Selling Regals! Trusted Seller Of 30k+ Regals


Blood and Fire...
Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score
Hey all!

Do you need regals to complete a project, buy some weapons or materials, or finish up your lore collection? Well look no further, I am selling regals!

I currently sell for $8 per 1k regals, and use the approved invoice system through PayPal, so YOU are protected while you buy regals! I've sold 30,000+ regals using this method and have ensured that each and every customer is fully comfortable and informed about each step of the process.

I'll do all the legwork creating an invoice and transferring the regals, all you have to do is put in an order and within 10 minutes of me getting back to you, it's all done, regals sent!

Just contact me in-game, here on the forums, or on discord at Oblivaify#5305.

I look forward to hearing from you!
Still selling regals, lots of happy customers going into Fall! Message me if you need anything, on the forums, discord or in game!