She can also change the shape of gemstones using this ability, but they will not look like they have been cut.
+10 Hobby Points
+8 Ceramic Arts
+2 Theater Arts

Body Shape
Physical Stat: 30
Limit: 50
Body Shape: Athletic
Body Fat: Low

Plains Elven
Native Language | Literate

Fluent | Literate

Semi-Fluent | Illiterate


Werebeast Abilities
Choice Mutations

» Blackwald Walk
» Selreth can move through trees and other forms of vegetation as if they are not there, but she cannot use this ability to hide in them.

» Blackwald Dance
» Any time Selreth is hit with a non-spell attack or ability, she can make the targeted part of her body turn into a flurry of leaves and twigs. This prevents any damage, the flurry can support her weight, and the transformed part of her body will reform once the attack ends. This ability can only be used three times in an hour.

» Blackwald Protector
» Selreth can create weapons out of light that inflict the same damage as its equivalent made of steel. The type of weapon can be changed, but only once a week.

» Blackwald Pact

» Selreth has an interesting ability that allows her to make a binding agreement with another individual. With this skill, she can make a pact with someone that must be completed within a week. Both Selreth and the other individual must be present and speak clearly for the ritual to work. Any hidden aspects of the task will be revealed when they voice the details. If either party fails to complete their task, they will go blind and be unable to see for a week.

Form Mutations

» Blackwald Ravaging
» Selreth can turn her head, neck, arms, and torso into that of a brown bear with sharp claws. She gains a +10 to her body stat when in this state and can inflict further damage with her teeth and claws.

» Blackwald Deceiver

» Selreth can turn into a fox with silver, metallic fur. This form can camouflage her as long as she is unmoving. She will blend into her surroundings when she is motionless in this form and it takes 10 proficiency points in perception to be able to spot her.

» Blackwald Hunting
» When fighting, Selreth can split her body into two coyotes with metallic silver fur. These coyotes can independently attack any one person, but cannot attack different targets. Both of the coyotes in question have 30 body stat, +15 unarmed skill, and killing one forces Selreth back into her normal form. Neither coyote can also be farther than emote distance from the other.


» Eye Color: Silver
» Hair Color: Metallic Silver
» Hairstyle: Loose, with the sides braided back
» Skin Color: Tan
» Clothing: Simple tunics and trousers
» Height: 6'7"


The Basics
» Morality | Chaotic Neutral
» When it comes to her morality, Selreth falls into the realm of chaotic neutral. She is against being unnecessarily constrained or inhibited, and has a more self-centered view of things. The Cielothar believes that there is no order in life, using nature as her example. As such she tends to act on her whims. Selreth will do what she believes preserves her freedom, and she has few qualms about doing good or evil to do so. She also has a strong aversion to enforcing laws and traditions, as she only truly respects the ways of the Silver Skinwalkers.

» Personality | ESTP-T [The Entrepreneur]

» As an Extroverted, Sensitive, Thinking, and Perceiving individual, Selreth can be considered an Entrepreneur. Although, despite being an extrovert, Selreth has been known to act warily around strangers and new acquaintances. As she warms to a person, though, they may find her to be quite vibrant and whimsical, but also undisciplined and insensitive. It can also be noted that the Cielothar does not do well in structured environments. She furthermore prefers to be active and work with her hands, and will often lose interest in things that do not allow for such.

» Religion

» The Faith of Estel | Cielothar Denomination
» 2/10
» Arken Worship
» 3/10
» How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
» Happiness for Selreth is often expressed through an uninhibited and sociable attitude. She is quite responsive to others when in a good mood, and will often react in a playful or even fanciful manner. Good moods have also been known to bring out the Cielothar's idealism. As such, it is not unheard of for her to regal those around her with her fantastical goals and impractical ideas when she feels content.

» How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
» Selreth reacts to fear in a way that can be described as almost primitive and animalistic. The Cielothar often resorts to her basic senses of fight or flight when she's afraid, but more often than not ends up trying to flee. It's not uncommon to see her acting and moving in a way that can be described as erratic, if not outright crude, when she's under duress. If all possible exits are blocked or otherwise unavailable to her, then she will resort to fighting, but only if it seems to be her last resort.

» How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
» Stressful situations are known to bring out Selreth's wary side. She may seem to be especially guarded or vigilant, even around her closest friends. The Cielothar is also known to take on a distrustful and skeptical attitude when stressed, and may needlessly question others to put herself at ease. Furthermore, long and drawn out periods of stress may lead to an outburst of mischievous activity from the Cielothar as she tries to relieve some of her strain.

» How does your character view Law and Authorities?

» Selreth tends to view the law and authorities in a negative light. She believes in living a more natural existence, with few to no established rules, and instead thinks its best to use common sense to figure things out. There is, although, a notable exception to her dislike of authorities; that being elders. Selreth will respect her elders, believing that their age and experience make them a better authority than those who are simply given power.

» How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
» Due to her largely isolated and secluded life, Selreth is mostly unaware of other races. As such she has no particular view of them. The few races she knows of, such as the Avanthar, Kathar, and even fellow Cielothar, are often met with scorn from the Skinwalker. Therefore she is likely to meet the other races of the world with caution and wariness, if not outright rejection.

