Preserved Sheet Seldanna

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AKA SilentEndurance
Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Seldanna Myänthane bel-Anëlise
  • Race: Teledden Wraith Lich
  • Age: 3,744 (310 at Death)
  • Gender: Female
  • Eye Color: Pure Ordial Green
Core Concept
  • Seldanna is an ancient shade, most of her memories faded along with her legacy. Instead an almost animalistic and primal fury drives her forward. A result of her restlessness over her untimely death. As for religion, it remains mostly lost to her. Though somewhere in her broken memories she may have worshiped the Estellon Pantheon.
  • Points: 14/14
  • Strength: 0
    • N/A
  • Constitution: 0
    • N/A
  • Wisdom: 4
    • Scholarly: Affliction, Deeplore, Dimenthist, Mineral
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Roguery: Balance
  • Magic: 8 (+7 invested, +1 from Lich)
    • Spells (Ordial): Enchanting, Displacing, Casting, Thanhicism, Illusionism, Disruption, Protection, Breaking
  • Charisma: 1
    • State: Saboteur
  • Teledden Specials (7)
  • Wraith Abilities (2)
  • Wraith Specials (8)
  • Lich Abilities (1)
  • Lich Specials (3)
  • Spells:
    • Enchanted Buffer
    • Arcane Knockback
    • Arcane Attraction
    • Disrupting Rune
    • Reflection Strike
    • Link Disrupt
    • Saving Grace
    • Break Enchant
  • Greater Spells (+1 From Lich):
    • Enchanted Wall
    • Magic Bolt
    • Spirit Rush
    • Illusioned Self
  • Spell Specials:
    • All (From Lich)
  • Roguery:
    • Edgewalker
  • State:
    • Pocket Sand
Common (Free)
Altalar (Native)
Deathspeech (Undead)

Appearance Information
  • As a Wraith, she has a desaturated, and dead appearance. Her eyes are replaced with glowing green mist.
  • Seldanna stands at a rather average 6' 3" for a Teledden. Her body is thin and can be described as anorexic and skeletal. Her skin is a sickly pale, her hair a desaturated blonde. She wears it loose, waist length. Various silver jewelry adorning her body.
  • Seldanna's Wraith form resembles a billowing cloud of black smoke. Still retaining a general shape of her body. A pair of glowing green eyes permeate the mass. A sickly green grin with sharp teeth sometimes breaking through.
Life Story
  • Born millennia in the past to Teledden parents during the height of the Allorn Empire. She was raised in the traditional Teledden ways.
  • During her adolescence she took to magic, being sent to one of the many academies in the Allorn empire.
  • She aged well into adulthood, continuing to study magic. She eventually dedicated more of her life to academics, becoming a rather keen analyst with the Lessariaton Library.
  • Reaching her late adulthood she became interested in The Beyond. Turning her attention towards the realm for her studies. This drew unwanted attention from other mages who despised The Beyond, and many attempted to take her life over it.
  • One of these attempts ended up being sucessful. Her shade soon cast into The Beyond where it wandered for millennia. Fueled by her indignant rage over her death. Luckily, she managed to avoid most of the realm's entities, eventually manifesting herself into Binral through pure willpower.
  • Her desire for power drew her to one of the most popular cities. Ending up in Regalia.
Last edited:
Since Stupid Luck was sorta removed, I decided to convert that point into State Saboteur. No other changes were made.
Updated to be in line with recent undead update! You can treat this as a full re-review since I did a complete overhaul of her points!