Preserved Sheet Selenia Roox

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Nov 1, 2022
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· Full Name: Selenia Roox

Nicknames: Sele, Selene, Nia

· Race: Life Isldar

· Age: 18

· Sex: Female

· Sexuality: Bisexual

· Eye Color: Purple and blue- a mutation​

Core Concept

· A life Isldar born to Jacerion and Estelar Roox- a perfect example of their love child. She's free spirited, wild and loud and grew up having a love for sharp weapons. Despite her noble status she's prone to cussing and shouting, but if she was reprimanded by her parents she'd listen. A daddy's girl through and through- grew up heavily spoiled and unhinged- despite being a menace to society, leans towards Aurora in Dragon worship.


· Strength: 6

Hunter Pack
Duelist Pack
Warrior Pack
Unyielding Pack
Frenzy Pack
Pursuer Pack

· Constitution: 0

Patents from Articer Pack:
Biotic Patent
Mindslave Patent
Hacking Patent

· Wisdom: 2
Tracker Pack
Scrapper Pack​

· Dexterity: 1
Disguise Pack

· Magic [Exist] :
Spell Pack: Displacing
Spell Pack: Materialism
Spell Pack: Breaking
Spell Pack: Control
Spell Pack: Illusionism

· Charisma:


Self Control
Prison Break
Chain break
Evil tongues
Arcane Wardrobe
Water Element
Fire Element
Heat Immune
Blood Element
Spark Element
Shadow element
Dark Element
Dream Element
Celestial Element
Lightning Immune

Artificer Branch: Jalidtech



· Common (Free)

· Sulvaley (Parents)

Dragon Tongue (Racial/Parents)

Appearance Information

· Selenia is 5'9 with long white hair, her body figure is sort of an hourglass except a bit more muscular and slimmer. She has freckles all over her face- though they are faint and hard to see- however her dimples are something easily seen even she she's not smiling. Her eyes are purple- but have a blue in them from a mutation. She looks like a perfect combination of her parents really- even having their horns. She's usually seen wearing a vest with a dark red blouse, and very short shorts that allow her to move easily in. She has rose earrings- and roses adorn her outfit. Her black gloves have rings over them- and again,t they have roses on them.

Life Story

· (Childhood) –

o Selenia grew up surrounded by love and affection thanks to her parents- even was spoiled by her father immensely and got away with a lot as a kid. She was a violent child, almost always coming back home from school bloody from a fight, and her first official weapon was a shiny sharp pen given to her by a family member named Oliver.

· [Adolescence] -

o As a teen her violent temper didn't get any better- however she did become...less violent in a sense. She no longer got into fights out of anger- now it was for the rush she got from fighting someone. If she were to encounter someone who beat her, she'd pester them to train her, so she'd get stronger. The older she got the more her love for blood and violence grew- but the only thing keeping her on the line of sanity, is her family.

· [Adulthood] –

o Now an adult she's fully entering noble society, so she has to keep her bloodlust at bay, which is already hard enough considering her personality. Still she loves causing trouble- especially if it leads to a fight. She likes to head into crookack in secret..causing trouble if she can.



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