» How does your character feel about Religion for themselves and other faiths?
» Religion is of little importance to Selreth. The Cielothar follows an altered version of the Faith of Estel that's a mix of the Cielothar denomination of the Faith and Arken worship. She is not an active worshipper of this faith, though, and often only pays lip service to her religion. Otherwise, Selreth's isolated lifestyle has left her largely unfamiliar with the other religions of the world.

» How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
» Magic and the arcane, specifically those of the Exist, are holy things to Selreth. She was raised on the stories and myths of how the Skinwalkers came about, and as such came to worship the Exist and its inhabitants. The Cielothar views anything that seems to come from this realm with a sense of reverence, but the same cannot be said for other forms of magic. Anything that appears to come from the Void is met with disgust from the Cielothar, and she will do what she can to reject it.

» How does your character feel towards their family?
» Selreth has impartial feelings towards her family and can often seem rather neutral towards them. The Cielothar sees her family as something that can be easily replaced and is known to offer its members little respect. This is especially true for the younger members of her family, but she often gives her elders the respect she believes they deserve.

» What is your character the proudest of about themselves?

» Selreth's greatest pride is her status as a Skinwalker. She considers it a gift and believes that it makes her stronger, more powerful, and overall more capable. The Cielothar takes no shame in her affliction and views those who shun her kind with scorn.

» What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?

» Survival is what tends to motivate Selreth and shape her ambitions. While she does have some smaller motivations, her largest and most influential by far is her need to survive. As such, the Cielothar will do what she can to endure.

» What is your character's biggest insecurity?
» As far as insecurities go, Selreth has a few that crop up from time to time. The most prominent of these, though, is related to her age. Both her relatively young age, and her reverence of elders make it so the Cielothar views herself with a sense of inadequacy. As she sees it, she simply cannot shape up to those of a more advanced age and is therefore inferior to them.

» What is your character's biggest fear?

» Confinement: Selreth fears being constrained. The Cielothar values her freedom, and as such frets over losing her ability to choose. The Cielothar will do what she can to maintain her freedom, even if it means sacrificing another or resorting to physical violence.
» Losing her Identity: Another fear of Selreth's is losing her identity. Her time in the city has shown her a world that is quite different from what she imagined, and part of her fears getting lost in it. The Cielothar specifically fears becoming something she does not see herself as, and has been known to act defiantly if she believes her identity is at risk.

Birth | 256 A.C

» The child who would be known as Selreth'thlirr li Alues'arian was born on November 29, 256 A.C into a deep-land Cielothar community.

Childhood | 257-269 A.C

» Little is known about the first month of the Cielothar's life, or her family, as she was selected to be given to the Silver Skinwalkers. As such, she was left on the borders of the deepland walds on the winter solstice and later claimed by the Skinwalkers.
» The little Cielothar proved to be a bubbly child and developed a preference for working with her hands at a young age.
» Around her tenth year, her caretakers began to teach her various skills that took advantage of her preference. These included lessons in pottery, and how to identify plants.

Adolescence | 269-285

» As she continued to grow, a small tragedy struck the community of Skinwalkers. One of their hunters fell in the field, and a replacement was needed. This replacement was chosen to be Selreth, in part due to the mutations that the young Cielothar had begun to develop. As such, she began to learn how to hunt, sneak, and fight.
» As her skills developed, she began to venture away from her village under the supervision of an elder. It was during this time that she truly began to develop her skills in sneaking and even participated in her first hunting trip. Although, she also began to show some more defiant tendencies that were quickly quashed.

Adulthood | 286-Present

» Upon reaching her thirties, Selreth was introduced to the skill of Lightgiver Ritualism. The amount of studying involved proved to be too tedious for the Cielothar, though, and she abandoned the pursuit after a few years.
» Otherwise, Selreth's adult years mostly consisted of her carrying out her duties as a hunter. She also participated in a few child-snatchings, often acting as a guard to protect those retrieving the child.
» Around her 6th decade of life, Selreth began to bore of her life in the village. She wished for something more dynamic, and as such began to showcase her rebellious tendencies once more.
» It was not uncommon for her to venture out alone during this time, or carry out other activities against her tribe's wishes. This risk-taking behavior got her into more than a few incidents over the years, but none proved to be too serious.
» It was on one of these rebellious ventures that she overheard people discussing the city of Regalia. Returning to her village and pack, a brief questioning revealed to her a strange and new city.
» Selreth jumped at the opportunity to go to a place that seemed more interesting than her village, despite warnings from those in her pack. Assuring them she would be fine, the Skinwalker set out to experience the city of Regalia for herself.

Regalian Shenanigans
308 A.C
»Selreth arrived in the city within the first few weeks of the new year.
»The first few months were largely uneventful, as the Skinwalker acclimated herself to her new environment. Things changed in March, though, when she created a pack with a few other Skinwalkers.
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Here's my review:
  • Your formatting under Skill Information is hard to read over given the titles of sections like Body and otherwise are centered, while the rest are aligned left. Please edit this so these are more put together and less spaced out.
Fix this up, then tag me in a reply when this has been done. @CyberMo01
@MantaRey Made some changes to parts of the personality questionnaire, as well as proficiency points. I don't believe this requires a re-review, as the point change was less than 10, but I lost the tag while updating aesthetics.